Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 updated as on May 5, 2016 #pdf
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RBI/FED/ 2015- 16/13 FED Master Direction No. 18/ 2015 -16 January 1, 2016 (Updated as on May 5, 2016*) (Updated as on March 23, 2016*) (Updated as on February 11, 2016*) To, All Authorised Persons Madam / Sir, Master Direction – Reporting under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA) is administered through the authorised persons and is based on the declarations and averments made to them by persons while undertaking the transactions. The Reserve Bank , therefore, has prescribed various reports and forms under FEMA to be submitted by/ through Authorised Persons/ Authorised Dealer Category – I Banks/ Authorised Banks. Accurate compilations and tim ely submission of these reports are of critical importance as they not only act as a supervisory tool but also help in fine- tuning the policies relating to foreign exchange transactions regulated under FEMA . 2 . The various reports / forms required to be submitted under FEMA are consolidated under this Master Direction. 3. The Master Direction will be updated from time to time as and when fresh instructions are issued. Yours faithfully, (Shekhar Bhatnagar) Chief General Manager -in - Charge * Since this Master Direction has been significantly amended, it has been replaced rather than showing the changes in track mode for reader convenience. The changes are listed at the end of Master Direction i n any case. 2 Part Subject Page No Part I: Remittance Facilities 1) Money changing Activity 03-21 2) Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS) 22-26 3) Rupee Drawing Arrangements (RDA) 27-39 Part II: Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) 40-41 Part III: LO/BO/PO 42-47 Part IV: Foreign Investment 48-79 Part V: External Commercial Borrowing 80-100 Part VI: Non-Resident Foreign Accounts 101-105 Part VII: Immovable Property 106-107 Part VIII: Overseas Direct Investment 108-134 Part IX: Trade 1) Exports 135-144 2) Imports 145-148 Part X Guarantees 149-150 Part XI Cell for Effective Implementation of FEMA (CEFA) - Compounding 151-157 3 Part I: Remittance Facili ties (i) Money Changing Activity Authorised Money Changers (AMCs) are entities, authorised by the Reserve Bank under Section 10 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. An AMC is a Full Fledged Money Changer (FFMC). In addition to Authorised Dealer Category -I Banks (AD Category –I Banks) and Authorised Dealers Category - II (ADs Category –II), Full Fledged Money Changers (FFMCs) are also authorised by the Reserve Bank to deal in foreign exchange for specified purposes in order to widen the access of foreign exchange facilities to residents and tourists and ensuring efficient customer service through competition. FFMCs are authorised (a) to purchase foreign exchange from non- residents visiting India and residents ; and (b) to sell foreign exchange for certain approved purposes. AD Category – I Banks / ADs Category – II / FFMCs may appoint franchisees to undertake purchase of foreign currency. Prescribed Forms/ Returns: (a) Application Form for FFMC licence under section 10(1) of FEMA, 1999 (Annex I ) (b) The Reserve Bank permits AD Category – I Banks, ADs Category - II and FFMCs to enter into [franchisee (also referred as agency)] agreements at their option for the purpose of carrying on Restricted Money Changing (RMC) business i.e. conversion of foreign currency notes, c oins or travellers' cheques into Indian Rupees. They are required to obtain information from the franchisee in Form RMC - F (Annex II), scrutinise the same and keep it on record. (c) Registers in respect of the money -changing transactions to be maintained by AMCs: (i) Daily Summary and Balance Book (Foreign currency notes / coins) in form FLM 1 (Annex- III). (ii) Daily Summary and Balance Book ( Travelers’ cheques) in form FLM 2 ( Annex- IV). (iii) Register of purchases of foreign currencies from the public in form FLM 3 (Annex- V). (iv) Register of purchases of foreign currency notes / coins from authorized dealers and authorized money changers in form FLM 4 (Annex- VI). 4 (v) Register of sales of foreign currency notes / coins and foreign currency travelers’ cheques to the public in form FLM 5 (Annex-VII). (vi) Register of sales of foreign currency notes / coins to authorized dealers / Full Fledged Money Changers / overseas banks in form FLM 6 (Annex- VIII). (vii) Register of travelers’ cheques surrendered to authorized dealers / authorized money changers / exported in form FLM 7 (Annex- IX). (viii) FLM 8 (Annex- X). (ix) Monthly Statement of Purchase transactions of USD 10,000 and above (Annex XI) (x) Quarterly Statement showing summation of Foreign Currency Account opened in India out of export proceeds of Foreign Currenc y Notes/ encashed Travelers’ Cheques (Annex XII) (xi) Annual Statement of the amount of foreign currency written off during a financial year (Annex XIII) (xii) Profoma giving Information about New Directors/ Change of Directors of the FFMC / non- bank AD Category – II (Annex XIV) 5 Part I: Annex- I Application Form for FFMC licence under section 10(1) of FEMA, 1999 1. Full name of the applicant 2. Address in full 3. Name of location/s to where the applicant proposes to conduct Money Changing Business (Please enclose copies of the Licences under Shops and Establishment Act) 4. (a) Date of establishment of the company (b) Name/s and address/es of the Directors of the company 5. Copy of the Certificate of Registration (Certificate of Incorporation & Certificate of Commencement of Business) of the company 6. Copy of Memorandum of Association together with a letter indicating the clause which provides for taking up money changer's business. 7. Confidential report from the applicant's bank/s in CIR format. 8. Net Owned Funds A copy of the latest Audited Balance Sheet of the applicant company together with a certificate from their Statutory Auditors certifying their Net Owned Funds as on the date of application and calculation thereof is to be enclosed. ` 9. Declaration to the effect that the company or any of its directors are not under investigation/adjudication of any law enforcing agencies, such as DoE/DRI and also that no criminal proceedings filed by Crime Investigation Agencies are pending against the company or any of its directors. 10. Undertaking to post competent staff to handle the money changer's business. 11. Name, designation of persons authorised to deal in foreign exchange. 13. A brief write up of the activities of the applicant/nature of business. 14. Whether the applicant had applied earlier for FFMC / RMC licence. If so, the particulars thereof. 15. Any other particulars / special reasons the applicant may wish to state in support of the application. 6 We undertake that in the conduct of money changing business, we shall at all times abide by the rules/ regulations/ orders/ directions/ notifications which Reserve Bank may from time to time issue in this behalf. Place: Date: Signature of the applicant with seal Enclosures: 1 . Bankers' confidential Report 2. Attested copies of audited accounts for the past 3 years. Note: Single branch FFMCs shall have Net Owned Funds not less than Rs. 25 lakh while FFMCs intending to operate through more than one branch will have to maintain N et Owned Funds not less than Rs.50 lakh. 7 Part I: Annex- II Form RMC -F 1. Name of the AD/ FFMC 2. Name and address of the franchisee Details of locations (i) (ii) (iii) Etc. 3. Existing business activity of the franchisee 4. Net Owned Funds 5. Shop & Establishment/ other applicable municipal certification in favour of the franchisee 6. Conduct certificate of the franchisee from the local police authorities. (certified copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of I ncorporation in respect of incorporated entities) 7. Declaration regarding past criminal case, if any, cases initiated/ pending against the franchisee or its directors/ partners by any law enforcing agency, if any 8. PAN Numbers of the franchisee and its directors/ partners 9. Arrangements in place to surrender the foreign exchange 10. AML, Reporting, Audit and Inspection arrangements We declare that while selecting the franchisees adequate due diligence has been carried out and that such entiti es have undertaken to comply with all the provisions of the franchising agreement/prevailing RBI regulations regarding money changing. Place: - Date: - Name: __________________________ Designation: _____________________ 8 Part I: Annex- III FLM 1 Daily Summary and Balance Book (Foreign Currency notes/coins) Date : _________________ Pound Sterling U.S. Dollar Euro Yen Other (Pl. specify) I. Opening Balance II. Add: Purchases (i) Purchases from the public (i) Purchases from authorized dealers, money - changers and franchisees (iii)Import from abroad for replenishment of stock Total purchases Total (I + II) III. Less Sales: (i) Sales to public (ii) Sales to authorized dealers/ full -fledged money changers (iii) Despatched abroad for realization Total Sales IV. Closing Balance (I + II - III) N.B: In cases where forged notes etc. are detected, the closing balance may be adjusted with remarks indicating the amount and the reasons for writing off. Date: Name : __________________________ Designation : _____________________ 9 P art I: Annex- IV FLM 2 Daily Summary and Balance Book (Travellers’ cheques) Date : _______________ Pound Sterling U.S. Dollar Euro Yen Other (Pl. specify) I. Opening Balance II. Add: 1) Purchases from the public 2) Purchases from others (including fresh stock received) Total (I + II) III. Less :1) Sales to public 2)Surrender to ADs/FFMCs 3) Exports IV. Closing Balance (I + II - III) Pre-paid cards sold No. Amount. Date: Name : __________________________ Designation : _ _____________________ _______________________________________________________________ Note : - Stock register of blank travelers’ cheques/ smart cards in various denominations obtained from authorized dealers/ TC issuers/ other agencies for sale to travelers under Basic Travel Quota or for business visit should be maintained and balanced on a daily basis. 10 Part I: Annex- V FLM 3 Register of purchases of foreign currencies from the public Date Sl. No. Name of the tenderer Nationality & Full Address Details of Identification documents Pound Sterling U.S. Dollar Euro 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Japanese Yen Others (Pl. specify) Rate Rupee Equivalent Encashment certificate No. and date Remarks 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. NOTES:(1) If the money -changer is dealing in a large number of currencies, two or more registers currency - wise or otherwise may be maintained, as convenient. (2) If traveller cheques are purchased, the prefix, "TC" may be indicated in the amount column. (3) If more than one currency is purchased from the same tenderer, separate entries may be made. Date: Name : __________________________ Designation : ____________________ 11 Part I: Annex- VI FLM 4 Register of purchases of foreign currency notes/ coins from Authorised dealers and authorised money -changers Date Sl. No. Name and address of the authorised dealer/ authorised money -changers from whom purchased Currency Amount Rate Rupee equivalent Remarks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Date: Name : _______________________________ Designation : __________________________ 12 Part I: Annex- VII FLM 5 Register of sales of foreign currencies to the public Date Sl No Name of the tenderer Nationality & Full Address Details of Identification Document Name of the sponsoring Organisation Country/ ies of visit Purpose of visit Duration of stay abroad (No. of days) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Particulars of foreign currency notes/ coins/ TCs/ pre -paid cards Rate Rupee equivalent Commission charged, if any Total amount received Cash Memo No. & Date Remarks Name of Curren cy Amount in Notes/ coins Amount in TCs/ cards By Cas h By Cheq ue 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NOTES:(1) If the money -changer is dealing in a large number of currencies, two or more registers currency -wise or otherwise may be maintained, as convenient. (2) If more than one currency is sold, separate entries may be made (3) The columns 6 and 9 to be filled in case of release of exchange for business purpose Date: Name : _________________________ Designation : __________________ 13 Part I: Annex- VIII FLM 6 Register of sales of foreign currency notes/coins to authorised dealers/ full- fledged money changers/overseas banks Date Sl. No. Name and address of the authorised dealer/ full fledged Money changer/ overseas bank to whom sold Currency Amount Rate Rupee Equivalent received Remarks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Note: - Necessary entries in the register should be made before the funds are taken out of the premises, not after delivery of funds. Date: Name : _______________________________ Designation : ______________________ 14 Part I: Annex- IX FLM 7 Register of travellers cheques surrendered to authorised dealers/authorised money changers/exported Date Sl. No. Name and address of the Authorised dealer/authorised money changer/TC issuer/authorised agent to whom sold Travellers cheque No.(s) Amount Rate Rupee Equivalent received Remarks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Date: Name: __________________________ Designation : ______________________ 15 Part I: Annex- X FLM 8 (For FFMCs) Summar y statement of purchases and sales of foreign currency notes during the month of __________20 Name and address RBI Licence No.________ of money changer USD GBP EURO JPY Others (Specify) A. Opening balance Purchases of foreign currency notes from (a) Public (b) RMCs/FFMCs/ADs including imports. (c) Agents/Franchisees B. Total Purchases (a) + (b) + (c) Sales of foreign currency notes under (a) BTQ (b) Business Vi sits (c) Sales to other FFMCs/ADs including exports C. Total Sales [ (a) + (b) + (c) ] Closing balance (A+B - C) We hereby certify that the statement is a true and correct account of all transactions undertaken during the month in accordance with the Foreign Exchange Regulations. Place: (Signature of Authorized Official) Date : Stamp Name:________________________ Designation ____________________ 16 FLM 8 (For ADs Category -II) Summary statement of purchases and sales of foreign currency notes during the month of __________ Name and address RBI Licence No.________ of the Authorised Dealer Category -II____________________ USD GBP EURO JPY Others (Specify) A. Opening balance Purchases of foreign currency notes from (a) Public (b) RMCs/FFMCs/ADs including imports. (c) Agents/Franchisees B. Total Purchases (a) + (b) + (c) Sales of foreign currency notes under( with purpose codes) (a) (i) BTQ /(ii) Private Visits (S0302) (b) (i) Business Visits/(ii) Business Travel (S0301) (c) Remittance by tour operators / travel agents to overseas agents / principals / hotels( S0306) (d) Film shooting(S1101) (e) Medical Treatment abroad(S0304) (f) Disbursement of crew wages(S1401) (g) Overseas Education(S0305) (h) (i) Fee for participation in global conferences and specialized training / (ii) Remittance for participation in 17 international events / competitions (towards training, sponsorship and prize money)/ (iii) Remittance under educational tie up arrangements with universities abroad/(iv) Remittance towards fees for examinations held in India and abroad and additional score sheets for GRE, TOEFL etc./ (v) Employment and processing, assessment fees for overseas job applications/(vi) Skills / credential assessment fees for intending migrants/(vii) Visa fees /(viii) Processing fees for registration of documents as required by the Portuguese / other Governments/ (ix) Registration / Subscription / Membership fees to International Organizations (S1102) (h) Emigration Fees (S1202) (i) Emigration Consultancy Fees (S1006) (k) Sales to other FFMCs/ADs including exports C. Total Sales [ (a) + (b) + (c) + (d) + (e) + (f) + (g) + (h )+ (i) + (j)+ (k) ] Closing balance ( A+B - C ) We hereby certify that the statement is a true and correct account of all transactions undertaken during the month in accordance with the Foreign Exchange Regulations. Place: (Signature of Authorised Official) Date: Stamp Name: __________________________ Designation: _____________________ 18 Part I: Annex- XI Statement of Purchase transactions of USD 10,000 and above for the month of Date of transaction Name and address of the person surrendering the foreign currency Amount Currency/ TCs Signature of Authorized Official with Seal 19 Part I: Annex- XII Statement showing summation of Foreign Currency Account opened in India out of export proceeds of Foreign Currency Notes/ encashed Travelers’ Cheques for the quarter ended ___________ (Value in USD) Opening Balance in the Account Value of foreign currency notes/ encashed TCs exported Amount realized in foreign currency Of Column 3 amount credited to Foreign Currency Account Amount remitted to TC issuing organization from TCs sold/ Debited for purchase of foreign currency notes from ADs Maximum balance maintained on any day in the foreign curre ncy account during the quarter Closing balance in the Foreign Currency Account Remarks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Certified that the above particulars are correct as per our records. Name and address of the AD Category - I Signature of Authorized Official of the AD Category - I with Seal 20 Part I: Annex- XIII Statement of the amount of foreign currency written off during the financial year ended ______________ Name of the FFMC/ AD Category-II: A. Total amount written- off (in equivalent USD) : - B. Details of the amount written- off :- Sl. No. Date of write-off Amount of foreign currency (with currency - wise break-up) On account of * Approved by FFMC/AD Category -II/ Reserve Bank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total : * Please indicate whether on account of being found to be fake or forged/ theft/ lost in transit, etc. Signature of Authorized Official with Seal 21 Part I: Annex X IV Profor ma Information about New Directors / Change of Directors of the FFMC / non- bank AD Category – II 1. Name : 2. Designation : 3. Nationality : 4. Age : 5. Business Address : 6. Residential Address : 7. Educational / professional qualifications : 8. Line of business or vocation : 9. Name/s of other companies in which the person has held the post of Chairman / Managing Director / Director / Chief Executive Officer : 10. (i) Whether associated as promoter, Managing Director, Chairman or Director with any other FFMC / AD Category - II? : (ii) If yes, the name/s of the company/ies : 11. (i) Whether prosecuted/convicted for any economic offence either in the individual capacity or as a partner / director of any firm / company : (ii) If yes, particulars thereof : 12. Experience in money changing business (number of years) : 713. Equity shareholding in the company No. of shares Face value Percentage to total equity share capital of the company: : : : Signature Date Place : : : Name Designation (Chief Executive Officer) Company : : : 22 (ii) Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS) Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS) is a quick and easy way of transferring personal remittances from abroad to beneficiaries in India. Only inward personal remittances into India such as remittances towards family maintenance and remittances favouring foreign tourists visiting India are permissible. No outw ard remittance from India is permissible under MTSS. The system envisages a tie -up between reputed money transfer companies abroad known as Overseas Principals and agents in India known as Indian Agents who would disburse funds to beneficiaries in India at ongoing exchange rates. The Indian Agent is not allowed to remit any amount to the Overseas Principal. Under MTSS the remitters and the beneficiaries are individuals only. The reporting requirements are given below: a. List of Sub Agents, Overseas Principal -Indian Agent wise (Annex XV): Indian Agents should forward a full updated list (names and addresses and their location) of their Sub Agents by e -mail, in excel format , in soft form , to the concerned FED Regional Office, whenever they appoint/ remove any S ub Agent. Indian Agents should visit the RBI website and verify the list of Sub Agents on regular intervals and any aberration to the list observed may immediately be brought to the notice of the concerned FED ROs. Further, Indian Agents should confirm the veracity, on quarterly basis , of the list placed on RBI website to their respective FED ROs , either in form of a letter or by e- mail, within 15 days from the end of a quarter. b. List of additional locations : To be furnished by the Indian Agents to the ROs concerned of the FED of the Reserve Bank, under whose jurisdiction their registered offices fall, on quarterly basis , within 15 days from the close of the quarter to which it relates. c. Q uarterly statement of the quantum of remittances received (Annex XVI): To be furnished by the Indian Agents to the Regional Offices (ROs) concerned of the Foreign Exchange Department (FED) of the Reserve Bank, under whose jurisdiction their registered offices fall within 15 days from the close of the quarter to which it relat es. d. H alf -yearly statement of the collateral held as at the end of June and December every year (Annex- XVII): To be furnished by the Indian Agents to the ROs concerned of the FED of the Reserve Bank, under whose jurisdiction their registered offices fall , within 15 days from the close of the half -year to which it 23 relates. All The Authorised persons who are Indian agents under MTSS are required to make all their correspondence with Reserve Bank including submission of prescribed statements to the Regional Of fice of the Foreign Exchange Department of the Reserve Bank, under whose jurisdiction their registered offices function 24 Part I: Annex XV Format for Sub Agents of Indian Agents of MTSS 1. Name of the Sub Agent 2. Sub Agent Category (AD Cat-I bank/ AD Cat-II/ Other Scheduled Commercial Bank/ Full Fledged Money Changer/ Department of Posts/ Registered NBFC/ Others) 3. Address of the registered/corporate/administrative office with telephone number/s, Fax number/s and e-mail id/s. 4. Registered with 5. Registration Number 6. Details of Registration (papers to be attached as at Annex XV a) 7. PAN Number (copy as at Annex-XV a) 8. Name/s of Banker/s and Bank Account Number/s (enclosures as at Annex-XV a) 9. Details (Name, Nationality, Residential address, Controlling interest in any other company, PAN Number) of each promoter with more than 10% equity holding 10. Paid up capital in ` and Number of shares 11. Accounts certified by which Chartered Accountant? Details (Enclosures as at Annex-XV a) 12. Whether prosecuted/ convicted for criminal/ economic offence? If yes, particulars thereof (Enclosures as at Annex-XV a) 13. Whether the Sub Agent is solvent as on date 14. Details (Name, Designation, Nationality, Residential address, PAN No., Name/s of other company/ies in which the person has held any post, Details of equity shareholding in the company, if any) of Chairman/Managing Director/Director/Chief Executive Officer (Details as at Annex-XV a) Note: With reference to point 9, ownership of the Sub Agent should be detailed up to the last layer of equity holding ending in mentioning the name of the individual/ entity that owns beneficial interest in the company. Date: Signature of Chartered Accountant Place: Signature of Managing Director 25 Part I: Annex XV a List of Certified copies of Documents to be submitted 1. Certificate of Incorporation 2. Memo randum (up -to -date) and Articles of Association 3. Board resolution for conducting money transfer activities, submission of application and its contents including authorization of an official to make the application. 