How to put an elephant in refrigerator?????



A few days ago my niece has asked me a great riddle,


" Do you know how to put an elephant in the refrigerator?"

I was struggling to come up with the answer for a couple of minutes, before she cried:


"You should open the fridge, put the elephant inside and close the door!!"

That's it! It was so obvious! Why didn't I think about it myself?! Probably because I am a    grown up and that's what grown ups do. When trying to find solution to a problem, we usually choose the longest, most complicated and time consuming way to do it. We work so hard,      concentrating our mind on little details, estimating what can go wrong in the process, trying to predict problems that can arise in the process that we completely miss the "BIG PICTURE".

Your big goal is an elephant that you have to squeeze into a little door of reality.

How do you go about it?

You are absolutely correct! First you find an elephant (figure out what is it that you want to achieve) and then you open the door (transform your dream into a goal)!

Choose the elephant!

There are a lot of elephants in the jungles of your dreams. You need to know what your elephant looks like. Otherwise you might end up with a rhino or a crocodile......

That is why it is critical to decide exactly what you want to achieve. No one is going to give you an answer to this question. You must find an answer within.........

When choosing your big goal you need to consider how it makes you feel. Does it give you inspiration? A little thrill? An excitement? In other words, does it feel right?

 Open the door!

When you know what you want to achieve you can start working on figuring out HOW to do it.

First you need to come up with an action plan. But be flexible to change it. You don't have to have everything figured out to the little details. Just know where you're going and break your goal into smaller objectives, so you can monitor your progress.

Your plan is your route that shows you how to get to the destination point - your goal. But if there are some obstacles on your way, you can always choose another road that will lead you to exact same place. If you see only one road to your goal and refuse to make any             adjustments in your plans, you'll most likely overlook other opportunities and have to deal with a lot more problems.


Don't be afraid to fail

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."

     ~ Robert F. Kennedy

In our society word "failure" is opposed to the word "success". There's even such term as "fear of failure". In reality failure and success lie on the same side of the coin.

Our success greatly depends on the amount of attempts we make. If we increase the number of attempts we automatically increase the number of times we fail. But the more we fail, the more we learn, the better we become at what we are doing and the higher chances we have to succeed...

Don't be afraid to fail. Even if you set a big goal and fail, you'll learn something new and acquire valuable experience. If you succeed, you'll get all the benefits of your goal         (popularity, respect of others, satisfaction, higher self-esteem, financial abundance, happy relationships and so on.) However, if you don't try, you'll acquire neither....

So why not go for a really big goal, if you have nothing to lose?