What is TMT Bars and Tor Bars?

Jatin Gupta (3 Points)

15 May 2024  

Steel bars play a crucial role in the construction industry, providing the necessary reinforcement for concrete structures. Among the various types of steel bars available, TMT (Thermo-Mechanically Treated) bars and TOR (Twisted Oval Rebars) bars are commonly used. Understanding the differences between these two types of bars is essential for selecting the right material for construction projects.

Composition and Manufacturing Process

TMT Bars:

  • Composition: TMT bars are made from low-carbon steel, which enhances their ductility and strength.
  • Manufacturing Process: The manufacturing of TMT bars involves a quenching and self-tempering process. After hot rolling, the bars are rapidly cooled using water spray (quenching), resulting in a hard outer surface and a softer core. This is followed by self-tempering, where the core heat is transferred to the outer layer, improving ductility.

TOR Bars:

  • Composition: TOR bars are made from high-carbon steel, which makes them less ductile compared to TMT bars.
  • Manufacturing Process: TOR bars are manufactured by twisting hot-rolled steel bars, which enhances their strength. This process, however, can induce residual stresses, making them more susceptible to corrosion and less ductile.

Mechanical Properties

TMT Bars:

  • Strength: TMT bars have high tensile strength due to their unique manufacturing process. They exhibit excellent yield strength and ultimate tensile strength.
  • Ductility: The low-carbon content and controlled manufacturing process result in high ductility, allowing TMT bars to withstand seismic activities and dynamic loads.
  • Corrosion Resistance: The quenching process gives TMT bars a corrosion-resistant surface, making them suitable for use in humid and coastal areas.

TOR Bars:

  • Strength: TOR bars possess good tensile strength but are generally inferior to TMT bars in terms of yield strength.
  • Ductility: Due to the high-carbon content and the twisting process, TOR bars have lower ductility, making them less suitable for regions prone to earthquakes.
  • Corrosion Resistance: The twisting process can create micro-cracks, leading to reduced corrosion resistance compared to TMT bars.


TMT Bars:

  • Construction: TMT bars are widely used in the construction of high-rise buildings, bridges, dams, and other critical infrastructure due to their superior strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance.
  • Seismic Zones: Their high ductility makes TMT bars ideal for use in seismic zones, where structures must withstand dynamic loads.

TOR Bars:

  • General Construction: TOR bars are used in general construction applications where high tensile strength is required, but ductility and corrosion resistance are not critical.
  • Cost-Effective Projects: TOR bars can be a cost-effective option for projects with less stringent structural requirements.

Advantages and Disadvantages

TMT Bars:

  • Advantages:
    • High tensile strength and yield strength.
    • Excellent ductility, making them suitable for seismic zones.
    • Superior corrosion resistance.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Higher cost compared to TOR bars.

TOR Bars:

  • Advantages:
    • Good tensile strength.
    • Cost-effective for non-critical applications.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Lower ductility and corrosion resistance.
    • Higher susceptibility to residual stresses.


Choosing between TMT bars and TOR bars depends on the specific requirements of the construction project. TMT bars are the preferred choice for projects requiring high strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance, especially in seismic zones and coastal areas. TOR bars, on the other hand, can be a cost-effective alternative for less critical applications where these properties are not as crucial. Understanding the differences between these two types of steel bars ensures that the right material is selected to meet the structural and environmental demands of the construction project.

Shree Ji Steel Private Limited (formerly known as Shree Ji Steel Corporation) is a leading supplier and wholesaler of high-quality TMT and TOR bars. We provide tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of our clients in the construction industry. For more information or to place an order, contact us today.