4. Details of associates, group companies, etc. 5. PAN Card/s of the Director/s. 6. Bank Account details and sealed confidential reports from banks. 7. A certificate from Chartered Accountant certifying Net Owned Funds 8. Balance Sheet and P&L A/c statement for the last three years. 9. Business plan for the next three years. 10. Conduct certificate from the local police authorities. 11. Declaration regarding past criminal cases, cases initiated/ pending against the company or its Directors by any law enforcing agencies. 12. Photographs of the Directors and key persons. 13. Informat ion about the management. 14. Shop and establishment certificate/ other municipal certificate. 26 Part I: Annex XVI Statement showing details of quantum of remittances received through Money Transfer Service Scheme during the quarter ended __________________ Na me of the Indian Agent ______________________________________ Name of the Overseas Principal Total quantum of remittances received in US $ INR equivalent Note: This statement is required to be submitted to the Regional Office concerned of the Foreig n Exchange Department of the Reserve Bank within 15 days from the close of the quarter to which it relates. 27 Part I: Annex XVII Statement of Collateral kept by Indian Agents Name of the Indian Agent __________________________ Name of the Overseas Princip al Total quantum of remittances received during the past 6 months in US $ Amount of collateral held in US $ Collateral kept in various forms (Foreign Currency Deposit/ Bank Guarantee) Last review of adequacy of collateral along with observations Note: This statement as at the end of June and December every year is required to be submitted to the Regional Office concerned of the Foreign Exchange Department of the Reserve Bank within 15 days from the close of the half year to which it relates. 28 (iii) Rupee Drawing Arrangements (RDA) Under the Rupee Drawing Arrangements (RDAs), cross -border inward remittances are received in India through Exchange Houses situated in Gulf countries, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia (for Malaysia only under Speed Remittance Procedure) and all other countries which are FATF compliant (for all other countries which are FATF compliant only under Speed Remittance Procedure) . The reporting requirement is given below: a. Application (Annex XVIII) : AD Category –I banks should apply to the Reserve Bank in the form provided at Annex XVIII with necessary documents the first time they enter into RDAs with non- resident Exchange Houses from Gulf countries, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and all other countries which are FATF compliant, for openi ng and maintaining in India the Rupee vostro accounts of those non- resident Exchange Houses. b. Statement A (Annex XIX) : This monthly Exchange House- wise statement is designed to elicit details of operations in Rupee/ foreign currency vostro accounts of Exchange Houses. This statement should be critically examined to ascertain whether funds held in the account are adequate to cover estimated pipeline debits. The Top Management of the ADs Category -I may work out the pipeline data and set their own limits and the adherence to the limits set should be informed to the Top Management on a quarterly basis. c. Statement B (Annex XX) : This is a consolidated half -yearly statement showing position of Rupee/ foreign currency vostro accounts of Exchange Houses which are to be closed/ are in the process of closure. d. Statement C (Annex XXI) : This is a monthly statement giving information regarding Exchange House’s account held at overseas branches of Indian banks under Draft Drawing Arrangement ( DDA)/ Non -DDA procedures for holdi ng collection proceeds and additional collaterals. e. Statement D (Annex XXII) : This monthly statement p rovides information about operations in the foreign currency vostro account of the Exchange House. Note - While statements A to D (Annex XIX to XXII) are not required to be submitted to the Reserve Bank, ADs Category -I should prepare these statements and cause inspections at the prescribed periodicities. The relative statements/ reports should invariably be submitted to their respective Top Management with suitable explanatory notes indicating corrective measures taken/ being initiated wherever necessary. 29 f. Statement E (Annex XXIII) : This quarterly statement on total remittances received every quarter is required to be submitted to the respective Regional O ffice of the Foreign Exchange Department of the Reserve Bank of India, under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the applicant falls before 15th of the succeeding month to which the quarter relates. g. Annual Review: AD Category -I banks should submit to the respective Regional Office of the Foreign Exchange Department of the Reserve Bank of India, under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the applicant falls by 30th June every year an annual review note covering the period January 1 to December 31 of the previous year, on the vostro accounts of the Exchange Houses maintained by them under the Rupee/ Foreign Currency Drawing Arrangements (RDAs/ FcyDAs) duly approved by their Board. The Review Note should cover various aspects like (a) credit -wort hiness of the Exchange House (based on financial statements and market reports), (b) validity of licenses of Exchange Houses and compliance of home country KYC/ AML /CFT Guidelines by Exchange Houses (c) financial losses suffered if any by the AD category – I bank on account of transactions, events, disputes, etc., (d) business turnover separately under each arrangement, (e) funding arrangements in respect of vostro accounts, (f) half -yearly inspection of the account of the Exchange House, (g) supervision ( system in vogue to monitor operations in the account), (h) internal control and risk management system, (i) overdrafts and interest collected. An extract of directions, if any issued by the Board should be forwarded to the Reserve Bank along with the Annual Review note. While submitting the annual review note, the particulars such as (a) complete particulars of Drawing Arrangements (DDA/ Non- DDA / Speed Remittance) that the AD Category -I banks have with Exchange Houses with the date of approval by RBI and o pening of the vostro accounts (b) dates of termination of Drawing Arrangements, if any (including Drawing Arrangements which could not be concluded), and (c) number of drawee branches under each arrangement should be included. Note: Authorised Dealer Categ ory I banks are required to make all their correspondence with Reserve Bank including submission of prescribed statements to the Regional Office of the Foreign Exchange Department of the Reserve Bank, under whose jurisdiction their registered offices funct ion. 30 Part I: Annex XVIII Application for obtaining permission to enter into Rupee/ Foreign Currency Drawing Arrangements with Exchange Houses (a) The application for obtaining permission to enter into Rupee / Foreign Currency Drawing Arrangements wit h Exchange Houses should be completed and submitted in the prescribed format (given below), to the respective Regional Office of the Foreign Exchange Department of the Reserve Bank of India, under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the applicant f alls. The application should be signed by the General Manager (or an officer of equivalent rank), International Banking Division/ Foreign Department of the applicant AD Category -I bank. (b) Documentation: AD Category -I banks should submit the following doc uments along with the application: (i) Certified copy of the license (English version) issued by the Central Bank/ any other Supervisory Authority of the country where the Exchange House is situated. (ii) Certified copy/ ies of license(s) issued by Muni cipal Authorities and / or any other Government regulatory/ controlling authority in the country of the Exchange House. ( Applicable to the Exchange Houses in U.A.E.) (iii) A Certificate from a Chartered Accountant, regarding compliance with Know Your Custo mer/Anti Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism norms in the home country by the Exchange House. (iv) Certified copies of confidential opinion/ report recorded by (a) Embassy of India in the country concerned and (b) two bankers of the Exchange House. (v) Audited Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Account Statements of the Exchange House for the previous three years. (vi) Copy of the Board Resolution of the AD Category -I bank for entering into the arrangement. (vii) Copy of letter from the Ex change House regarding the proposal to enter into the Rupee/ Foreign Currency Drawing Arrangement along with the provision of collateral, wherever necessary. 31 Part I- Particulars of the applicant bank and its existing arrangement (s), if any 1. Name of the applicant bank 2. Existing arrangements(s) (i) Name of Exchange House (EH) (ii) Since (iii) No. of drawee branches (iv) Business turnover for the previous three calendar years 3(a) Details of branches having multiple EH drawing arrangements 3(b) Furnish comments with regard to adequacy of internal control systems put in place at those branches. (Attach a sheet if necessary) 4. Financial losses sustained if any during last five years (April-March) (i) Year (ii) Name of the EH (iii) Amount of loss (iv) Particulars of loss (v) Ref. Nos. and dates lodged with RBI and RBI’s permission to write off 5. Financial disputes if any with EH(s) pending settlement (i) Name of EH (ii) Expected amount of loss (iii) Particulars of loss (iv) Ref. No. & dated of report lodged with RBI 6. Furnish an EH-wise summary of the major irregularities observed in the existing drawing arrangements d uring inspections by Internal Auditors, RBI Inspectors as also Overseas Auditors indicating the corrective measures initiated by the bank. Part II- Particulars of the Exchange H ouse for the proposed drawing arrangement 1(a) Name and address of the Exchange House with which the bank proposes to enter into RDA (b) Date of establishment of the EH (c) Furnish details of other Group companies of EH viz. name, management control, financial means and standing, etc. 2(a) Whether the EH has operative RDA with any other bank in India? (b) If yes, state the name/s of the bank/s 3. Furnish details of the management structure of the EH: (a) Status of EH (company, firm, joi nt-ventures, etc.) (b) With whom the management vests (c) Name, nationality and line of business of the promoters of the EH (d) Capital holding pattern (e) Whether the applicant bank will have any investment in EH? Furnish complete details (f) Whether the applicant bank will have any role in management of EH? Furnish details 4. Profit earned/loss sustained by the EH during the previous three calendar years 5. Particulars of license issued by the Central Bank/ Supervisory Authori ty of the country concerned a) License No b) Date of issue c) Validity period d) Special conditions, if any 6. Particulars of licenses issued by Municipal Authorities and/or any o ther Government regulatory/ controlling authority 32 (Applicable to EHs in UAE) a) License No b) Date of issue c) Validity period d) Special conditions if any 7. Confidential opinion in brief recorded by a) Embassy of India in the country b) Bankers of th e EH i) -------------------------------------- Name of the banker ii) ------------------------------------ Name of the banker 8. Is the applicant bank fully satisfied about a) the competence of the company/ firm/ people managing the EH b) the financial strength of the shareholders of the EH c) the financial strength of the EH d) the internal control systems operating in EH with regard to issue of drafts? 9. Furnish details of collateral arrangements negotiated with the EH (viz.. amount of deposit, bank guarantee, etc.) and the justification thereof Part III- Details of the proposed arrangement 1. Details/description of proposed arrangement 2(a) Reasons for entering into RDA (b) Projections of business turnover (quantify monthly projections) 3. The procedure under which the proposed RDA will be conducted (DDA/Non-DDA/Speed) 4. Name and address of the account maintaining Branch 5. No of drawee branches to be included in the proposed RDA 6. Whether EH is prepared to provide additional collateral cover equivalent to 7 days’ projected drawings? (Applicable to EHs which have not compl eted three years of its operations) 7. Any other information which the bank wishes to furnish in support of this application 33 We hereby certify that – i) the pro posed arrangement with…………………………………………………… has been considered by us carefully taking into account the means and standing of the aforesaid EH and we are fully satisfied about the credentials and competence of the persons/ firms/ companies associated with the EH. (ii) our branches already having DD drawing arrangements with other EH(s) and which are now proposed to be covered under the proposed arrangement with the above EH viz…………………… …………………………………….. … have sufficient expertise to handle business emanating from one more EH. iii) We have put in place adequate internal control and risk management system which are working satisfactorily. iv) The particulars given above are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. ( ) General Manager Address Place Date 34 Part I: Annex XIX Statement A Name of the Authorised Dealer Category -I: Full address: Name of the Exchange House: Particulars of operations in the account in the month of 1. Opening balance in the account (Cr/Dr) at the start of _______:_________ 2. Total credits during the month : ________________ 3. Total debits during the month : _ ________________ 4. Closing balance (C r/Dr) as on _________ :_________________ 5. Estimated value of pipeline debits : _________________ (average 15 days drawings determined by progressive annual debit summations or by item No.3 above, whichever estimate is higher) 5 a. The amount of actual payments made by the principal : _ ___________ encashing branches/offices during the last one week (for adding to estimated pipeline ) 6. Funds held abroad as collateral by the bank or under : _ ______________ DDA procedure. 7. Surplus /deficit in balances/collaterals in the account to : ___________ cover item No.5 8. State amount of counter -value foreign currency : Date Amount of recovered from the Exchange House against each specific foreign foreign credit afforded to the account during the month currency corresponding to the sale of Rupees made by the bank to recovered the Exchange House A) All payment adv ices received during the month from our paying branches have been taken into account for raising debits in the Rupee accounts of the Exchange House. B) We have received confirmation from our nostro account maintaining banks abroad for having credited counter value (foreign currency) funds to our nostro account before crediting Rupee funds to the account of the Exchange House. 35 C) We confirm that the Rupee accounts of the Exchange Houses are conducted strictly in accordance with the guidelines issued by RBI and in terms of the relative agreements with the Exchange Houses concerned. D) Copy of the statement has been sent to the General Manager -in -charge, Foreign correspondent relationship and department / Officer in Charge, nostro account of our bank. E) We c onfirm that we have not received any adverse report / warning signals from the General Manager of our International Department whose accounts are maintained by us at the time of submitting the statement. Statement countersigned by certifying that it has been internally reviewed in the bank and the conduct of the account is considered satisfactory. _______________________ _________________________ Chief Manager of the Account Signature of the General Manager –in -Charge of Ma intaining Branch International Division /International Operations in the bank. 36 Part I: Annex XX Statement B Consolidated statement of position of Exchange Houses’ acco unts to be closed/ under closure (to be submitted by the Account maintaining office through the International Division) Sr. No. Name of the Excha nge House Centre/ Countr y Openin g balanc e in the accoun t Credit s if any, during the month Debits if any, during the month Closin g balanc e Any collat eral Any other liability detecte d When the accoun t is likely to be closed Remarks (i.e. brief resume of corresponde nce to effect closure of the account and item in Col. 8) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. (a) Notice has been issued to all Exchange Houses regarding closure of the account. (b) There are no pipeline debits or items of recovery in respect of the above accounts save for what is stated in the Column No. 9. (c) The tran sactions in the accounts which are still operated are explained separately in the annexure under title name of each Exchange House (An explanatory remark sheet may be attached for the purpose). (d) The following accounts reflected above were closed during the month under review. ___________________ Chief Manager of Account Maintaining Branch Statement countersigned certifying that all the accounts reported above are under the concerned Exchange Houses have been duly suspended and closure of the accounts is being followed up ____________________________ General Manager-in -Charge of International Division/ International Operations in the AD Category -I 37 Part I: Annex XXI Statement C Monthly statement regarding particulars of Exchange House account held at overseas branches of Indian banks (ADs Category -I) Name of the AD Category -I: Sr. No. Date of Opening the account Name of the Exchange House Name of the overseas branch Nature of account Why it was opened (quote H.O. authority if any) Balance as at the end of the previous month Balance as at the end of the month to which the statement relates Outstanding liabilities, if any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 38 Part I: Annex XXII Statement D Name of the AD Category -I: _ ________________ No. of drawee branches: ___ Full Address: ____________________ Type of Account: ____________ RBI Approval No. and date: _______ Name of the Exchange House: ________________________ Particulars of operations in the Account during the month of __________ Sl No. Particulars (Amount in USD) (Amount in GBP) 1. Opening balance in the account (Cr/ Dr) at the start of the month to which the statement relates 2. Total credits during the month 3. Total debits during the month 4. Closing balance (Cr/ Dr) as on-------- 5. Estimated value of pipeline debits (Average 15 days drawings determined by progressing annual debit summations or by item 3 above, whichever estimate is higher ) 5 (a) The amount of actual payments made by the principal encashing branches/ offices during the last one week (for adding to estimated pipeline) 6. Funds held abroad either as collateral by the bank or under procedure 7. Surplus/ deficit in balance (s)/ collaterals in the account to cover item 5 8(a) All payment advices received during the month from our paying branches have been taken into account for raising debits in the USD/ GBP accounts of Exchange House. (b) We confirm that the USD/ GBP accounts of Exchange Houses are conducted strictly in accordance with the guidelines iss ued by RBI and in terms of the relative agreements with the Exchange Houses concerned. (c) Copy of the statement has been sent to the General Manager -in -Charge foreign correspondent relationship and Department/ Office -in -Charge - Nostro account of our bank. (d) We confirm that we have not received any adverse report/ warning signals from the General Manager of our International Department about the Exchange House whose accounts are maintained by us at the time of filing the statement to RBI. Chief Manager of Account Maintaining Branch Statement countersigned certifying that it has been internally reviewed in the bank and that the conduct is considered satisfactory. General Manager -in -Charge of International Division/ International Operations in the AD Category-I 39 Part I: Annex XXIII Statement E Statement showing inflows of foreign currency through Exchange Houses during the quarter ended _______ ( Amount in US Dollars) Sl. No. Name of Exchange House and country No. of branches covered Foreign currency received during last year ended December Inflows of foreign currency during current year Growth (+)/ deceleration ( -) between last quarter and the quarter under report (%) Out flow foreign currency (amount) Jan- Mar April- June Jul- Sept. Oct-Dec 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Note: (a ) In column (5) to (8) inflows during the relevant quarter may be shown for the period beginning from the month of January each year. Just below these figures, please furnish in brackets data for the corresponding period of the previous year. The data in respect of Drawing Arrangements should cover inflow of funds both through RDA and Foreign Currency Drawing Arrangement. (b) Foreign currency should be shown in US dollars only. (c) Furnish amount (+) or ( -) accompanied by an expression in percentage terms in column (9). (d) This statement should be signed by Chief of International Banking Department / Division of the Bank at Head Office, but not less than the grade of a DGM. (e) Please attach separate sheets furnishing details of deviations from the requirements as per declaration at Sr.no. (c), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j) of Para 1 of SECTION III wherever necessary. Please also indicate the corrective action taken and the current status. We hereby certify that i) The above information has been compiled with reference to actuals and excludes the transactions in the pipeline. ii) The number of branches covered has increased from _______to _______since the subm ission of the last statement in view of the following reasons: iii) The growth/ deceleration in the inflows of foreign currency is due to the following reasons: iv) The outflows reported above are on account of _______________ and have the approval of RBI vide its letter No. ________________dated ________________. v) The above accounts had all through credit balances during the quarter under report. vi) Funds in the accounts were sufficient to cover estimated pipeline transactions. vii) Our overseas branch es have not extended any line of credit / advances to above/ any of the above exchange houses viii) We are regularly submitting the statements 'A', 'B', 'C', and 'D', as at Annex - II, Annex -III, Annex -IV and Annex -V, respectively to the top management. 