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Articles by Sumeet Kapur

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Business Enabler - Something that we CA's need to be!!

  Sumeet Kapur    27 November 2014 at 13:35

Do not book unrealised gains but provide for all potential losses this is the most commonly taught convention of conservatism to all of us who studied CA. We follow it so much throughout our work life, that uninten

Real estate for young professionals - not as difficult!

  Sumeet Kapur    29 September 2014 at 11:00

Like many others, we all think real estate investment as something big and far away when we are in early stages of our career. No doubt it is, but it can be made much easier, if you just do some calculations around.A few thumb rules or basic facts t

Industrial Training, a comparison with working in a CA firm

  Sumeet Kapur    23 September 2014 at 16:12

In Chartered Accountancy, we put a lot of emphasis on articleship with a CA firm and there are very few students who enjoy the learnings and benefits of Industrial Training (IT). Also, the corporates miss a big opportunity to get great financial tale