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Protest against icai - unite please

Page no : 5


@ Avinash 

Actually there is policy paralysis and they think if we will change - we might loose reputation...

but dont know why such brilliant minds heading institutes are not understanding that real gem /reason for their reputation is their members and their good intellect student group..

One more thing...if you speak moderation then why some companies hire 1st attempted only...why they shortlist in campus 1st attempted...

Truth is now a days most of 1st Attempted are dummies....because they study 3 years....


Can you guys see our post in popular discussions ??? and why so ?? we have lot no of replies...


venkatesh (ca Finals) (29 Points)
Replied 09 August 2014

@ Chandan have you written to PMO. HOW CAN I DO IT. PLZ TELL


Dear CCI admin we are following forum rules and not spreading any kind of thing which we are not supposed to do....

Please show our thread in public...actually we are brainstorming as to what /how can solution be found out for this problem...it is again awareness and knowledge base expansion...

Pls do not blacklist this thread...Thanks!

shruti bansal (ca student) (90 Points)
Replied 09 August 2014

I am just so frustated with ICAI and with their checking criteria...i just don't understand what they want...i couldnot clear my Ist grp coz i got only 196.... passed in all subjects but still a failure.

ICAI wants perfect answers from students but they can't provide us the perfect study material....bahut is bade hypocrite hai ICAI waale...suggested answers mein clearly mentioned hai that the answers provided in the suggested answers donot form basis for checking...then WHAT DO THEY WANT FROM US.....aisa kya likhe answers mein ki hum pass ho sake..

Verification fees for single subject is Rs.500 but our stipend rate is Rs.1000 for a month.

If articleship is so important then why dont they keep a check on dummy articles...one of my frnd is a dummy article but have cleared both grps in first attempt just because of coaching...ICAI ko wahi log chaiye jo ratte maar mar kar padhte hai....aur jo log properly 3 saal tak apni articleship karte unki value nai hai ICAI ke liye...and i don't feel proud to be associated with ICAI...

priyanka (CA Final) (51 Points)
Replied 09 August 2014

Same here....Could not able to relate Marks with my performance in exam...Totally Irrelevant.


@ Shruti Bansal 

Please write to PMO your experience ..

Hon'ble PM himself has spoken many times that untill unless you speak to me how will i get to know...

many one's have already written including me...pls do it..write to HRD as well if you feel so

Replied 09 August 2014

@ chandan bhatia please check your personal messages

Amritaa (student) (23 Points)
Replied 09 August 2014

It was my 9th attempt for 2nd group Its disgusting I prepared well,solved all test series and appeared well but didn't even got a single exemption inspite of writing good answers. don't know how to proceed further

Amritaa (student) (23 Points)
Replied 09 August 2014

It was my 9th attempt for 2nd group Its disgusting I prepared well,solved all test series and appeared well but didn't even got a single exemption inspite of writing good answers. don't know how to proceed further


@ Amrita pls write to PMO..honestly many students have already written ...and you also should share your experience...


This is due to section 39(2) of CA regulation act - which gives right to CA institute to moderate its results which it always do...

Replied 09 August 2014

@ chandan. u r right we must unite and fight against institute, in my previous attempt i studied only for 20days without expecting that i will be able to clear i got 188marks failed in aggregate,but this time i studied for 2months i prepared well i revised 3times each subject i wrote sections clauses in law and audit even i studied accounting standard well and last 4 rtp i was expecting exemption in sfm but my marks are like this way.

                 FR         SFM     AUDIT      LAW

NOV13      51           42         44           51

MAY14     26           42         40            39

even my friend revised idt for 5 to 7times he worked hard for 5months but he got such less marks and we are confused now what to write in paper and wat to study. Totally frustated

Nishant (Accounts Assistant) (378 Points)
Replied 09 August 2014

Arey , even i was quite shattered when i saw my ISCA marks just got 42 when i was quite sure of getting exemption. I had written all answers as per the institute material itself. Its really hurting. Dont know where i went wrong . Really shocked.


@ Ashok @ Raju

Pls write to PMO and also share things here...ask your connections who are agreived to participte..pls do that...

This is the only way we can speakup or let us know the other way to do it....

As i wrote earlier less study u get more marks and study more u get lesser...so where to go...it has just become hit n trial game..

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