40 i x) We have not come across any adverse features about operations in the account of the above / any of the above exchange houses and / or the Rupee and/ or Foreign Currency Drawing arrangement with these Exchange Houses: x) We are keeping a close watch on t he means and financial standing of the above exchange houses(s) and as on the date of this report we have no adverse observations on record with us to report to the Reserve Bank. Name of the bank Signature Name Address Designation Date 41 Part II: Liberalised Remittance Scheme Resident individuals are permitted to make remittances up to USD 250,000 per financial year for any permitted current or capital account transactions or a combination of both as per the regulations prescribed under the Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transactions) Rules, 2000, as amended from time to time, and the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA) or the rules or regulations framed thereunder. 1. AD Category – I banks are re quired to furnish the information on remittances made under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) on a monthly basis, on or before the fifth of the following month to which it relates through Online Returns Filing System (ORFS) for which purpose they hav e been given user ID and password by the Reserve Bank. Where there is no data to furnish, AD banks are advised to upload ‘n il’ figures in the ORFS system. 1 AD banks may use the following purpose codes while reporting LRS under ORFS : Sr. No. Items under LRS Corresponding FETERS purpose codes, if transaction is identified under LRS 1 Opening of foreign currency account abroad with a bank under LRS S0023 2 Purchase of immovable property S0005 3 Investment in equity, debt, JV, WoS, ESOPs, IDRs S0001, S0002, S0003, S0004, S0021, S0022 4 Gift S1302 5 Donations S1303 6 Travel (business, pilgrimage, medical treatment, education, employment, personal) S0301, S0303, S0304, S0305 & S0306 7 Maintenance of close relatives S1301 8 Medical Treatment S1108 9 Studies abroad S1107 10 Emigration S1307 11 ‘Others’ such as loan to NRI close relatives and health insurance S0011, S0603 2. 2In addition, transactions relating to LRS are required to be reported in Foreign Exchange Transactions Electronic Reporting System (FETERS) to Department of Statistics and Information Management (DSIM) under respective FETERS purpose codes (e.g. travel, medical treatment, purchase of immovable property, studies abroad, 1 Inserted vide AP (Dir Series) Circular 50 dated February 11, 2016 2 Inserted vide AP (Dir Series) Circular 50 dated February 11, 2016 42 maintenance of close relatives; etc.) instead of reporting collec tively under the purpose code S0023. This would help AD banks in classification of transactions for similar activity under single purpose code. Therefore, the purpose code S0023 may be read as ‘Opening of foreign currency account abroad with a bank .’ 3. 3A D banks should also ensure that the data pertaining to LRS transactions reported by them in FETERS tallies with that reported by them in ORFS Part III: Establishment of a Liaison Office (LO)/ Branch Office (BO) / Project Office (PO) A body corporate incorporated outside India (including a firm or other association of individuals), desirous of opening a Liaison Office (LO) / Branch Office (BO) / Project Office (PO) [under approval route] i n India have to obtain permission from the Reserve Bank under provisions of FEMA 1999. The reporting requirements are given below: a. Format of Report to DG of Police (Annex I) : All new entities setting up LO/BO/PO are required to submit a report containing information, within five working days of the LO/BO /PO becoming functional to the Director General of Police (DGP) of the state concerned in which LO/BO /PO has established its office; if there is more than one office of such a foreign entity, in such cases to each of the DGP concerned of the state where it has established office in India. This is also required to be submitted annually. b. Annual Activity Certificate (Annex II): Branch Offices/ Liaison Offices have to file Annual Activity Certificates (AAC) from Chartered Accountants, as at end of March 31, along with the audited B alance Sheet on or before September 30 of that year. In case the annual accounts of the LO/ BO are finalized with reference to a date other than March 31, the AAC along with the audited Balance Sheet may be submitted within six months from the due date of the Balance Sheet to the designated AD Category I bank, and a copy to the Directorate General of Income Tax (International Taxation), New Delhi along with the audited financial statements including receipt and payment account. Further, at the time of renew al of permission of LOs by AD banks, they may note to endorse a copy of each such renewal to the office of the DGIT (International Taxation). The AAC has to be 3 Inse rted vide AP (Dir Series) Circular 50 dated February 11, 2016 43 submitted to (i) the AD concerned and (ii) the DGP along with Annex I The Annual Activity Certif icates are to be filed by the following offices as applicable: i. In case of a sole BO/LO, by the BO/LO concerned; ii. In case of multiple BO/LO, a combined Annual Activity Certificate in respect of all Offices in India by the Nodal Office of the BO/LOs. The des ignated AD Category - I bank shall scrutinize the Annual Activity Certificate and ensure that the activities undertaken by the BO/LO are being carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the approval given by the Reserve Bank. In the event of any adverse findings being reported by the Auditor or noticed by the designated AD Category - I bank, the same should be reported immediately by the designated AD Category –I bank to the respective Regional Office of the Reserve Bank in respect of LOs and to the Central Office of the Reserve Bank in the case of BOs, along with the copy of the Annual Activity Certificate and their comments thereon. c. Establishment of Project Office: The foreign company establishing a Project Office in India is to furnish repor t through the concerned AD branch, to the concerned Regional Office of Reserve Bank of India under whose jurisdiction the Project Office is set up, within 2 months of establishment of the Project Office. The report should incorporate the following details: a) Name and address of the Foreign Company, b) Reference Number and date of letter awarding the contract referred to in clause (ii) of Regulation 5 of Notification No. FEMA 22/2000- RB dated May 3, 2000, c) Particulars of the authority awarding the projects / contract, d) The total amount of contract, e) Address / e- mail address / telephone number / fax number of the P roject Office, f) Tenure of Project Office, g) Brief details of the Project undertaken, 44 h) AD branch with whom the account has been opened and the foreign currency in which the account is opened, i) An undertaking to the effect that the Project Office is eligible to avail of the General Permission under Regulation 5(ii) to RBI Notification No.22/2000 – RB dated May 3, 2000 read with Notification No. FEMA 95 dated July 2, 2003 showing the reason thereof. d. Annual Certificate from a Chartered Accountant showing the Project Status and certifying that the accounts of the Project Office have been audited and the activities undertaken are in conformity with the General/ Specific permission given by the Reserve Bank. e. Closure of BO/ LO has to be reported by the designated AD Category - I bank to the Reserve Bank (the Regional Office concerned for LOs and Central Office for BOs), along with a declaration stating that all the necessar y documents submitted by the BO /LO have been scrutinized and found to be in order. If the documents are not found in order or cases are not c overed under delegated powers, the AD Category - I bank should forward the application to the Reserve Bank, with their observations, for necessary action. 45 Part III: Annex I Format of Report to DG of Police Sl No Particulars Details 1 Details of the foreign Entity a. Name b. Address c. Date and place of incorporation d. email id or web address 2 Detail of office in India a. Type of Office – LO/BO/PO or for others indicate type b. Address c. Contact number d. Date of opening of office 3 Head of office in India a. Name b. Nationality c. Designation d. Address e. Passport particulars (i) Passport Number (ii) Place of Issue (iii) Date of Issue (iv) Date of expiry (v) Any other relevant information f. email address g. Landline number h. Mobile number 4 Whether all foreign nationals employed at LO/BO/PO are on E Visas 5 Whether the foreign nationals on E Visas have reported to mandatory authorities ie., police station etc If not, name of such national/ nationality along with rele vant details and reasons for not complying with the requirement 6 List of personnel employed, including foreigners in Indian Office Foreigners Sl No Name Parentage Nationality Age Email and mobile particulars Passport and visa particulars Designation/ profession Date of entry into India and place of stay Indians Sl No Name Parentage Nationality Age Email and mobile particulars Designation/ profession 7 List of foreigners other than employees who visited Indian office in connection with activities of the company, with details Sl No Name Parentage Nationality Age Purpose of visit Designation/ profession Date of entry into India and place of stay 46 8 Projects/ contracts/ collaborations worked upon or initiated during the year along with details Sl No Name of Project/ contract/ collaboration Name of Indian party Nature of business activity Approximate value of project/ work Place/ area of project/ work Period of project/ work Approximate number of foreign work force required i n India 9 List of equipment imported for business activities in India Sl No Name/ technical details Purpose Date of Import into India/ place of installation in India 10 Details of suppliers or services rendered to the Government Sector Sl No Name of Supplier/ Service Name of Government Organisation/ Agency Approximate value of supplies/ services 11 Details of places/ States visited along with dates/ accommodation used 12 Details of contact with Government Departments/ PSUs including names of officials 13 Details of contact with Civil Society Bodies/ Trusts/ Non-Government Organisations 47 Part III: Annex II Annual Activity Certificate (To be submitted as on March 31, ………..on or before April 30,………). To whomsoever it May Concern This is to certify and confirm that during the period from __________________to ________________, the Branch/Liaison Office/s with PAN No. ---------------------- of M/s__________________ (UIN - ) has/ have undertaken only those activities that have been specifically permitted by the Reserve Bank vide its approval letter/s No/s. ______________________________dated ______________and has/have complied with the terms and conditions specified in the above mentioned letter/s. ___________________________ ____ (Signature of the Auditor/s) (Name of the Chartered Accountant) ICAI Membership No.: Address: Place: Date: 48 Part IV: Foreign Investment Foreign Direc t Investment (FDI) to India is undertaken in accordance with the FDI Policy which is formulated and announced by the Government of India. The Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) Regulations , 2000 issued vide Notification No. FEMA 20/2000- RB dated May 3, 2000, as amended from time to time, prescribe amongst other things the mode of investments i.e. issue or acquisition of shares/ convertible debentures and preference shares, manner of receipt of f unds, pricing guidelines and reporting of the investments to the Res erve Bank. The formalities for reporting inflows are given below: 1) Reporting of FDI for fresh issuance of shares o Reporting of inflow: a) The actual inflows on account of such issuance of shares should be reported by the AD branch in the R -returns in the normal course. b) Advance Remittance Form (ARF) (Annex I) : An Indian company receiving investment from outside India for eligible securities under the FDI Scheme, should report the details of the amount of consideration (including each upfront/ call payment) to the Regional Office concerned of the Reserve Bank through its AD Category I bank, not later than 30 days from the date of receipt in the ARF. Non- compliance with the above provision woul d be reckoned as a contravention under FEMA, 1999 and could attract penal provisions. c) Know Your Customer (KYC) Form (Annex II) : The following documents should be submitted along with the ARF: (ca) copy/ies of the FIRC/s (Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate evidencing the receipt of the remittance (cb) Know Your Customer (KYC) report on the non- resident investor from the overseas bank remitting the amount in the mentioned form The ARF would be acknowledged by the Regional Office concerned, which will allot a Unique Identification Number (UIN) for the amount reported. 49 4The filing/ reporting has to be done on the e- Biz platform at http://www.ebiz.gov.in (Home page → click on Services tab → Click on the appropriate R BI service hyperlink [RBI service page displayed] → Download eform) b) Reporting of issue of shares: Foreign Collaboration - General Permission Route (FC - GPR) (Annex III): After issue of eligible securities (including partly paid securities to the extent called up), the Indian company has to file Form FC -GPR, through its AD Category -I bank, to the Regional Office concerned of the Reserve Bank under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is situated, not later than 30 days from the date of issue of shares. Issue of bonus or rights shares to persons resident outside India directly or on amalgamation/ merger with an existing Indian company, as well as issue of shares on conversion of ECB/ royalty/ lumpsum technical know -how fee/ import of capital goods by units in SEZs has to be reported in Form FC -GPR. Non -compliance with the above provision would be reckoned as a contravention under FEMA and could attract penal provisions. 5The filing/reporting has to be done on the e-Biz platform at http://www.ebiz.gov.in/ (Home page → click on Services tab → Click on the appropriate RBI service hyperlink [RBI service page displayed] → Download eform) c) Annual Return on Foreign Liabilities and Assets: All Indian companies which have received FDI and/ or made FDI abroad in the pr evious year(s) including the current year, should file the annual return on Foreign Liabilities and Assets (FLA) in the soft form to the Reserve Bank, Department of Statistics and Information Management, Mumbai by July 15 every year. T he FLA return is available on the RBI website ( www.rbi.org.in → Forms category → FEMA Forms) along with the related FAQs (www.rbi.org.in → FAQs category → Foreign Exchange). 2) Reporting of FDI for Transfer of shares (i ) The actual inflows and outflows on account of such transfer of shares should be reported by the AD branch in the R -returns in the normal course. 4 Inserted by AP (Dir) Series Cir cular No. 40 dated February 1, 2016. Prior to the insertion it read as “The forms can also be downloaded from the Reserve Bank's website https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/Forms/PDFs/K YC020411.pdf” 5 Inserted by AP (Dir) Series Circular No. 40 dated February 1, 2016. Prior to the insertion it read as “The Form can also be downloaded from the Reserve Bank' s website https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/Forms/PDFs/AP110214_ANN.pdf ” 50 (ii) Foreign Collaboration- Transfer of Shares (FC -TRS) (Annex IV) : Reporting of transfer of eligible securities between residents and non- residents and vice- versa is to be made in Form FC -TRS. The Form FC-TRS should be submitted to the AD Category – I bank, within 60 days from the date of receipt of the amount of consideration. The onus of submission of the Form FC -TRS within the given timeframe would be on the transferor/ transferee, resident in India. However, the onus of reporting the purchase of shares by non- residents on the recognised stock exchanges in accordance with SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations is on the investee company. The bank should maintain the FC -TRS forms with it and should not forward the same to the Reserve Bank of India. (iii) Know Your Customer (KYC) Form : The sale consideration in respect of equity instrum ents purchased by a person resident outside India, remitted into India through normal banking channels, is subjected to a KYC check ( Annex II) by the remittance receiving AD Category – I bank at the time of receipt of funds. In case, the remittance receivi ng AD Category – I bank is different from the AD Category - I bank handling the transfer transaction, the KYC check should be carried out by the remittance receiving bank and the KYC report be submitted by the customer to the AD Category – I bank carrying out the transaction along with the Form FC -TRS. ( iv) The AD bank branch should submit two copies of the Form FC -TRS received from their constituents/ customers together with the statement of inflows/ outflows on account of remittances received/ made in connection with transfer of shares, by way of sale, to IBD/ FED/ or the nodal office designated for the purpose by the bank in the enclosed proforma (Annex V) (which is to be prepared in MS -Excel format). The IBD/ FED or the nodal office of the bank will cons olidate reporting in respect of all the transactions reported by their branches into two statements inflow and outflow statement. These statements (inflow and outflow) should be forwarded on a monthly basis to Foreign Exchange Department, Reserve Bank, For eign Investment Division, Central Office, Mumbai in soft copy (in MS - Excel) by e -mail . 3) Reporting on e- Biz Portal of the Government of India With a view to promoting the ease of reporting of transactions under foreign direct investment (FDI), the filing of the ARF, Form FC -GPR and Form FCTRS has also been enabled under the e- Biz platform of the Government of India. The design of the 51 reporting platf orm enables the customer to login into the e- Biz portal, download the reporting forms, complete and then upload the same onto the portal using their digitally signed certificates. The Authorised Dealer Banks (ADs) will be required to download the completed forms, verify the contents from the available documents, if necessary by calling for additional information from the customer and then upload the same for RBI to process and allot the Unique Identification Number (UIN). 6Physical filing of FC -GPR, ARF and FCTRS forms is discontinued from February 8, 2016 and online filing through government’s e- Biz portal has been made mandatory. 4) Reporting of conversion of ECB into equity Details of issue of shares against conversion of ECB have to be reported to the Re gional Office concerned of the Reserve Bank, as indicated below: (i) In case of full conversion of ECB into equity, the company should report the conversion in Form FC -GPR to the Regional Office concerned of the Reserve Bank as well as in Form ECB -2 (Part V: Annex III ) to the Department of Statistics and Information Management (DSIM), Reserve Bank of India, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai – 400 051, within seven working days from the close of month to which it relates. The words "ECB wholly converted to equity" sh ould be clearly indicated on top of the Form ECB -2. Once reported, filing of Form ECB -2 in the subsequent months is not necessary. (ii) In case of partial conversion of ECB, the company is required to report the converted portion in Form FC -GPR to the Regio nal Office concerned as well as in Form ECB -2 clearly differentiating the converted portion from the non- converted portion. The words "ECB partially converted to equity" should be indicated on top of the Form ECB -2. In the subsequent months, the outstandin g balance of ECB shall be reported in Form ECB -2 to DSIM. 5) Reporting of ESOPs for allotment of equity shares (Annex VI) An Indian company issuing sweat equity shares/ employees’ stock option/ shares issued against exercise of stock option to its employees/ directors or employees/ directors of its holding company or joint venture or wholly owned overseas subsidiary/ subsidiaries who are resident outside India should furnish to the Regional Office 6 Inserted by AP (Dir) Series Circular No. 40 dated February 1, 2016. Prior to the insertion it read as “The online reporting on the e -Biz platform is an additional facility to the Indian companies to undertake their ARF, FC -GPR and FCTRS reporting and the manual syste m of reporting would continue till further notice. ” 52 concerned of the Reserve Bank of India under whose jurisdict ion the registered office of the company operates, within 30 days from the date of issue of employees’ stock option or sweat equity shares, a report as per the Form-ESOP. 6) Reporting of ADR/GDR Issues – Form DRR (Annex VII) The domestic custodian should report the issue/ transfer of sponsored/ unsponsored depository rec eipts as per DR Scheme 2014 in Form DRR within 30 days of close of the issue/ program. 