Get fit, without hitting a gym ...

Kashish Grover ( CA-FINAL, CS-FINAL) (1671 Points)

09 January 2012  



Always complaining that you don’t have time to work out? Well, stop complaining because we have some tips for you to get more active in your daily life WITHOUT going to the gym.


When it comes to fitness, we all have “the grand plan” – one day when I have time I’ll join a gym, get a personal trainer, work out 2 hours a day and have a banging body in 3 months. While it’s all well and good to keep the dream alive, it’s also a good idea to get moving today and work towards that final goal of a healthier you.

We have for you some simple ways to get more active in your daily life. Ways that’ll help you burn calories and look and feel better.

Simple tips to get active!

Avoid the lift

Waiting forever for the lift is just not cool. Take the stairs instead. You’ll burn calories, avoid getting squeezed in with a bunch of strangers, and probably reach your destination faster.

Adopt a pooch

According to a recent study, dog owners walk 23,000 miles (37,000 km) with their pets in their lifetime. That’s almost equal to walking around the world! The best part is that when it comes to your pets, no late nights or headaches will excuse you from the walk. When the dog’s gotta go, you gotta go too!

Walk to your colleagues

Instant messaging may be convenient but it can also make Jack a dull boy. Next time you have something to say to your co-worker, just walk up to him or her. Those few steps of exercise will do you a world of good.

Park at a distance

Quit stressing over getting that parking spot right next to entrance! Park a little further away and enjoy your walk to wherever it is you’re going.

Walk to the neighbourhood grocery store

Yes, you have this great grocery store guy who’ll home deliver even a loaf of bread. That’s not going to help you burn any calories however. Walk down and pick up what you need yourself. And when it comes to that loaf of bread, go for brown over white.

Do some housework

It may be a good idea to give your domestic help a day off and clean the house yourself. Sweeping and swabbing make for a great workout and will target parts of your body you didn’t know you had!

Walk and talk

In the middle of an intense conversation with your best friend? Why not burn some calories while you’re at it by walking as you chat?

Go dancing

Prefer a chilled out lounge bar for an evening out? It may be a good idea to shake things up once in a while and go dancing instead. It’s fun and you’ll get a work out. What could be better?

Step out of the house at least once everyday

This is especially important for stay-at-home moms or students who’re at home mugging for exams. Make it a point to step out at least once a day, so your body gets to move and you get a change in scenery.

Use public transport

Be it the Delhi metro, Mumbai local trains or city buses, using public transport will get you moving a lot more than sitting in your car would. It’ll also save you a lot of time, making the situation quite a win-win!

Play with your kids

Run after them, roll on the grass with them and be silly with them! Kids can whip you into shape like no one else can. And if you don’t have kids of your own, borrow your nieces, nephews or neighbours’ children!

Make being active a choice

Be conscious of the fact that you need to get more active. Run up and down stairs, walk to your office pantry instead of calling for a coffee, and always keep in mind that the more you move, the better you will feel.