7) Reporting requirements of Limited Liability Partnerships (i) Form FDI- LLP (I) (Annex VIII): A Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) receiving amount of consideration for capital contribution and acquisition of profit shares is required to submit a report in Form Foreign Direct Investment -LLP (I) through its Authorised Dealer Category – I bank, to the R egional Office of the Reserve Bank under whose jurisdiction the Registered Office of the Limited Liability Partnership making the declaration is situated, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the amount of consideration. The form should be accompanied by: (a ) copy/ies of the FIRC/s evidencing the receipt of the remittance ( b ) a KYC report in respect of the foreign investor from the overseas bank remitting the amount in the format specified in Annex -II. The report would be acknowledged by the Regional Office concerned, which would allot a Unique Identification Number (UIN) for the amount reported. (ii) Form FDI - LLP (II) (Annex I X): The LLPs should report disinvestment / transfer of capital contribution or profit share between a resident and a non- resident (or vice versa) within 60 days from the date of receipt of funds in Form Foreign Direct Investment -LLP(II). (iii) All LLPs in India which have received FDI and/or made FDI abroad in the previous year(s) as well as in the current year, should file the annual return on Foreign Liabilities and Assets (FLA) in the soft form to the Reserve Bank, Department of Statistics and Information Management, Mumbai by July 15 every year. Since LLPs do not have 21- Digit CIN (Corporate Identity Number), they are advised to enter ‘A99999AA9999LLP999999’ against CIN in the FLA Return. The FLA return is available on the RBI website ( www.rbi.org.in → Forms category → FEMA Forms). 53 8) Reporting of FII investments under Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS) (i) FII reporting Form LEC(FII) : The AD Category – I banks have to ensure that the FIIs registered with SEBI who are purchasing various securities (except derivative and IDRs) by debit to the Special Non- Resident Rupee (SNRR) Account should report all such transactions details (except derivative and IDRs) in the Form LEC (FII) to Foreign Exchange Department, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office by uploading the same to the ORFS web site ( https://secweb.rbi.org.in/ORFSMainWeb/Login.jsp) . It would be the bank’s responsibility to ensure that the data submitted to RBI is reconciled by periodically taking a FII holding report for their bank. (ii) The Indian company which has issued shares to FIIs under the FDI Scheme (for which the payment has been received directly into company’s account) and the Portfolio Investment Scheme (for which the payment has been received from FIIs' account maintained with an AD Category – I bank in India) shoul d report these figures separately under item no. 5 of Form FC -GPR ( Annex III) (Post- issue pattern of shareholding) so that the details could be suitably reconciled for statistical / monitoring purposes. 9 ) Reporting of NRI investments under Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS) The designated link office of the AD Category – I bank should furnish to the Reserve Bank, a report on a daily basis on PIS transactions undertaken on behalf of NRIs for their entire bank. This report can be uploaded directly on the ORFS web site ( https://secweb.rbi.org.in/ORFSMainWeb/Login.jsp) . It would be the banks responsibility to ensure that the data submitted to RBI is reconciled by periodically taking a NRI holding report for their bank. 10) Reporting of foreign investment by way of issue/ transfer of ‘participating interest/ right’ in oil fields Foreign investment by way of issue/ transfer of ‘participating interest/ right’ in oil fields by Indian companies to a non -resident would be treated as an FDI transaction. Accordingly, transfer of ‘participating interest/ rights’ will be reported as ‘other’ category under Para 7 of Form FC -TRS (Annex IV) and issuance of ‘participating interest/ rights’ will be reported as ‘other’ category of instruments under Para 4 of Form FC -GPR ( Annex III) . 54 Part IV: Annex I (Formerly Annex 6 of the Master Circular on Foreign investment in India) Advance Remittance Form (ARF) Report by the Indian company receiving amount of consideration for issue of shares/ Convertible debentures/ others under the FDI Scheme (To be filed by the company through its Authorised Dealer Category – I bank, with the Regional Office of the Reserve Bank under whose jurisdiction the Registered Office of the company making the declaration is situated, not later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the amount of consideration, as specified in para 9 (I) (A) of Schedule I to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000- RB dated May 3, 2000, as amended from time to time). Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the investee company given by the IT Department Sl No Particulars (In Block Letters) 1 Name of the Indian company Address of the Registered Office Fax Telephone e-mail 2 Details of the foreign investor/ collaborator Name Address Country 3 Date of receipt of funds 4 Amount In foreign currency In Indian Rupees 5 Whether investment is under Automatic Route or Approval Route If Approval Route, give details (ref. no. of approval and date) Automatic Route / Approval Route 6 Name of the AD through whom the remittance is received 7 Address of the AD 55 A Copy of the FIRC evidencing the receipt of consideration for issue of shares/ convertible debentures/ others as above is enclosed. (Authorised signatory of the investee company) (Stamp) (Authorised signatory of the AD) (Stamp) FOR USE OF THE RESERVE BANK ONLY: Unique Identification Number for the remittance received: 56 Part IV: Annex II (Formerly Annex 7 of Master Circular on Foreign investment in India) Know Your Customer (KYC) Form in respect of the non-resident investor Registered Name of the Remitter / Investor (Name, if the investor is an Individual) Registration Number (Unique Identification Number* in case remitter is an Individual) Registered Address (Permanent Address if remitter Individual) Name of the Remitter’s Bank Remitter’s Bank Account No. Period of banking relationship with the remitter * Passport No., Social Security No, or any Unique No. certifying the bonafides of the remitter as prevalent in the remitter’s country We confirm that all the information furnished above is true and accurate as provided by the overseas remitting bank of the non -resident investor. (Signature of the Authorised Official of the AD bank receiving the remittance) Date : Place: Stamp : 57 Part IV: Annex III (Formerly Annex 8 of Master Circular on Foreign investment in India) Form for reporting Foreign Collaboration - General Permission Route Form FC-GPR (To be filed by the company through its Authorised Deale r Category – I bank with the Regional Office of the RBI under whose jurisdiction the Registered Office of the company making the declaration is situated as and when shares / convertible debentures are issued to the foreign investor, along with the document s mentioned in item No. 4 of the undertaking enclosed to this Form) Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the investee company given by the Income Tax Department Date of issue of shares / convertible debentures Sl No Particulars (In Block Letters) 1 Name of the Investee Company Address of the Registered Office of the Investee Company with City, District and State clearly mentioned Telephone Fax E-mail State Registration No. given by Registrar of Companies and Date of Incorporation Whether existing company or new company (strike off whichever is not applicable) Existing company/ New company (Brownfield) (Greenfield) If existing company, give registration number allotted by RBI for FDI, if any Telephone Fax e-mail 2. Description of the main business activity 58 NIC Code7 Location of the project and NIC code for the district where the project is located a)Detailed address including Name, City, District and State b)Code for District8 c)Code for State Percentage of FDI allowed as per FDI policy (Sectoral Cap under FDI Policy) State whether FDI is allowed under Automatic Route or Approval Route (strike out whichever is not applicable) If under Approval Route, give SIA/FIPB approval No. with date Automatic Route/ Approval Route 3 Details of the foreign investor / collaborator∗ (Details of foreign residence to be given. Indian address, if any, should not be given) Name Address Country Constitution / Nature of the investing Entity [Specify whether 1. Individual 2. Company (Pl specify if erstwhile OCB) 3. FII 4. FVCI# 5. Foreign Trust 6. Private Equity Fund 7. Pension / Provident Fund 8. Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF)9 9. Partnership / Proprietorship Firm 10. Financial Institution 11. NRIs / PIO 12. Others (please specify)] Date of incorporation 4 Particulars of Shares / Convertible Debentures/Others Issued 7 In terms of AP (DIR Series) Circular No 5 dated July 17, 2014, NIC 2008 codes may be reported 8 The list of State and Dist rict Codes may be downloaded from our website www.rbi.org.in/Notifications/FEMA/State and District Code ∗ If there is more than one foreign investor/collaborator, separate Annex may be included for items 3 and 4 of the Form. 9 SWF means a Government investment vehicle which is funded by foreign exchange assets, and which manages those assets separately from the official reserves of the monetary authorities. # The investment/s is made by FVCI u nder FDI scheme in terms of Schedule I to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000 -RB dated May 3, 2000 59 (a) Nature and date of issue Nature of issue Date of issue Number of shares/ convertible debentures/Others 01 IPO / FPO 02 Preferential allotment / private placement 03 Rights 04 Bonus 05 Conversion of ECB 06 Conversion of royalty (including lump sum payments) 07 Conversion against import of capital goods by units in SEZ 08 ESOPs 09 Share Swap 10 Others (please specify) Total (b) Type of security issued Sl No Nature of Securit y Number Maturity Face value Premium Issue Price per share Amount of inflow* 01 Equity 02 Compulsorily Convertible Debentures 03 Compulsorily Convertible Preference shares 04 Others (please specify) Total i) In case the issue price is greater than the face value, please give break -up of the premium received. ii) * In case the issue is against conversion of ECB or royalty or against import of capital goods by units in SEZ, a Chartered Accountant's Certificate certifying the amount outstanding on the date of conversion. (c) Break up of premium Amount Control Premium Non-competition fee Others@ Total @ Please specify the nature 60 (d) Total inflow (in Rupees) on account of issue of shares / convertible debentures to non- residents (including premium, if any) vide (i) Remittance through AD: (ii) Debit to NRE/FCNR A/c with Ba nk_________ (iii) Others (please specify) Date of reporting of (i) and (ii) above to RBI under Para 9 (1) A of Schedule I to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000, as amended from time to time. (e) Disclosure of fair value of shares issued** We are a listed company and the market value of a share as on date of the issue is* We are an un-listed company and the fair value of a share is* ** before issue of shares *(Please indicate as applicable) 5. Post issue pattern of shareholding Equity Compulsorily convertible Preference Shares/ Debentures Investor category No. of shares Amount (Face Value) Rs. % No. of shar es shares Amount (Face Value) Rs. % a) Non-Resident 01 Individuals 02 Companies 03 FIIs 04 FVCIs# 05 Foreign Trusts 06 Private Equity Funds 07 Pension/ Provident Funds 08 Sovereign Wealth Funds 09 Partnership/ Proprietorship Firms 10 Financial Institutions 11 NRIs/PIO 12 Others (please specify) Sub Total b) Resident Total # The investment /s is/are made by FVCI under FDI scheme in terms of Schedule I to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000- RB dated May 3, 2000, as amended from time to time. 61 DECLARATION TO BE FILED BY THE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INDIAN COMPANY: (Delete whichever is not applicable and authenticate) We hereby declare that: 1. We comply with the procedure for issue of shares/ convertible debentures as laid down under the FDI scheme as indicated in Notification No. FEMA 20/2000- RB dated 3rd May 2000, as amended from time to time. 2. The investment is within the sectoral cap/ statutory ceiling permissible under the Automatic Route of RBI and we fulfill all the conditions laid down for investments under the Automatic Route namely (strike off whichever is not applicable): a) Shares issued on rights basis to non- residents are in conformity with Regulation 6 of the RBI Notification No FEMA 20/2000- RB dated 3 rd May 2000, as amended from time to time. OR b) Shares issued are bonus. OR c) Shares have been issued under a scheme of merger and amalgamation of t wo or more Indian companies or reconstruction by way of de- merger or otherwise of an Indian company, duly approved by a court in India. OR d) Shares are issued under ESOP and the conditions regarding this issue have been satisfied. 3. Shares have been issued in terms of SIA /FIPB approval No.___________________ dated ____________________ 4 . The foreign investment received and reported now will be utilized in compliance with the provision of a Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 (PMLA) and Unlawful Activities(Prevention) Act, 1967 (UAPA). We confirm that the investment complies with the provisions of all applicable Rules and Regulations. 5. We enclose the following documents in compliance with Paragraph 9 (1) (B) of Schedule 1 to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000- RB dated May 3, 2000 : (i) A certificate from our Company Secretary certifying that (a) all the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 have been complied with; (b) terms and conditions of the Government approval, if any, have been complied with; (c) the company is eligible to issue shares under these Regulations; and (d) the company has all original certificates issued by authorised dealers in India evidencing receipt of amount of consideration in accordance with paragraph 8 of Schedule 1 to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000- RB dated May 3, 2000. (ii) A certificate from SEBI registered Merchant Banker / Chartered Accountant indicating the manner of arriving at the price of the shares issued to the persons resident outside India. 62 6. Unique Identification Numbers given for all the remittances received as consideration for issue of shares/ convertible debentures/others (details as above), by Reserve Bank. . . . (Signature of the Applicant)* :___________________________________________ (Name in Block Letters) :___________________________________________ (Designation of the signatory) :___________________________________________ Place: Date : (* To be signed by Ma naging Director/Director/Secretary of the Company) R R 63 CERTIFICATE TO BE FILED BY THE COMPANY SECRETARY OF THE INDIAN COMPANY ACCEPTING THE INVESTMENT: (As per Para 9 (1) (B) (i) of Schedule 1 to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000) In respect of the abovementioned details, we certify the following: 1. All the requirements of the Companies Act , 2013 have been complied with. 2. Terms and conditions of the Government approval, if any, have been complied with. 3. The company is eligible to issue shares / convertible debentures/others under these Regulations. 4. The company has all original certificates issued by AD Category – I banks in India, evidencing receipt of amount of consideration in accordance with paragraph 8 of Schedule 1 to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000- RB dated May 3, 2000 . (Name & Signature of the Company Secretary) (Seal) FOR USE OF THE RESERVE BANK ONLY: Registration Number for the FC -GPR: Unique Identification Number allotted to the Company at the time of reporting receipt of remittance R 64 Part IV: Annex IV (Formerly Annex 9-I of Master Circular on Foreign investment in India) Form for reporting Foreign Collaboration - Transfer of Shares Form FC-TRS Declaration regarding transfer of shares/ compulsorily and mandatorily convertible preference shares (CMCPS)/ debentures/ others by way of sale from resident to non- resident/ non-resident to resident (to be submitted to the designated AD branch in quadruplicate within 60 days from the date of receipt of funds) The following documents are enclosed For sale of shares / compulsorily and mandatorily convertible preference shares / debentures/others by a person resident in India i. Consent Letter duly signed by the seller and buyer or their duly appointed agent and in the latter case the Power of Attorney Document. ii. The shareholding pattern of the investee company after the acquisition of shares by a person resident outside India. iii. Certificate indicating fair value of shares from a Chartered Accountant. iv. Copy of Broker's note if sale is made on Stock Exchange. v. Declaration from the buyer to the effect that he is eligible to acquire shares / compulsorily and mandatorily convertible preference shares / debentures/others under FDI policy and the existing sectoral limits and Pricing Guidelines have been complied with. vi. Declaration from the FII/sub account to the effect that the individual FII / Sub account ceiling as prescribed has not been breached. Additional documents in respect of sale of shares / compulsorily and mandatorily convertible preference shares / debentures/others by a person resident outside India vii. If the sellers are NRIs/OCBs, the copies of RBI approvals, if applicable, evidencing the shares held by them on repatriation/non-repatriation basis. viii. No Objection/Tax Clearance Certificate from Income Tax Authority/ Chartered Account. 1 Name of the company Address (including e- mail , telephone number, Fax no) Activity NIC Code No. (In terms of AP (DIR Series) Circular No 5 dated July 17, 2014, NIC 2008 codes may be reported) 2 Whether FDI is allowed under Automatic route Sectoral Cap under FDI Policy 3 Nature of transaction (Strike out whichever is not applicable) Transfer from resident to non-resident/ Transfer from non-resident to resident 65 4 Name of the buyer Constitution / Nature of the investing Entity Specify whether 1. Individual 2. Company 3. FII 4. FVCI# 5. Foreign Trust 6. Private Equity Fund 7. Pension/ Provident Fund 8. Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWFπ) 9. Partnership / Proprietorship firm 10. Financial Institution 11. NRIs / PIOs 12. Others Date and Place of Incorporation Address of the buyer (including e-mail, telephone number. Fax no.) 5 Name of the seller Constitution / Nature of the disinvesting entity Specify whether 1. Individual 2. Company 3. FII 4. FVCI## 5. Foreign Trust 6. Private Equity Fund 7. Pension/ Provident Fund 8. Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF∏) # The initial investment/s was/were made by FVCI under FDI scheme in terms of Schedule 1 to Notification No. FEMA.20/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000. π SWF means a Government investment vehicle which is funded by foreign exchange assets, and which manages those assets separately from the official reserves of the monetary authorities. ## The initial investment/s was/were made by FVCI under FDI scheme in terms of Schedule I to Notification No.FEMA.20/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000 ∏ SWF means a Government investment vehicle which is funded by foreign exchange assets, and which manages those assets separately from the official reserves of the monetary authorities. 66 9. Partnership/ Proprietorship firm 10. Financial Institution 11. NRIs/PIOs 12. others Date and Place of Incorporation Address of the seller (including e- mail, t elephone Number Fax no) 6 Particulars of earlier Reserve Bank/ FIPB approvals 7 Details regarding shares / compulsorily and mandatorily convertible preference shares (CMCPS) / debentures/ others (such as FDI compliant instruments like participating interest/ rights in oil fields, etc.) to be transferred Date of the transaction Number of shares CMCPS / debentures/others Face value in Rs. Negotiated Price for the transfer** in Rs. Amount of consideration in Rs. 8 Foreign Investments in the company No. of shares Percentage Before the transfer After the transfer 9 Where the shares/ CMCPS/ debentures/ others are listed on Stock Exchange Name of the Stock exchange Price Quoted on the Stock exchange Where the shares / CMCPS / debentures/others are Unlisted Price as per Valuation guidelines* Price as per Chartered Accountants * / ** Valuation report (CA Certificate to be attached) 67 Declaration by the transferor / transferee I / We hereby declare that : i. The particulars given above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. ii. I/ We, was/were holding the shares compulsorily and mandatorily convertible preference shares / debentures/others as per FDI Policy under FERA/ FEMA Regulations on repatriation/non repatriation basis. iii. I/ We, am/are eligible to acquire the shares compulsorily and mandatorily convertible preference shares / debentures/others of the company in terms of the FDI Policy. iv. The Sectoral limit under the FDI Policy and the pricing guidelines have been adhered to. Signature of the Declarant or his duly authorised agent Date: Note: In respect of the transfer of shares / compulsorily and mandatorily convertible preference shares / compulsorily and mandatori ly convertible debentures/others from resident to non-resident the declaration has to be signed by the non- resident buyer, and in respect of the transfer of shares / compulsorily and mandatorily convertible preference shares / compulsorily and mandatorily convertible debentures/others from non-resident to resident the declaration has to be signed by the non-resident seller. Certificate by the AD Branch It is certified that the application is complete in all respects. The receipt /payment for the transaction are in accordance with FEMA Regulations/ Reserve Bank guidelines. Date: Signature Name and Designation of the Officer Name of the AD Branch AD Branch Code 66 Part IV: Annex V Proforma Statement of inflows/ outflow on account of remittance received/made in connection with transfer of shares/ convertible debentures, by way of sale Category -wise: Part A - NRI/ erstwhile OCB Part B - Foreign National/non- resident incorporated entity Part C - Foreign Institutional Investors Inflow -Transfer from resident to non- resident Date of Transacti on Name of the Compa ny Activi ty NIC Code Name of the Buyer Constit ution/ Nature of Busines s of the Buyer Nam e of the Selle r Constitut ion/ Nature of Busines s of the Seller No. of Shares transferr ed Face Valu e Sale pr ice per shar e Total Inflo w (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Outflow - Transfer from non- resident to resident Date of Transact ion Name of the Compa ny Activ ity NIC Cod e Nam e of the Selle r Constit ution/ Nature of Busine ss of the Seller Name of the Buyer Constit ution/ Nature of Busine ss of the Buyer No. of Shares transfer red Face Value Sale price per share Tota l outfl ow (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) This statement is to be prepared in MS -Excel format 67 Part IV: A nnex VI (Formerly Annex 13 of Master Circular on Foreign investment in India) Form ESOP Return to be filed by Indian company who has issued shares under Employees’ Stock Options (ESOP) Scheme and/or sweat equity shares. (To be filed by the company through its Authorised Dealer Category – I bank with the Regional Office of the RBI under whose jurisdiction the Registered Office of the company is situated making the declaration as and when shares under Employees’ Stock Options Scheme and/or sweat equity shares ar e issued to the foreign investor) I. Details of the Company issuing ESOP/sweat equity shares Sl. No. Particulars (In Block Letters) 1. Name of the Company 2. Permanent Account Number (PAN) 3. Address of the Registered office 4. Registration No. given by Registrar of Companies 5. Registration No. given by RBI for FDI, if applicable 6. Telephone 7. Fax 8. e-mail 9. Business details a) Description of the main business activity b) NIC Code c) Percentage of FDI allowed as per FDI policy d) State whether FDI is allowed under Automatic Route or Approval route e) FIPB approval, if any II. Type of security issued (Tick mark whichever is applicable) 1. Sweat equity shares ( ) 2. Stock Option Scheme ( ) 3. Shares issued against exercise of option ( ) Please provide the details of the security issued in a separate Annex viz. date of issue, names of persons to whom shares are issued, number of shares, issue price, consideration other than cash(if any), in case of options (maturity date, pre-determined issue price etc.) and any other details relevant to the issue. 68 DECLARATION TO BE FILED BY THE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE INDIAN COMPANY: (Delete whichever is not applicable and authenticat e) We hereby declare that: 1. We comply with the procedure for issue of shares under Employees’ Stock Option Scheme/ sweat equity shares as indicated in Notification No. FEMA 20/200 0-RB dated 3rd May 2000, as amended from time to time. 2. The investment is within the sectoral cap/ statutory ceiling permissible under the Automatic Route of RBI and we fulfill all the conditions laid down for in vestments under the Automatic Route namely (strike off whichever is not applicable). a) Options issued under Employees’ Stock Option Scheme OR b) Shares issued against exercise of option as (a) above OR c) Sweat Equity Shares issued to non- residents 3. Shares have been issued in terms of FIPB approval No.___________________ dated ____________________ 4. The foreign investment received and reported now will be utilized in compliance with the provision of a Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 (PMLA) and U nlawful Activities(Prevention) Act, 1967 (UAPA). We confirm that the investment complies with the provisions of all applicable Rules and Regulations. 5. We enclose the following documents in compliance with Regulation 8 of Notification No. FEMA 20/2000- RB dated May 3, 2000: (i) A certificate from our Company Secretary certifying that (a) Sweat equity shares have been issued / the Employees’ Stock Option Scheme has been d rawn either in terms of regulations issued under the Securities Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 or the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 notified by the Central Government under the Companies Act, 2013, as the case may be (b) all the r equirements of the Companies Act, 2013 have been complied with; (c) terms and conditions of the Government approval, if any, have been complied with; (d) the company is eligible to issue shares under these Regulations; and 69 (e) the company has all original certificates issued by authorised dealers in India evidencing receipt of amount of consideration in accordance with paragraph 8 of Schedule 1 to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000- RB dated May 3, 2000. (ii) A certificate from SEBI registered Merchant Banker / Chartered Accountant indicating the manner of arriving at the price of the shares issued to the persons resident outside India. 6. Unique Identification Numbers given for all the remittances received as consideration for issue of shares under Employees’ Stock Option Scheme/ Sweat Equity shares by Reserve Bank. (Signature of the Applicant)* :___________________________________________ (Name in Block Letters) :___________________________________________ (Designation of the si gnatory):___________________________________________ Place: Date: (* To be signed by Managing Director/Director/Secretary of the Company) CERTIFICATE TO BE FILED BY THE COMPANY SECRETARY OF THE INDIAN COMPANY ACCEPTING THE INVESTMENT: In respect of the abovementioned details, we certify the following: 1) Sweat equity shares have been issued/ the Employees’ Stock Option Scheme has been drawn either in terms of regulations issued under the Securities Exchang e Board of India Act, 1992 or the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 notified by the Central Government under the Companies Act, 2013, as the case may be 2) all the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 have been complied with; 3) terms and conditions of the Government approval, if any, have been complied with; 4) the company is eligible to issue shares under these Regulations; and 5) the company has all original certificates issued by authorised dealers in India evidencing receipt of am ount of consideration in accordance with paragraph 8 of Schedule 1 to Notification No. FEMA 20/2000- RB dated May 3, 2000, as amended from time to time. (Name & Signat ure of the Company Secretary) (Seal) FOR USE OF THE RESERVE BANK ONLY: 70 Part IV: Annex VII (Formerly Annex - 10 of Master Circular on Foreign investment in India) Depository Receipts Return ( Form DRR) [Refer to paragraph III of Schedule 10 to FEMA Notification NO. 20/RB-2000 dated May 3, 2000, as amended from time to time] Return to be filed by the Domestic Custodian who has arranged issue/ transfer of Depository Receipts Instruction s: The Form should be completed and submitted by the Domestic Custodian to the Reserve Bank of India, Foreign Exchange Department, Foreign Investment Division, Central Office, Mumbai. 1 Name of the Domestic Custodian: 2 Address of the Domestic Custodian: 3 Details of the Security: 4 Details of the issuer of the security: 5 Activity of the issuer of security (please give the NIC Code of the activity in which the company is predominantly engaged). (In terms of AP (DIR Series) Circular No 5 dated J uly 17, 2014, NIC 2008 codes may be reported) 6 Whether sponsored or unsponsored 7 If sponsored, name and address of the sponsorer. 8 Name and address of the Lead Manager/ Investment/Merchant Banker 9 Name and address of the Sub-Managers to the issue 10 Details of FIPB approval (If foreign investment in the company is subject to FIPB approval) 11 Whether any overall sectoral cap for foreign investment is applicable. If yes, please give details 12 If the issue of DR increases the equity capital of the company or is sponsored by the company: Details of the Equity Capital Before Issue After Issue (a) Authorised Capital (b) Issued and Paid-up Capital (i) Held by persons Resident in India (ii) Held by foreign investors other than FIIs/ NRIs/ PIOs/ OCBs (a list of foreign investors holding more than 10 percent of the paid-up capital and number of shares held by each of them should be furnished) (iii) Held by NRIs/PIOs (iv) Held by FIIs/QFIs/registered FPIs Total Equity held by non-residents (c) Percentage of equity held by non-residents to total paid-up capital (d) Details of repatriation/utilisation of the proceeds 71 13 Number of DRs issued 14 Ratio of DRs to underlying securities 15 Whether funds are kept abroad. If yes, name and address of the bank 16 Whether the DR is listed/ traded on an International Exchange or trading platform. If so, details of the exchange/ trading platform Name of Stock Exchange Date of commencement of trading The date on which DRs issue was launched 72 Part IV: Annex VIII (Formerly Annex - 11 of Master Circular on Foreign investment in India) Form FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT - LLP (I) Report by the Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) receiving amount of consideration for capital contribution and acquisition of profit shares under the Scheme (To be filed by the LLP through its Authorised Dealer Category – I bank, with the Regional Office of the Reserve Bank under whose jurisdiction the Registered Office of the Limited Liability Partnership making the declaration is situated, not later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the amount of consideration) Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the investee LLP given by the IT Department No. Particulars (In Block Letters) 1. Name of the Limited Liability Partnership Address of the Registered Office State Fax Telephone e-mail Identification No.(LLPIN) issued by Office of Registrar for LLP. Date of Registration Whether existing LLP or new LLP Existing LLP / New LLP (strike off whichever is not applicable) If existing LLP, give registration number allotted by RBI for FDI, if any. 2 Details of the foreign investor Name Designated Partner Identification No. (DPIN): Address Country Constitution / Nature of the investing Entity [Specify whether 1. Individual 2. LLP 3. Company 4. Foreign Trust 73 5. Private Equity Fund 6. Pension / Provident Fund 7. Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF)10 8. Partnership / Proprietorship Firm 9. Financial Instituti on 10. NRIs / PIO 11. Others (please specify)] 3. Date of receipt of funds 4. Amount In foreign currency In Indian Rupees 5. Activity of the LLP i) Description of the main business activity. NIC Code ii) It is confirmed that 100% FDI is allowed under automatic route as per FDI policy without any FDI - linked performance related conditions. Yes/No iii) Details of Government Approval (ref. no. of approval letter and date). [Copy enclosed] 6. Name of the AD bank through whom the remittance i s received. 7. Address of the AD bank (Authorised signatory of the investee LLP) (Stamp) (Authorised signatory of the AD bank) (Stamp) FOR USE OF THE RESERVE BANK ONLY: Unique Identification Number for the r emittance received: 10 SWF means a Government investment vehicl e which is funded by foreign exchange assets, and which manages those assets separately from the official reserves of the monetary authorities. 74 DECLARATION TO BE FILED BY THE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP: (Delete whichever is not applicable and authenticate) We hereby declare that: 1) We comply with the procedure for capital contribution and profit shares as laid down under the Notification No. FEMA 20/2000- RB dated 3 rd May 2000, as amended from time to time. 2) Capital contribution /profit shares have been issued to t he non-resident investor in terms of FIPB approval No.___________________ dated ____________________ 3) We enclose the following documents in compliance with to Notification No. FEMA 2 0/2000-RB dated 3rd May 2000, as amended from time to time: (i) A certificate from our designated partner certifying that (a) all the requirements of the LLP Act, 2008 have been complied with; (b) terms and conditions of the Government approval, have been complied with; (c) the LLP is eligible to issue capital contribution /profit shares under these Regulations; and (d) the LLP has all original certificates issued by authorised dealers in India evidencing receipt of amount of consideration in accordance with Notification No. FEMA 20/2000 -RB dated 3 rd May, 2000, as amended from time to time . (ii) A certificate from the Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant/ approved valuer from the panel maintained by the Central Government, indicating the manner of arriving at the fair price of the capital contribution/profit shares issued to the persons resident outside India. 4) The foreign investment received and reported now will be utilized in compliance with the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 ( UAPA). We confirm that the investment complies with the provisions of all applicable Rules and Regulations . 75 5) Unique Identification Numbers given for al l the remittances received so far as consideration for capital contribution and acquisition of profit shares (details as above), by Reserve Bank. (Signat ure of the Applicant)*: (Name in Block Letters) (Designation of the signatory) Place: Date: (* To be signed by Designated Partner/Authorised Signatory of the LLP) CERTIFICATE TO BE FILED BY THE DESIGNATED PARTNER/ AUTHORISED S IGNATORY OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP ACCEPTING THE INVESTMENT: In respect of the abovementioned details, we certify the following: 1. All the requirements of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 have been complied with. 2. Terms and condit ions of the Government approval, if any, have been complied with. 3. The LLP is eligible to issue capital contribution/profit shares under these Regulations. 4. The LLP has all original certificates issued by AD Category – I banks in India, evidencing receipt of amount of consideration in accordance with provisions of Notification No. FEMA 20/2000- RB dated May 3, 2000 . (Name & Signature of the Designated Partner/Authorised Signatory of the LLP) (Seal) FOR USE OF THE RESERVE BANK ONLY: Registration Number for the FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT -LLP: Unique Identification Number allotted to the Company at the time of reporting receipt of remittance. R R R R 76 Part IV: Annex I X (Formerly Annex - 12 of Master Circular on Foreign investment in India) Form FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT-LLP-(II) Declaration regarding transfer of capital contribution/ profit shares of an Limited Liability Partnership from resident to non- resident / non-resident to resident (to be submitted to the Authorised Dealer Category-1 bank branch in quadruplicate within 60 days from the date of receipt of funds) The following documents are enclosed For transfer of capital contribution /profit shares of a Limited Liability Partnership by a person resident in India i. Consent Letter duly signed by the seller and buyer or their duly appointed agent and in the latter case the Power of Attorney Document. ii. The capital cont ribution/ profit share holding pattern of the investee LLP after the acquisition of capital contribution/ profit shares by a person resident outside India. iii. Certificate indicating fair value of shares from the Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant/approved valuer from the panel maintained by the Central Government. iv. Declaration from the buyer to the effect that he is eligible to acquire capital contribution /profit shares i.e., necessary Government approval has been obtained by the buyer or seller and terms and conditions of the Government approval, the foreign investment limits mentioned therein as well as the pricing guidelines have been complied with. Additional documents in respect of capital contribution /profit shares of a Limited Liability Partnership by a person resident outside India. v. No Objection/Tax Clearance Certificate from Income Tax Authority/ Chartered Account//Cost Accountant/ Company Secretary in practice. 1 Name of the Limited Liability Partnership Address (including e-mail , telephone Number, Fax no) Activity Identification No.(LLPIN) 2 Nature of transaction (Strike out whichever is not applicable) Transfer from resident to non-resident / Transfer from non-resident to resident 3 Name of the buyer Constitution / Nature of the investing Entity Specify whether 1. Individual 2. LLP 3. Company 77 4. Foreign Trust 5. Private Equity Fund 6. Pension/ Provident Fund 7. Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWFπ) 8. Partnership / Proprietorship firm 9. Financial Institution 10. NRIs / PIOs 11. Others Date and Place of Incorporation Address of the buyer (including e-mail, telephone number, Fax no.) 5 Name of the seller Constitution/ Nature of the disinvesting partner Specify whether 1. Individual 2. LLP 3. Company 4. Foreign Trust 5. Private Equity Fund 6. Pension/ Provident Fund 7. Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF∏) 8. Partnership/ Proprietorship firm 9. Financial Institution 10. NRIs/PIOs 11. others Date and Place of Registration Address of the seller (including e -mail, telephone Number, Fax no) 6 Particulars of earlier FIPB approvals. 7 Details regarding capital contribution or profit shares of a Limited Liability Partnership to be transferred. Date of the transaction Percentage of capital contribution/profit share Value in Rs. Negotiated Price for the transfer* in Rs. Amount of consideration in Rs. π SWF means a Government investment vehicle which is funded by foreign exchange assets, and which manages those assets separately from the official reserves of the monetary authorities. ∏ SWF means a Government investment vehicle which is funded by foreign exchange assets, and which manages those assets separately from the official reserves of the monetary authori ties. 78 8 Foreign Investments in the Limited Liability Partnership capital contribution/ profit shares Percentage Before the transfer After the transfer Price as per Valuation guidelines*. *Valuation report (certificate from the Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant / approved valuer from the panel maintained by the Central Government to be attached). Declaration by the transferor / transferee I / We hereby declare that : i. The particulars given above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. ii. I/ We, was/were holding the capital contribution/profit shares of a Limited Liability Partnership as per foreign investment policy issued by the Government of India as well as notified under FEMA Regulations. iii. I/ We, am/are eligible to acquire the capital contribution /profit shares of a Limited Liability Partnership in terms of the foreign investment policy issued by the Government of India as well as notified under FEMA Regulations. iv. The foreign investment limit as per Government approval and the pricing guidelines have been adhered to. Signature of the Declarant or his duly authorised agent Date: Note: In respect of the tran sfer of capital contribution /profit shares of a Limited Liability Partnership from resident to non- resident the declaration has to be signed by the non- resident buyer, and in respect of the transfer of capital contribution /profit shares of a Limited Li ability Partnership from non-resident to resident the declaration has to be signed by the non-resident seller. 79 Certificate by the AD Bank Branch It is certified that the application is complete in all respects. The receipt /payment for the transaction are in accordance with FEMA Regulations / Reserve Bank guidelines. Signature Name and Designation of the Officer Date: Name of the AD Bank Branch AD Bank Branch Code 80 Part V: External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) Indian companies are allowed to access funds from abroad in the following methods: ( i) External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) (ii) Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs ) (iii) Preference shares (iv) Foreign Currency Exchangeable Bonds (FCEBs) ECB can be accessed under two routes, v iz., (i) Automatic Route outlined in paragraph and (ii) Approval Route. The reporting requirements are given below: 1) Application for raising ECB under the Approval Route - Form ECB ( Annex I): 2) Application for allotment of Loan Registration Number (LRN ) for ECB - Form 83 ( Annex II ) 3) Reporting of actual transactions of ECB - ECB 2 Return (Annex III ) 4) Form for reporting of details of Trade Credit - Form TC ( Annex IV) 5) Statement on Guarantee/ Letter of Undertaking/ Letter of Comfort issued by AD bank s in respect of Trade Credit ( Annex V) 81 Part V: Annex I Form ECB Application for raising External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) under Approval Route Instructions The complete application should be submitted by the applicant through the designated authorised dealer to the Principal Chief General Manager, Foreign Exchange Department, Central Office, ECB Division, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai 400 001. Documentation: Following documents, (as relevant) certified by authorised dealer, should be forwarded with the application: (i) A copy of offer letter from the overseas lender/supplier furnishing complete details of the terms and conditions of proposed ECB. (ii) A copy of the import contract, proforma/ commercial invoice/ bill of l ading. PART -A - GENER AL INFORMATION ABOUT THE BORROWER 1. Name of the applicant (BLOCK LETTERS) Address 2. Status of the applicant i) Private Sector ii) Public Sector PART-B -INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROPOSED ECB Currency Amount US$ equivalent 1. Details of the EC B (a) Purpose of the ECB 82 (b) Nature of ECB [Please put (x) in the appropriate box] (i) Suppliers’ Credit (ii) Buyers’ Credit (iii) Syndicated Loan (iv) Export Credit (v) Loan from foreign collaborator/equity holder (with details of amount, percentage equity holding in the paid-up equity capital of the borrower company) (vi) Floating Rate Notes (vii) Fixed Rate Bonds (viii) Line of Credit (ix) Commercial Bank Loan (x) Others (please specify) (c) Terms and conditions of the ECB (i) Rate of interest : (ii) Up -front fee : (iii) Management fee : (iv) Other charges, if any (Please specify) : (v) All- in-cost : (vi) Commitment fee : (vii) Rate of penal interest : (viii) Pe riod of ECB : (ix) Details of call/put option, if any. : (x) Grace / moratorium period : (xi) Repayment terms (half yearly/annually/bullet) : (xii) Average maturity : 2. Details of the lender Name and address of the lender/supplier 3. Nature of security to be provided, if any. PART C – INFORMATION ABOUT DRAW DOWN AND REPAYMENTS Proposed Schedule Draw-down Repayment of Principal Interest Payment Month Year Amount Month Year Amount Month Year Amount 83 PART D – ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Information about the project i) Name & location of the project : ii) Total cost of the project : Rs. USD iii) Total ECB as a % of project cost : iv) Nature of the project : v) Whether Appraised by financial institution/bank : vi) Infrastructure Sector : a) Power b) Telecommunication c) Railways d) Roads including bridges e) Ports f) Industrial parks g) Urban infrastructure - Water supply, Sanitation and sewerage. vii) Whether requires clearance from any : statutory authority ? If yes, furnish the name of authority, clearance no. and date. ECB already availed -(not applicable for the first time borrower) Year Registration No. Currency Loan Amount Amount disbursed Amount outstanding* * net of repayments, if any, on the date of application. 84 PART E – CERTIFICATIONS 1. By the applicant We hereby certify that - (i) the particulars given above are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and beli ef. (ii) the ECB to be raised will be utilised for permitted purposes ________________________________________ (Signature of Authorised Official of the applicant) Place_______________ Name:_________________________________ Date________________ Stamp Designation_____________________________ Phone No. ______________________________ Fax ________________________________ E-mail _________________________________ 2. By the authorised dealer – We hereby certify that – ( i) the applicant is our customer. (ii) we have scrutinized the application and the original letter of offer from the lender/supplier and documents relating to proposed borrowing and found the same to be in order. ________________________________ (Signature of Authorised Official) Place ____________ Name _________________________________ Date_____________ Stamp Name of the Bank/branch__________________ A.D.Code______________________________ 85 Part V: Annex II Form -83 (Reporting of loan agreement details under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999) To be submitted in duplicate by the borrower to designated Authorised Dealer (AD) for all categories and any amount of external commercial borrowing (ECB). After examining conformity with the extant ECB guidelines, the AD may provide requisite details in Part F of the Form and forward one copy (within 7 days from the date of signing loan agreement between borrower and lender) for allotment of Loan Registration Number (LRN) to: The Director , Balance of Payments Statistics Division , Department of Statistics and Information Management (DSIM) , Reserve Bank of India, C-8 -9 Bandra- Kurla Complex , Mumbai – 400 051 Agreement Details (To be filled by borrowers of External Commercial Borrowings) ECB under (Tick one) >> Approval Route Automatic Route In case of Approval Route No. and Date of RBI-FED approval: (attach copy of approval letter) Loan Key Number (allotted by RBI) Earlier Loan Registration No. (Applicable only for Revised Form-83) Part A: Borrower details Name and address of the Borrower (in BLOCK letters) Registration Number given by the Registrar of Companies: PAN Number of Company: Business Activity: Contact Official’s Name: Designation: Phone No. : Fax No. : E-mail ID : (No item should be left blank) Borrower Category (Tick one) Public Sector Private Sector Detailed Category (Tick one) Corporate - Manufacturing Corporate - Infrastructure Corporate –Service Sector - (Hotels, Hospitals and Software) Corporate – Service Sector – (Other than Hotels, Hospitals and Software) Bank Financial Institution (other than NBFC) NBFC- IFC Reg. No. NBFC- MFI Reg. No. NBFC- Others Reg. No. Non-Government Organization (NGO) Micro Finance Institution (MFI) Others (Specify) Part B: Lender details Name and address of the lender/ lessor /foreign supplier (in BLOCK letters) Lender Category (Tick one) Multilateral Financial Institution Foreign Government (Bilateral Agency) Export Credit Agency Indian Commercial Bank branch abroad 86 Country: E-mail ID : (No item should be left blank) Other Commercial Bank Supplier of Equipment Leasing Company Foreign Collaborator / Foreign Equity Holder International Capital Market Regional Financial Institution Government Owned Development Financial Institution Others (Specify) Details of foreign equity holding of the lender in the borrower company: (a) Share in paid-up equity of the borrower (%) (b) Amount of paid-up capital ECB-Liability: equity ratio in case of borrowings above USD 5 million from foreign equity holder : Part C: Loan Details Loan Agreement Date (YYYY/MM/DD) / / Effective Date of the Loan / / Last Date of Disbursement / / Maturity Date (Last payment date) / / Grace Period (if in agreement) Years Months Currency Name 1. 2. 3. Currency Code (SWIFT) Amount (in Foreign Currency) 1. 2. 3. Equivalent Amount (in US Dollars) (as on date of this form) Proposed Bifurcation of the amount Foreign Currency Expenditure Rupee Expenditure (in loan currency) Hedging details (Tick one) Currency Swap Interest Rate Swap Others Unhedged In case options are provided in the loan agreement (tick in the appropriate box) Call Option ___ per cent of Debt Can be executed after date / / Put Option ___ per cent of Debt Can be executed after date / / Name and address of the Guarantor (in Block letters) Contact Official’s Name: Designation : Phone No.: Fax No.: E -mail id: Guarantee Status Code (as per Box 1): 87 Borrowing Purpose Code (as per Box 2): (In case of multiple purpose, give break up of amount to be utilised under each purpose as Annex) Project Details: If import, specify the Country of import (if more than one country, attach details as Annex): Economic Sector/ Industry Code (See Box-3) Type of ECB (Tick in appropriate box) 1.Buyers’ Credit 2.Commercial Loan / Syndicated Loan (attach sheet for percentage distribution among lenders) 3.Suppliers’ Credit 4.Export Credit from Bilateral Sources 5.Line of Credit 6. Securitized Instruments (Bonds, CP, FRN, etc.) 7.Financial Lease 8.FCCB, FCEB, Non-Convertible Preference Shares, Optionally Convertible Preference Shares, Partially Convertible Preference Shares 9.Refinancing of old ECBs LRN of the old ECB: A pproval No. Date of Approval: Amount refinanced: Reason: 10.Others (Specify) Interest Payment Schedule First Payment Date / / No. of payments per year Fixed Rate Floating Rate Base with currency Margin Cap Rate Floor Rate Drawdown Schedule Tranch e No. Date* (YYYY- MM-DD) Currency Amount If more than one equal installment# Total No. of drawals No. of drawals in a calendar year * 1. In case of import of goods or services, date of import is to be furnished against date of drawdown. 2. In case of financial lease, date of acquisition (import) of the goods is to be mentioned as date of drawdown. 3. In case securitised instruments, date of i ssue has to be shown as date of drawdown. 4. In case of more than one equal drawdown transactions are shown in a row, the first date of transaction should be mentioned. # If drawdown is in unequal instalments, details should be given in Annex. Principal Repayment Schedule Date (YYYY- MM- DD) Currency Amount If more than one equal instalments # Total No. of payments No. of payments in a calendar year 88 # If repayment is in unequal instalments, details should be given in Annex. Part D: Other Charges Specify Nature of charge Expected Date of Payment Currency Amount In case of multiple equal payments No. of payments in a year Total number of payments Penal Interest for late payments Fixed % or Base: Margin: Commitment Charges % per annum of: % of Undrawn Amount: Part E: Details of ECB already availed (not applicable for the first-time borrower) Year Loan Reg.No. (LRN) Currency Amount of Loan Principal (as per agreement) Disbursed so far Net outstanding (Principal) We hereby certify that the particulars given above are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief and no material information has been withheld and/or misrepresented. Furthermore, the ECB is in compliance with the extant ECB guidelines. Place: __________ ___________________________________________________ (Signature of the Authorised Official of the Company) Date: ___________ Stamp Name: ______________________ Designation: _ _____________ Place: _____________ __________________________________ (Signature of Company Secretary/ Chartered Accountant) Date: ___________ Stamp Name: ______________________ Registration No: ______________ 89 Part F: [ To be filled- in by the Authorised Dealer ] We have scrutinized the related documents and confirm the following: 1 End-use (give % share if more than one end-use) (i) (ii) (iii) Tick one Permissible under Automatic Route Approved by Foreign Exchange Department, RBI under Approval Route 2 Average Maturity Years Months 3 Cost Factors (%) Fixed Rate Loan Floating Rate Loan Margin (spread) over base Base a) Interest Rate b) All-in-cost 4 In case of loan from ‘Foreign Equity Holder’, it is confirmed that: a) Direct equity holding of lender is at least 25 per cent of the paid-up equity (as per FCGPR taken on record by RBI / FCTRS return taken on record) b) Including the proposed borrowing, the “ECB Liability – Equity Ratio” (4:1) criteria is satisfied for borrowings of more than US $ 5 million 5 Borrower has given written undertaking to AD to the effect that it has been submitting ECB -2 Returns regularly to RBI in respect of past ECB/FCCB loans) Yes / Not Applicable 6 Other important facts relevant for the allotment of LRN We certify that the borrower is our customer and the particulars given in this Form are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. This application complies with the extant ECB guidelines and we recommend it for allotment of Loan Registration Number (LRN) by RBI. Place: __________ Stamp __________________________________________________ (Signature of the Authorised Official) Date: ___________ Name: ________________ Designation:__________________ Name of the bank/ branch _____________________________ AD Code (Part I and Part II):___________________________ Tel, No.:___________________Fax No.___________________ e -mail ID: __________________________________________ 90 For RBI (DSIM) Use only CS-DRMS Team Received on Action Taken on Loan Classification LRN (if allotted) Instructions for Submitting Form 83 1. All dates should be in the format YYYY/MM/DD (e.g., 2012/01/21 for January 21, 2012). 2. No item should be left blank. I n case, any item is not applicable, write ‘N.A.’ against it. 3. If space is not sufficient for giving full details against any item, separate sheet(s) may be attached to the Form and serially numbered as Annex. Each such Annex should be certified by both the borrower and AD. 4. The borrower should give a brief description of his business activity (whether in manufacturing/ trade/ provide services etc.) for the AD’s use. 5. Before forwarding the Form to the Reserve Bank of India, AD must ensure that the form is comp lete in all respects and scrutinise all the related original documents at its end. Incomplete Forms are liable to be rejected/returned by RBI to AD. 6. Firms/ companies obtaining sub -loans through DFIs/ FIs/ banks/ NBFCs etc. should not complete this form but approach the concerned financial institutions directly for reporting. 7. Following codes are for use in filling Part C of the Form: Box 1: Guarantee Status Code Box II: Borrowing Purpose Code Sr No Cod e Description Sl No Code Description 1 GG Govt. of India guarantee 1 IC Import of capital goods 2 CG Public Sector guarantee 2 RL Local sourcing of capital goods (Rupee expenditure) 3 PB Public Sector Bank guarantee 3 SL On-lending or sub-lending 4 FI Financial Institution guarantee 4 RF Refinancing of earlier ECB 5 MB Multilateral/ Bilateral Institution guarantee 5 NP New Project 6 PG Private Bank guarantee 6 ME Modernisation/Expansion of existing units 7 PS Private Sector guarantee 7 PW Power 8 MS Mortgage of assets/ security 8 TL Telecommunication 9 OG Other guarantee 9 RW Railways 10 NN Not guaranteed 10 RD Roads 11 PT Ports 12 IS Industrial Parks 13 UI Urban infrastructure 14 OI Overseas investment in JV/ WOS 15 DI PSU Disinvestment 16 TS Textile/Steel Restructuring Package 17 MF Micro Finance activity 91 18 OT Others (specify) 19 ER Mining, Exploration and Refining 20 CS Cold storage or cold room facility 21 CI Interest during construction 22 RR Refinancing of rupee loans 23 RB Redemption of FCCBs Box 3: Industry Code Industry group name Industry description Code Plantations (100) Tea 111 Coffee 112 Rubber 113 Others 119 Mining (200) Coal 211 Metal 212 Others 219 Petroleum & petroleum products manufacturing 300 Agricultural products (400) Food 411 Beverages 412 Sugar 413 Cigarettes & Tobacco 414 Breweries & distilleries 415 Others 419 Textile products (420) Cotton textile 421 Jute & coir goods 422 Silk & rayon 423 Other textile 429 Transport equipment (430) Automobiles 431 Auto accessories & parts 432 Ship building equipments & stores 433 Railway equipment & stores 434 Others 439 Machinery & tools (440) Textile machinery 441 Agricultural machinery 442 Machine tools 443 Others 449 Metal & metal products (450) Ferrous (iron & steel) 451 Non-ferrous 452 Special alloys 453 Others 459 Electrical electronic goods & machinery (460) Electrical goods 461 Cables 462 Computer hardware & computer based systems 463 Electronic valves, tubes & others 464 Others 469 Chemicals & Allied products (470) Fertilizers 471 92 Dyes & dyes stuff 472 Medicines & pharmaceuticals 473 Paints & varnishing 474 Soaps, detergents, shampoos, shaving product 475 Others 479 Others of manufacturing (480) Cement 481 Other Building Materials 482 Leather and leather products 483 Wood products 484 Rubber goods 485 Paper & paper products 486 Typewriters & other office equipment 487 Printing & publishing 488 Miscellaneous 489 Trading 500 Construction & turn-key projects 600 Transport 700 Utilities (800) Power generation, transmission & distribution 811 Others 812 Banking sector 888 Services (900) Telecommunication services 911 Software development services 912 Technical engineering & consultancy services 913 Tours & travels services 914 Cold storage, canning & warehousing services 915 Media advertising & entertainment services 916 Financial services 917 Transport services 919 Others 950 Others (not elsewhere classified) 999 93 Part V: Annex III ECB - 2 Reporting of actual transactions of External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) under Foreign Exchange Management A ct, 1999 (for all categories and any amount of loan) Return for the Month of ---------- 1. This return should be filled in for all categories of ECB. It should be submitted within 7 working days from the close of the month through the designated Authorised D ealer to the Director, Department of Statistics and Information Management (DSIM), Balance of Payments Statistics Division, Reserve Bank of India, C -8/9, Bandra- Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai -400 051. If there is no transaction during a particular period, a Nil Return should be submitted. 2. Please do not leave any column blank. Furnish complete particulars against each item. In case an item is not applicable, write “N.A.” against it. 3. All dates should be in format YYYY/MM/DD (e.g., 2012/01/21 for Ja nuary 21, 2012). 4. Borrowers obtaining sub- loans through DFIs/Banks/NBFCs etc. should not complete this form as the concerned financial institution would directly submit ECB -2. 5. The Company Secretary/ Chartered Accountant must scrutinise related original documents and ensure that the return is complete and in order as per ECB guidelines issued by Government/RBI, before forwarding it to RBI. 6. Loan Registration Number should be specified for all the loans approved after February 01, 2004. For earlier loans, Loan Identification Number (LIN) / Registration Number allotted by RBI should be specified. 7. If space is not sufficient for giving full information against any item, a separate sheet may be attached to the return and serially numbered as Annex. 8. Following purpose codes for use in Part C (Utilisation). Code Description Code Description IC Import of capital goods PT Ports IN Import of non- capital goods IS Industrial parks RL Local sourcing of capital goods (Rupee expenditure) UI Urban infrastructure RC Working Capital (Rupee expenditure) OI Overseas Investment in JV/WOS SL On-lending or sub- lending IT Development of Integrated Township RP Repayment of earlier ECB DI PSU Disinvestment IP Interest payments TS Textile/Steel Restructuring Package HA Amount held abroad MF Micro Finance Activity NP New project OT Others (Pl. specify) ME Modernisation /Expansion of existing units ER Mining, Exploration and Refining PW Power CS Cold storage or cold room facility TL Telecommunication CI Interest during construction RW Railways RR Refinancing of rupee loans RD Roads RB Redemption of FCCBs 94 9. Following codes for use in Part D (Debt Servicing) for source of remittance: Code Description A Remittance from India B Account held abroad C Export proceeds held abroad D Conversion of equity capital E Others (Specify) Part A: Loan Identification Particulars Loan Registration Number (LRN) Loan Amount Borrower Particulars Curren cy Amount Name and address of the Borrower (Block Letters) Contact Person' s Name: Designation: Phone No. : Fax no. : E-mail ID : As per Agreement Revised (please indicate if period of disbursement elapsed/ Cancelled/ not to be drawn in future) Part B: Disbursement B.1: Draw -down (Disbursement) duri ng the month (in loan currency) : Particulars Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Currency Amount Name of Bank/branch Account No. A. Amount Parked Abroad B. Amount Remitted to India Not Required Notes: 1. In the case of import of goods or services, date of import may be furnished against date of drawdown. 2. In the case of financial lease date of acquisition of the goods is to be mentioned as date of drawdown. 3. In the case of securitised instruments, date of i ssue may be shown as date of drawdown 4. In the case of multi-currency loan a separate block(s) may be attached to the return B.2: Balance amount of loan to be drawn in future: Expected Date of drawdown Currency Amount If more than one equal instalment Total number of drawals No. of drawals in a calendar year 95 Part C : Utilisation C.1: Details of utilisation of drawdowns (only Principal amount) during the month: Particulars Date Purpose code * Currenc y Amount Country Name of Bank Account No. From Amount Held Abroad From Amount Remitted to India Not Required * Codes as per note 8 on page 1. C.2: Outstanding Balance amount (principal only) parked abroad: Particulars Date Currency Amount Name of bank and branch Account No. as at month-end Part D : Debt Servicing D.1: Principal Repayment, Interest payment etc. during the month (in loan currency): Tranch e No. Purpose Date of Remittance Currency Amount Code* for Source of remittance Whether Prepayment of Principal (Y/N) # Principal Repayment @ Interest @ rate Others (Specify) * Codes as per note 9 on page 1. # In case of prepayment please provide details of Automatic / Approval Route No., Date, Amount as Annex. @ In case of conversion of FCCB/ECB into equity, Buyback/Redemption of outstanding FCCB or write -off of ECB principal amount, the transactions still to be shown against Principal Repayment with appropriate remarks. D.2: Revised Principal Repayment Schedule (if revised / entered into Interest rate swap): Date (YYYY/MM/DD) (First repayment date) Currency Amount in Loan Currency in each transactions If more than one equal installments Annuity Rate (if annuity payment) Total Number of installments No. of payments in a calendar year (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12) 96 Part E : Others E.1 Details of Financial Hedge Contracted (if any ): Details Type Currency Swap Forward Options Others Total amount Interest Rate Swap Principal FCy - Rupee FCy - FCy Coupon FCy - Rupee FCy - FCy FCy – Foreign Currency E.2 Details of Foreign Exchange Earnings and Expenditure (if any ): Average annual amount (approximate) for last three financial years (to be reported in any one foreign cur rency): Financial Year Currency Foreign Currency Earnings Foreign Currency Expenditure Part F: Outstanding Principal Amount Outstanding loan Amount (in Loan Currency) : ( i.e., total drawdown less total repayments at month- end) Currency Amount: We hereby certify that the particulars given above are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. No material information has been withheld and/ or misrepresented. Place : ___________ Date : ___________ Stamp ___________________________________ Signature of Authorised Official of borrowing company Name : ______________________________ Designation : _________________________ Telephone No.: _______________________ 97 Certificate from Company Secretary / Chartered Accountant We hereby certify that the ECB availed in terms of approval granted by Government or RBI or under approval route / automatic route is duly accounted in the books of accounts. Further, ECB proceeds have been utilised by the borrower for the purpose of ______________________________________________. We have verified all the related documents and records connected with the utilisation of ECB proceeds and found these to be in order and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the loan agreement and with the approval granted by GoI (MoF) or RBI or under approval route / automatic route and is in conformity with the applicable ECB Guidelines. Authorised Signatory Name & Address Place : Registration No. Date : [Stamp] _________________________________________________________________________________ Certificate by an Authorised Dealer We hereby certify that the information furnished above with regard to debt servicing, outstanding and repayment schedule is true and correct as per our record. The drawal, utilisation and repayment of the ECB have been scrutinised and it is certified that such drawal , utilisation and repayments of ECB are in compliance with ECB guidelines __________________________________ Signature of Authorised Dealer Place: ______________ Name: __ __________ _______________ Date: ______________ Designation: Telephone No. : ________________ Name & Address of A uthorised Dealer: E -mail ID: ______ ___ 98 Part V: Annex IV (Ann ex to A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 87 dated April 17, 2004 ) Form Trade Credit (TC) Form – TC Annex to A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 87 dated April 17, 2004 Part I : Approvals of Trade Credit granted by all branches during the (Month / Year)………… Name of the AD : Contact Person: Address : Tel : Fax : Sr. No Date of Approval Loan Identification No. Category of Borrower Name of Lender* Country of Lender* Currency Amount Equiv. Amt.in USD Rate of Interest Other charges in USD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total Form – TC Annex to A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 87 dated April 17, 2004 Part I : Approvals of Trade Credit granted by all branches during the (Month / Year)………… e-mail: Period of credit Type of Credit** Item of Import / proposed Import All-in-cost No. of Days/Mon./Yr Unit of time period SC / BC STC / LTC Description Category*** 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I. Supplier's Credit (SC) II. Buyer's Credit (BC) III. Short -term Trade C redit (STC) (maturity period up to one year) IV. Long -term Trade Credit (LTC) (maturity period more than one year & less than three years) V. Total Trade Credit (TC) (I+II) *: or Supplier **: Please type respective code such as SC or BC; STC or LTC. ***: P etroleum Oil Lubricants (POL), Capital Goods (CG), Others (OT) Note 1: The format of the loan identification number is: TC/(Name of the Bank/branch)/(Identification No.) Note 2: Information in column nos. 8 to 13 should be numeric only. No alphabets should be entered in those columns. 99 Note 3: Date format in col. No 2 is YYYY/MM/DD. For example, December 31, 2003 should be entered as 2003/12/31 Note 1: Information in column nos.1, 3 to 10 should be numeric only. No alphabets should be entered in those columns. Note 2: Date format in col. No 11, 12 is YYYY/MM/DD. For example, December 31, 2003 should be entered as 2003/ 12/31 Certificate by the Authorized Dealer 1. All trade credits for imports approved by all our branches during the month------------------ have been included in this statement. 2. Related import documents (including EC copy of Bill of Entry) towards utili zation of such trade credits have been verified and found in order. 3. The drawal, utilization and repayment of all trade credits approved by our branches have been scrutinized and it is certified that such drawal, utilization and repayments of trade credi ts Part II : Disbursement, Utilization and Debt servicing of Trade Credit during (month) / (year) Sr. No. Loan Identifi cation No. Amount approved (USD) Disbursement (USD) Utilization (USD) Principal Interest Other charges Total (6+7+ 8) Outstanding (4-6) Shipment Final repayment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 100 Part V: Annex V (Annex to A.P.DIR Series circular No.24 dated November 01, 2004) Guarantees/ Letter of Und ertaking/ Letter of Comfort issued / invoked by ADs As on quarter ended ………………. Name of the AD : Address : Contact Person: T el: Fax: e -mail:: (USD million) On behalf of Residents Guarantees / Letter of Undertaking / Letter of Comfort Issued Buyer’s Credit Supplier’s Credit Trade Credits (less than 3 years) (a) Up to one year (b) Above one year and less than three year s ** ** (Limited to Import of Capital Goods) Place: ----------------------- Signature of the Authorised Signatory Date: ----------------------- [Stamp] 101 Part VI: Non -resident Foreign Accounts 1) Mont hly statement on remittances made from NRO Accounts (Annex I ): With a view to having access to more real time data, information on the details of remittances made by NRIs/ PIOs/ Foreign nationals out of the NRO accounts is collected on a monthly basis. AD - Category I banks are required to furnish the statement in the requisite format to General Manager -in -Charge, Foreign Exchange Department, Foreign Investments Division (NRFAD), Reserve Bank of India, Central Office Cell, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110 001 within 7 days of the end of the reporting month. 2) The accounts opened by an authorised dealer or an authorised bank in respect of individual/s of Bangladesh nationality sh ould be reported by it to its Head Office and the Head Office of such authorised dealer/ authorised bank should forward a quarterly report containing details of Name of the Individual(s), Passport Number, Issuing Country/State, Name of the FRO/ FRRO, Date of issue of Residential Permit and validity thereof, to the Ministry of Home Af fairs (Foreigners Division) on Quarterly basis”. 3) Return on non- resident deposits (Annex II) : Authorised Banks maintaining non- resident deposits are required to submit detailed monthly data on non- resident deposits to the Reserve Bank of India in NRD -CSR package, the format of which is at Annex II (available at https://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/content/pdfs/19APDR_AN10813.pdf ) . For monthly NRD -CSR submission on XBRL platfor m by nodal office of banks, the Reserve Bank has provided the following two alternatives: (a) Banks can download the RBI’s NRD -CSR template by logging to the RBI’s Online Reporting web- page (http://orfs.rb i.org.in) (Path: Homepage → XBRL - based filing → (enter user name / password) → Download Returns Package → Form NRD -CSR) and use the same to generate instance document (.xml file) after entering details. The instance document can be uploaded on RBI’s XBRL page. The Reserve Bank (DSIM, CO) will provide User name and Password to all banks for NRD- CSR for this purpose. (b) Banks can use any publically available XBRL tool in relation with their internal database and build NRD -CSR discipline prescribed by RBI, f or generation of instance document (.xml file) and upload the same on RBI’s XBRL page. In addition, banks can also generate instance document in the prescribed format from their internal system, if it provides such flexibility. 102 Part VI: Annex I (P roform a annexed to 11A.P (DIR Series) Circular No. 67/2015 -16/ [(1)/5(R)] dated May 5, 2016) Statements indicating the details of remittances made by NRIs/PIOs Foreign nationals out of the NRO accounts for the month ended Name of the bank: No. of remittance on account of Amount in USD Sale proceeds of immovable property Other assets Transfers from NRO to NRE account Total Sale proceeds of immovable property Other assets Transfers from NRO to NRE account Total 11 Inserted by A.P (DIR Series) Circular No. 67/2015 -16/ [(1)/5(R)] dated May 5, 2016. Prior to insertion it read as: “A.P (DIR Series) Circular No. 106 dated February 18, 2014 .” 103 Part VI: Annex II Monthly data on non- resident deposits Non -Resident Deposits - Comprehensive Single Return: Format for XBRL-based reporting system 1. Format of NRD- CSR No Column Description Type Position Remarks 1. Bank Code 7 N 1 to 7 Bank Working Code for XBRL (given by RBI) followed by zeros 2. Reporting period [of Stock & flows] 6 N 8 to 13 Month to which NRD data pertains (YYYYMM format) 3. Deposit_Scheme code 4 A 14 to 17 As per Code Box 1 4. Account Type 1 A 18 F for Fixed; R for Recurring; S for Savings; C for Current A/c 5. Original Maturity 1 N 19 As per Code Box 2 6. Remaining Maturity 1 N 20 As per Code Box 2 7. Country (SWIFT code) 2 A 21 to 22 SWIFT Country code 8. A/c Currency (SWIFT code) 3 A 23 to 25 SWIFT Currency code 9. Record_Type Code 2 A 26 to 27 As per Code Box 3 10. Record - Amount 15 N 28 to 42 Amount (in currency of account) without decimal point N – Numeric; A – Alpha-numeric 2. Details of codes to be used in the NRD -CSR Code Box-1: Deposit Scheme Code Sr. No. Account under the Scheme Scheme Code 1. Foreign Currency Non-Resident (FCNR) A/c FCNR 2. Non-Resident External (NRE) Rupee Account NRER 3. Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) Rupee Account NROR Code Box-2: Maturity Code Sr. No. Maturity Classification Maturity Code 1. Up to and inclusive of six months 1 2. Over six months but up to and inclusive of one year 2 3. Over one year but up to and inclusive of two years 3 4. Over two years but up to and inclusive of three years 4 5. Over three years 5 6. Unallocated (Savings/Current/Unclaimed Accounts) 6 The residual maturity cannot be determined for Savings/Current/Unclaimed Deposit Accounts. The residual maturity for such cases, should be “unallocated” (Code 6). Currency Code (SWIFT Code) USD, GBP, EUR, JPY, AUD, CAD and other freely convertible currencies are permitted for FCNR(B) 104 Code Box-3: Record Type Code No. Record Type Description of data item on the record Code 1. Inflows Fresh inflow from abroad (total) FI 2. Amount of interest reinvested IR 3. Amount renewed / transfer from other A/c PR 4. Local inflow (for NRO Savings A/c) LI 5. Outflows Amount of principal remitted abroad (total) PA 6. Amount of interest remitted abroad (total) IA 7. Amount of principal remitted locally PL 8. Amount of interest remitted locally IL 9. Local withdrawals (gifts, tax, donations etc.) LW 10 Transfers to other A/c including renewals TR 11 Balances Opening Balance, including unclaimed OB 12 Closing Balance, including unclaimed CB 13 Unclaimed Balance UC 14 Interest Accrued as on end of Reference Month AI 15 Interest Suspense Balance (Interest Arrears) SB 3. Validations Sl. No. Validations Type * (Fatal (F)/ Non- Fatal (N)) 1 Total length of the file should not go beyond 42. F 2 Bank Code, N.R. D. Scheme code, Account Type, Country (SWIFT code), A/c Currency (SWIFT code) and Record - type Code will be validated with their respective code box / master. F 2 “Original Maturity” can’t be less than “Residual Maturity” F 4 Record type can’t have negative value. F 5 For FCNR (B) scheme any freely convertible currencies (except INR) can be selected. F 6 For NRE and NRO scheme only INR can be selected. F 7 For FCNR (B) scheme, the valid Record types are FI, IR, PR, PA, IA, HI, PL, IL, TR and OB,CB,UC,AI,SB. F 8 For NRE scheme the valid Record types are FI, IR, PR, PA, IA, PL, IL, LW, TR and OB,CB,UC,AI,SB. F 9 For NRO scheme the valid Record types are FI, IR, PR, LI, PA, IA, PL, IL, LW, TR and OB,CB,UC,AI,SB. F 10 For FCNR (B) scheme the following consistency check shall be provided for each currency: CB = OB + INFLOWS (FI+IR+PR) - OUTFLOWS (PA+PL+TR) N 11 For NRE scheme the following consistency check shall be provided: CB = OB + INFLOWS(FI+IR+PR) - OUTFLOWS (PA+PL+TR+LW) N 12 For NRO scheme the following consistency check shall be provided: CB=OB + INFLOWS(FI+IR+PR+LI) - OUTFLOWS (PA+PL+TR+LW) N 13 For FCNR and NRE scheme, “Original Maturity” for term deposit cannot have “Maturity Code” value ‘1’ [code box 2] F *Note: For any ‘fatal error’, system shall completely reject the file and record and for ‘non -fatal’ error, th e system shall accept the record/ file and process. However, in both the cases errors will be thr own by the system for correction and submission of revised data. 105 Part VII: Immovable Property Form IPI (Annex I) : A person resident outside India who has est ablished a branch, office or other place of business in India in accordance with the Foreign Exchange Management (Establishment in India of Branch or Office or other Place of Business) Regulations, 2000, as amended from time to time, for carrying on in India any activity, excluding a liaison office, may and acquires any immovable property in India, which is necessary for or incidental to carrying on such activity is required to file with the Reserve Bank a declaration in the form IPI as prescribed by Reserv e Bank from time to time, not later than ninety days from the date of such acquisition; 106 Part VII: Annex I Form IPI Declaration of immovable property acquired in India by a person resident outside India who has established in India a branch, office or other place of business, excluding a liaison office Instructions: 1. The declaration should be completed in duplicate and submitted directly to the Chief General Manager, Foreign Exchange Department, (Foreign Investment Division), Reserve Bank of India , Central Office , Mumbai – 400001 within 90 days from the date of acquisition of the immovable property. 2. This form is not to be submitted by a person resident outside India who is a citizen of India or a Person of Indian Origin (PIO) acquiring immovabl e property in India under General Permission in accordance with Regulations 3 and 4 of Notification No. FEMA 21/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000 . Documentation: Certified copies of let ter of approval from Reserve Bank obtained under section 6(6) of FEMA, 1999 (42 of 1999). 1 Full name and address of the acquirer who has acquired the immovable property 2 (a) Description of immovable property (b) Details of its exact location stating the name of the state , town and municipal/ survey number, etc 3 (a) Purpose for which the immovable property has been acquired (b) Number and date of Reserve Bank’s permission, if any 4 Date of acquisition of the immovable property 5 (a) How the immovable property was acquired i.e. whether by way of purchase or lease (b) Name, citizenship and address of the seller/ lessor (c) Amount of purchase price and sources of funds I/ We hereby declare that - (a) the particulars given above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief; (b) no portion of the said property has been leased /rented to, or is otherwise being allowed to be used by, any other party Encls: ---- ---------------------------- (Signature of Authorised official) Stamp Place: ------- Name:------------------------------ Date:-------- Designation:--------------------- 107 Part VIII: Overseas Direct Investment (ODI)12Overseas investments (or financial commitment) in Joint Ventures (JV) and Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WOS) have been recognised as important avenues for promoting global business by Indian entrepreneurs. The reporting formalities are given below: 1. Form ODI (Annex I): An Indian Party and a Resident Indivi dual making an overseas investment is required to submit form ODI. 2. At present, application for ODI is required to be made in Form ODI – Part I (comprising six s ections) for direct investments in Joint Venture (JV) / Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) under automatic route / approval route. Further, remittances and other forms of financial commitment undertaken by the Indian Party (IP) is reported in Form ODI Part II. Annual Performance Report (APR) on the functioning of overseas JV / WOS in Form ODI Part III and details of disinvestment in Form ODI Part IV is currently required to be submitted through the designated Authorised Dealer Bank (AD bank). While Form ODI Part I and Part III are required to be submitted by the applicant undertaking ODI, the Form ODI Par t II and Part IV are to be submitted by the AD bank on behalf of the applicant. In order to capture all data pertaining to the IP undertaking ODI as well as the related transaction, it has been decided to subsume Form ODI Part II with Form ODI Part I . The Form ODI will now thus have five s ections instead of six. 3. The structure of the rationalised and revised Form ODI (Annex I) will now comprise the following parts: Part I – Application for allotment of Unique Identification Number ( UIN) and reporting of R emittances / Transactions: Section A – Details of the IP / RI. Section B – Capital Structure and other details of JV/ WOS/ SDS. Section C - Details of Transaction/ Remittance/ Financial Commitment of IP/ R I. Section D – Declaration by the IP/ RI. Section E – Certificate by the statutory auditors of the IP / self-certification by RI. Part II - Annual Performance Report (APR) Part I II – Report on Disinvestment by way of a) Closure / Voluntary Liquidation / Winding up/ Merger/ Amalgamation of overseas JV / WO S; b) Sale/ Transfer of the shares of the overseas JV/ WOS to another eligible resident or non-resident; 12 Modified vide AP (DIR Series) Circular No. 62 dated April 13, 2016. The existing reporting formalities revised 108 c) Closure / Voluntary Liquidation / Winding up/ Merger/ Amalgamation of IP; and d) Buy back of shares by the overseas JV/ WOS of the IP / RI. 4. Further, a new r eporting format has also been introduced for Venture Capital Fund (VCF) / Alternate Investment Fund (AIF), Portfolio Investment and overseas investment by Mutual Funds as per the format in Annex II and Annex III. 5. In case of reporting purchase and repurchase of ESOPs, the AD banks may continue to report the same in the existing format (Annex IV). a) Annual Statement shares allotted to Indian employees/ Directors under ESOP Schemes : This statement is required to be submitted to the Central Office of the Reser ve Bank of India by the Indian Company through its AD bank. b) Annual Statement of shares repurchased by the issuing foreign company from Indian employees/ Directors under ESOP Schemes – : This statement is required to be submitted to the Central Office of the Reserve Bank of India by the Indian Company through its AD bank. 6. It is further advised that any post investment changes subsequent to the allotment of the UIN are required to be reported as indicated in the operational instruction s on submission of Form ODI Part I (Annex I) . 7. AD banks before executing any ODI transaction must obtain the Form ODI Part I from the applicant in terms of Regulation 6 (2) (vi) of the Notification, ibid . Further, the AD bank should report the relevant Form ODI in the online OID application and obtain UIN while executing the remittance. 8. In case of RI undertaking ODI, c ertification of Form ODI Part I by statutory auditor or c hartered accountant need not be insisted upon. Self -certification by the Resident Individual concerned may be accepted. 9. The revised ODI forms and instructions for filling up the forms will come into effect immediately. The revised forms can also be downloaded from the Reserve Bank’s website www.rbi.org.in . 10. Reserve Bank reserves the right to place the information received through the forms in the public domain. 11. As hitherto, the AD banks would continue to receive the ODI forms as also documents related to the post investment changes in the physical form . These should be pr eserved UIN wise for onward submission to the Reserve Bank, if and when specifically required. 12. AD banks should put in place proper processes and systems and issue necessary instructions to all the dealing officials at the bank / branch level to ensure com pliance with these guidelines . 109 Online Reporting of Form ODI 13. Online OID application has been revamped to further reduce the traditional paper based filing system, to provide the AD banks fast and easy accessibility to data for reference purpose, to improv e the coverage and ensure proper monitoring of the flows in a dynamic environment. Accordingly, modules in online OID application have been added, wherein all the ODI forms as mentioned in this circular may be reported. 14. A concept of AD Maker, AD Checker and AD Authorizer has now been introduced in the online application process. The AD Maker shall initiate the transaction and submit to the AD Checker for verification of the transaction before submission to Reserve Bank. The AD Authorizer shall have the authority to ratify the se ODI transaction which are pending due to various reasons, such as, delay arising on account of seeking further clarification from the IP / RI , technical difficulty in reporting the transaction in the online OID application and on acc ount of delay in completing the due diligence process. 15. The AD bank may identify an official in the middle management level who may be assigned the responsibility of the AD Authorizer. The Authorizer shall be entrusted with the following responsibilit ies: (i) Examining the genuineness of the reason/ s behind late submission of the ODI Forms . (ii) Ratifying those online transaction which are reported with a delay owing to operational difficulties after recording the facts in the online OID application under the Remar ks column. 16. The Centralized Unit / Nodal Office of the AD bank should ensure online reporting of Overseas Investments in the application hosted on the website https://oid.rbi.org.in 17. The AD Maker, AD Checker and AD Authoriser identified by the AD Bank may obtain a user -id for accessing the online OID application by submitting a request in the prescribed format (Annex IV) . 110 Annex I FORM ODI PART I Section A: Details of Indian Party (IP) / Resident Individual (RI) I. Code of Reporting AD bank II. Investment under Automatic Route Approval Route III. Particulars of the IP / RI i. Name of IP/ RI ii. PAN Number iii. Group to which the IP belongs iv. Activity code of IP (1987 NIC code at 3-digit level) v. Address of IP/ RI vi. City vii. State viii. Pin ix. Networth in INR As on date x. Contact Person xi. Designation of the contact person xii. Telephone Number xiii. Mobile Number xiv. Fax xv. E-mail ID IV. Status of IP/ RI: (Please tick appropriate category): i. Public Ltd. Company vi. Unregistered Partnership ii. Private Ltd. Company vii. Proprietorship iii. Public Sector Undertaking viii. Trust iv. Individual ix. Society v. Registered Partnership x. Others (please specify) V. Financial particulars of the IP for the last 3 years (If the IP is engaged in the financial sector or falls under the category of Proprietorship, Unregistered Partnership) i. Particulars (Actual Amt. in Rs.) Year 1 [31-3- ] Year 2 [31-3 - ] Year 3 [31-3- ] ii. Foreign exchange earnings (excluding equity exports to JV/WOS) iii. Net profit iv. Paid-up Capital v. Net worth of (a) Indian Party (b) Group Company@ @ to be furnished In terms of explanation to Regulation 6 (3) of Notification No. FEMA 120/ RB- 2004 dated July 7, 2004 as amended VI Particulars of existing JV and WOS already in operation or under implementation, of the IP/ RI: (Attach separate sheet if required) Name of IP / RI Unique Identification Number (UIN) allotted by Reserve Bank Name of the designated AD bank 111 i. ii. iii. iv. v. VII Whether the IP/ RI is under Investigation/ Export Caution list/ Banking Default List. If yes, mention the name of the investigating agency and the duration of investigation From Date To Date (if any) i. ii. iii. FORM ODI - PART I Section B: Capital Structure and other details of the JV / WOS / Step Down Subsidiary (SDS) Code of Reporting AD bank Indicate 13 digit Unique Identification Number issued by the Reserve Bank (if applicable) VI Particulars of JV/WOS i. Name of JV/WOS: ii. Address of JV/WOS: iii. Name of the country iv. e-mail id of the JV/ WOS v. Accounting year followed by the JV/WOS vi. Activity code of the JV/WOS as per NIC 1987 vii. Estimated cost/ Fair Value of overseas acquisition viii. Financial commitment w.r.t above JV/WOS Equity Loan Guarantee xi. Financial Commitment w.r.t. all JV/ WOS VII Whether JV/WOS is SPV (Y/N)? If Y, Please furnish the details i. Purpose of SPV ii. Full value of the overseas acquisition iii. Direct / Indirect infusion by SPV iv. Funds raised overseas with guarantee/ counter guarantee issued by the IP v. Funds raised overseas without guarantee/ counter guarantee of the IP vi. Funds contributed in the form of equity/ preference equity/ shareholder’s loans by foreign investors 112 vii. Securitisation viii. Any other mode (please specify) ix. Total VIII Proposed/ Updated Capital Structure: i. Indian Party (ies)/ RI % stake ii. Foreign partner(s) % stake (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (3) IX Furnish the details of investment/ disinvestment of Step down subsidiary (SDS) of JV/ WOS in the prescribed format (attach separate sheet if the number of SDS is more than one) i. Name, Level and Country of SDS ii. Name, Level and Country of parent SDS iii. Name of the Parent of the SDS iv. Investment type: WOS JV v. Type of Step Down Subsidiary SPV Operating Operating Cum SPV vi. Activity code as per NIC 1987 vii. Investment Amount and Date of investment (if any): viii. % stake held by the parent in the SDS 113 FORM ODI - PART I Section C: Details of Transaction/ Remittance/ Financial Commitment of Indian Party/ Resident Individual Code of Reporting AD bank Indicate 13 digit Unique Identification Number issued by Reserve Bank (if applicable) X Name of the IP/ RI XI Purpose of investment (Please tick appropriate category) (It can be either [a], [b] [c] or [d]) [a] Purpose of investment in New Project @ [b] Purpose of Supplementary Investment in existing project @ i. Participation in JV i. Enhancement of equity in the existing JV/WOS overseas ii. Contribution in WOS ii. Enhancement of Preference Equity/ Convertible Debt iii. Full acquisition of the foreign concern iii. Grant/ Enhancement of Loan in existing JV/WOS iv. Partial acquisition of a foreign concern iv. Extension/ Enhancement of Guarantees v. Investment in unincorporated entity v. Remittances to Unincorporated Entity vi. Others vi. Others [c] Conversion of loan into equity and vice versa $ [d] Rollover/ change in amount and date of a guarantee already reported to Reserve Bank $$ XII Details of Current Remittances/ Transaction Effected (Select a suitable method of investment and give the other details as mentioned in “Note” and the table below): i. Method of Investment ii. Category of Investment iii. Other Details $, $$ iv. Amount of Remittance / other financial commitment. ** Note : ** Please indicate name of the foreign currency (FCY) as per SWIFT code. 114 @ Please specify the other dues being capitalized viz., royalty, technical know-how fee, consultancy fees, etc. $ In case of conversion of loan into equity and vice versa please furnish the following details in the field “Other Details”  a) Date of conversion b) Amount converted into equity/ loan c) 15 digit transaction number allotted by the Reserve bank when the original remittance towards loan/ equity was reported online. $$ In case of rollover / change in guarantee please furnish the following details in the field “Other Details”  a) Date of change/ Rollover of guarantee, b) Validity date of the new guarantee c) New Guarantee Amount d) 15 digit transaction number allotted by the Reserve bank when the original guarantee was reported online. S. No. Method or Source of Investments Category of Investments (OPS: Other Preference Shares, IP: Indian Party) Other details 1 Cash Remittance – EEFC Equity CCPS OPS Loan Guarantee Invoked Remittance Date 2 Cash Remittance – Market Purchase Equity CCPS OPS Loan Guarantee Invoked Remittance Date 3 ECB Equity CCPS OPS Loan Guarantee Invoked Remittance Date 4 FCCB Equity CCPS OPS Loan Guarantee Invoked Remittance Date 5 ADR Equity CCPS OPS Loan Guarantee Invoked Remittance Date 6 GDR Equity CCPS OPS Loan Guarantee Invoked Remittance Date 7 Swap of Shares Equity Remittance Date 8 @ Capitalization – Exports / Others Equity CCPS OPS Loan Guarantee Invoked Remittance Date 9 Capitalization – Others (Specify) Equity CCPS OPS Loan Guarantee Invoked Remittance Date 10 Others – Fund based (Specify) Equity CCPS OPS Loan Guarantee Invoked Remittance Date 11 Corporate or Personal Guarantee Issued Corporate Guarantee by IP Personal Guarante e by third party Corporate Guarantee by third party Issue date and Validity date 12 Performance Guarantee Issued Performance Guarantee Issued Issue date and Validity date 13 Bank Guarantee Bank Guarantee Issued Issue date and 115 Issued (Name of the Bank) Validity date 14 Creation of Charge – foreign Assets Shares of JV / WOS Movable & Immovable Properties Other Financial Assets Date of Creation of charge and Validity date 15 Creation of charge – domestic Assets (to be denominated in INR) (name of the overseas lender) Shares of IP and/or its group companies Movable & Immovable Properties of IP and/or its group Other Financial Assets of IP and/ or its group Date of Creation of charge and Validity date (To be allowed only in INR) 16 Others – Non fund based (Specify) (Specify) 17 ODI as a result of merger Equity Loan Guarantee Date of Merger 18 ODI as a result of sale/ transfer/ merger by / of Indian Parties Equity Loan Guarantee Date of Sale Transfer To be filled by the AD branch (strike out whichever is not applicable) We hereby confirm that the remittance/ transaction of (amount in FCY) _________________ towards _________ (equity/ loan/ guarantee) i) has been allowed under the Automatic Route based on the certifi cation given by the statutory auditors confirming compliance with the prescr ibed terms and conditions by the Indian Party; ii) has been allowed under the A pproved Route based on the certification given by the s tatutory auditors confirming compliance with the prescribed terms and conditions by the Indian Par ty; iii) is in accordance with t he terms and conditions of the approval letter issued by the Reserve Bank ; iv) has been allowed on behalf of the Resident Individual under LRS as per Schedule V of Notification No. FEMA 120 /RB-2004 dated July 07, 2004 as amended from time to time; and v) in respe ct of the guarantee invoked, the remittance has been made after satisfying that the claim is in conformity with the terms and conditions of the guarantee issued to/on behalf of the JV/WOS abroad. Signature of authorized official Stamp/Seal Name & Designation of the Authorized Official Place: Date: Telephone No: Fax No: 116 FORM ODI - PART I Section D : Declaration by the Indian Party / Resident Individual (a) Whether the Indian Party / Resident Individual, are under investigation/s by any investigative/enforcement agency or regulatory body. If yes, the brief details thereof, including present stage of investigation/ adjudication / manner of disposal of the case. (b) Whether the promoter Indian Party (ies) is (are) presently on Exporters' Caution List of the Reserve Bank for non- realization of export proceeds or on the list of defaulters to the Banking System circulated by Reserve Bank. If so, status of the Indian Party (ies): (c) Any other information relevant to this proposal, including any special benefits / incentives available in the host country for setting up / acquiring the proposed concern. (d) Wherever applicable, the Share Certificate and Annual Performance Report as required in terms of Regulation 15 (i) and 15(iii) of the Notification No. FEMA 120 / RB - 2004 dated July 07, 2004, as amended from time to time, in respect of all the existing JV / WOS of the Indian Party has been submitted. (e) All the receivables have been repatriated as required in terms of Regulation 15 (ii) of the Notification No. FEMA Notification ibid in respect of all the existing JV / WOS of the Indian Party/ Resident Individual. (f) If the Activity of the Step Down Subsidiary is related to the financial services it is certified that we have complied with Regulation 7(2) of Notification No. FEMA 120 dated July 07, 2004 as amended. I/ We hereby certify that the information furnished above are true and correct. Signature of the authorized official of the IP / RI Stamp/Seal Name & Designation of the Authorized Official Place: Date: Telephone No. Fax No.: List of enclosures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 117 Form ODI - PART I Section E : Certificate by the Statutory Auditors of the Indian Party It is certified that the terms and conditions contained in Notification No. FEMA 120/RB-2004 dated July 7, 2004, as amended from time to time (Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of any Foreign Security) Regulations, 2004) have been complied with by the Indian Party _______ ______________________________ (Name of the Indian Party) in respect of the investment under report. In particular, it is certified that: ii. the investment is not in real estate oriented or banking business, and iii. the remittance / transaction amount towards the investment together with earlier financial commitment is within the limit stipulated by the Reserve Bank from time to time. This has been verified with reference to the net worth (Amt in INR ___________/Amt in equivalent FCY_______) of the Indian Party __________________________(Name of the Indian Party ) as on the date of last audited balance sheet, i.e. ( date ________) and the total financial commitment (Amt in FCY ______) vis a vis net worth arrived at ____%. iv. The Financial commit ment of the Indian Party is within the 1 Billion limit for this financial year in terms of A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.1 dated July 03, 2014. v. has complied with the valuation norms prescribed for the investment towards equity and the valuation for the investment in _______(no of shares) is arrived at _________(amount in FCY). vi. has complied with the ECB guidelines #. vii. that the Indian Party (a) has made net profits during the preceding three years, (b) has fulfilled the prudential norms of capital adequacy as prescribed by the regulatory authority concerned; (c) has been registered with the appropriate regulatory authority in India and (d) has obtained approval for the investment in financial services sector activities from the regulatory authorities concerned in India and abroad*. Further, certified that, wherever applicable, the Annual Performance Report, as required in terms of Regulation 15(iii) of the Notification ibid, in respect of all its JV / WOS (UIN to be mentioned in the table below) of the Indian P arty have been submitted. (attach a separate sheet if required) UIN 1: UIN 2: UIN 3: UIN 4: UIN 5: UIN 6: Note: *Applicable only in cases where the investment proposed is in the financial services sector (e.g. insurance, mutual fund, asset management, etc.). # Applicable where investment is funded through ECB/FCCB balances. Signature of the Statutory Auditors of the Indian Party Stamp/Seal Name of the firm and registration number Place: Date: 118 Instructions relating to submission of Form ODI Part I: (a) In case of Automatic Route - AD Category – I banks may allow Overseas Direct Investment on receipt of application in Form ODI, where the Indian Party is complying with Regulation 6 of Notification No. FEMA 120/RB- 2004 dated July 7, 2004 as amended from time to time and the Resident Individual is complying with Regulation 20 read with Schedule V of the FEMA Notification ibid. (b) In case of Approval Route – the application should be submitted to the Reserve Bank in the on- line application of F orm ODI Part I as contemplated above. The proposal under the approval route shall be submitted after due scrutiny and with the specific recommendations of the designated AD bank along with a copy of Section D and Section E of Part I of Form ODI and support ing documents to The Chief General Manager, Reserve Bank of India, Foreign Exchange Department, Overseas Investment Division, Amar Building, 5th Floor, Sir P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400001. In case the proposal is approved, the AD bank should effect the r emittance under advise to Reserve Bank so that the UIN may be allotted under the approval route. For approval by the Reserve Bank, following documents need to be submitted along with Part I of From ODI by the designated Authorized Dealer: (i) A letter from th e designated AD of the IP in a sealed cover mentioning the following details: • Transaction number generated by the OID application • Brief details of the Indian entity • Brief details of the overseas entity • Background of the proposal, if any • Brief details o f the transaction • Reason/s for seeking approval mentioning the extant FEMA provisions. • Observation of the designated AD bank with respect to the following: o Prima facie viability of the JV/ WOS outside India; o Contribution to external trade and other benef its which will accrue to India through such investment; o Financial position and business track record of the IP and the foreign entity; o Expertise and experience of the IP in the same or related line of activity of the JV/ WOS outside India. • Recommendati ons of the designated AD bank (ii) A letter from the IP addressed to the designated AD bank. (iii) Board resolution for the proposed transaction/s. (iv) Diagrammatic representation of the organisational structure indicating all the subsidiaries of the IP horizontally and vertically with their stake (direct & indirect) and status (whether operating company or SPV). (v) Incorporation certificate and the valuation certificate for the overseas entity (if applicable). (vi) Other relevant documents properly numbered, indexed and flagged. (c) Part I contains details of the JV/WOS, Indian Parties/ Resident Individuals and the remittance, other financial commitment of the overseas entity and shall be submitted a. at the time of initial remittance, all subsequent remittances / other forms of fi nancial commitment shall be undertaken only after the allotment of UIN. b. for reporting the remittance for supplementary investment and any other forms of financial commitment. (d) subsequent remittances (or financial commitment) under the automatic route and remittances (or financial commitment) under the approval route should be made, only after receipt of auto generated e -mail from RBI confirming the UIN. (e) In cases where the investment (or financial commitment) is being made jointly by more than one IP, Form ODI is required to be submitted individually by all the investing entities and submitted to the designated branch of the AD bank. The AD bank should file online a consolidated Form ODI indicating details of each party. The Reserve Bank would allot only one UIN to the overseas project. (f) In terms of Regulation 11 of the Notification ibid, the Indian parties are permitted to make direct investment (or undertake financial commitment) in JV / WOS abroad by way of capitalisation of exports or other dues/entitlements like royalties, technical knowhow fees, consultancy fees, etc. In 119 such cases also, the IP is required to submit details of capitalisation in the Form ODI to the designated AD bank branch. (g) All Indian parties/ Resident Individual are required to undertake all the Overseas Direct Investments through the respective AD bank through which the UIN is obtained. (h) All amounts of foreign currency (FCY) and Indian Rupees (INR) should be in actuals only. Please indicate the name of the f oreign currency (FCY) as per SWIFT code. (i) The dates shall be in the format of DD/MM/YYYY. (j) Each page of the Form ODI - Part I should be duly signed and stamped with date by the RI / authorized person of the IP. (k) If more than one IP / RI are inv esting in the same JV / WOS, the Form ODI Part I is to be submitted by each IP / RI. (l) Estimated cost/ Fair Value of the overseas acquisition – The amount of the estimated cost/ fair value should be in FCY. (m) Financial Commitment with the current JV/ W OS – The IP / RI shall furnish the outstanding financial commitment towards equity, loan and guarantee. (n) The certificate by the statutory auditor shall be required only in case of IP and not in case of RI. (o) Proposals for conversion of equity into loa n shall be forwarded to the Reserve Bank for prior approval through the designated AD bank. (p) Reserve Bank reserves the right to put the information furnished here in the public domain. (q) Step down subsidiary can be: a. Operating company b. Holding Company/ Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) c. Holding cum Operating company (r) Type of investment can be wholly owned step down subsidiary (WO SDS) or Step Down Joint Venture (JV SDS). (s) Level of step down Subsidiary (SDS) should be calculated treating the JV/ WOS as the parent. So an SDS under the direct JV/ WOS should be treated as first level SDS. Accordingly an SDS under the first level SDS would be treated as second level SDS. (t) Post Investment changes may be reported in the relevant section as prescribed under: Sl. N o. Type of post investment change Relevant Section of Form ODI – Part I to be submitted individually 1. Change in the details of IP/ RI viz Change in the name, Address, contact details, status. Section A 2. Investigation details of the IP / RI Section A 3. Change in the Networth of the IP Section A 4. Change in capital structure of the JV/ WOS Section B 5. Change in status of JV/ WOS from operating entity to SPV or vice versa Section B 6. Change in the details of JV/ WOS such as name address etc. Section B 7. Reporting of setup/ incorporation/ investment / disinvestment of SDS Section B 8. Conversion of loan into equity and vice versa Section C 9. Rollover/ change in amount / validity date of the guarantee already reported to the Reserve Bank Section C 120 Form ODI PART II ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT (APR) Note: all amounts should be in actuals and NOT in thousands. All the figures should be in a single foreign currency except for Non-Equity Exports Realized i.e. item V (iii). I. APR for the period From date To Date II. Unique Identification Number (UIN) III. Capital structure as on the last day of the accounting year of JV/ WOS Amount % share i) Indian ii) Foreign IV. Operational details of the JV/ WOS for the last two years Previous Year Current Year i) Net Profit / (Loss) ii) Dividend iii) Net worth V. Repatriation from the JV / WOS Current Year Since commencement of business (i) Dividend (ii) Repayment of Loan (iii) Non-Equity Exports Realised (in INR) (iv) Royalties (v) Technical Know-how Fees (vi) Consultancy Fees (vii) Others (Please specify) (viii) Profit (ix) Retained Earnings (x) FDI by JV/ WOS/ SDS into India (xi) Refund of excess share application money @ Transaction No. - 121 @ furnish 15 / 17 digit transaction number allotted by Reserve Bank allotted at the time of reporting on the online OID application VI. Furnish the details of investment in either Wholly owned of a Joint Venture Step down subsidiary (SDS) of JV/ WOS in the prescribed format (attach separate sheet if the number of SDS is more than one) (i) Name, Level and Country name of SDS (ii) Name, Level and Country name of the parent of SDS (iii) Investment Amount in FCY and Date of investment (if any) Currency: Amount: Date: (iv) Investment type WO SDS JV SDS (v) Type of Step Down Subsidiary SPV/ Holding company Operating Operating Cum SPV (vi) Activity code as per 1987 (vii) % stake held in SDS (viii) Is the activity of SDS into financial services (tick) Yes No Certificate from Indian Party/ Resident Individual (Strike out whichever is not applicable) We/ I the Indian Party/ Resident Individual (wherever applicable) further confirm that: i. Investment in step down subsidiary (SDS) has been reported to RBI from time to time in terms of Regulation 13 of Notification No. FEMA.120/RB -2004 dated July 7, 2004 as amended; ii. If the ac tivity of the SDS is related to financial services - it is certified that Regulation 7(2) of Notification No FEMA 120/RB-2004 dated July 7, 2004 as amended has been complied with; iii. Changes in the capital structure of the JV/ WOS since last APR has been reported under Section C of Form ODI Part I. iv. We have received share certificate/s (or any other proof of investment) and submitted the same to the designated AD bank for verification within 6 months of making the remittance/s for all (equity/CCPS) investment made as per Regulation 15 (i) of FEMA Notification ibid. v. The previous APRs for all JV/ WOS have been filed to the respective designated AD bank. vi. Repatriated to India, all dues receivable from the overseas JV / WOS, like dividend, royalty, technical know -how fees etc., within 60 days of its falling due or as prescribed by Reserve Bank from time to time. Signature of the authorized official of the IP approved by the Board / R I Stamp/Seal Name & Designation of the Authorized Official of the IP Place: Date: 122 Certificate of the statutory auditor (only in case of Indian Party) / self-certification in case Resident individuals (strike out whichever is not applicable) We hereby certify that: i. APR for the year ended _______is prepared on the basis of audited/ unaudited balance sheet of the JV/WOS for the year ended _________. ii. APR for the year ended _______is prepared on the basis of unaudited balance sheet of the JV/WOS since audit is not mandatory in host country and in compliance with Regulation 15 (iii) read with 15 (v) of FEMA Notification ibid and Para 6 of A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 29 dated September 12, 2012. iii. The I P repatriated to India, all dues receivable from the foreign entity, like dividend, royalty, technical know -how fees etc., within 60 days of its falling due or as prescribed by the Reserve Bank from time to time. Repatriation from the JV/WOS has been verified from the Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate issued by the AD bank/s. Signature of the Statutory Auditors of the Indian Party Stamp/Seal (Name of the firm and Registration number) Place: Date: Certificate by the Authorized Dealer bank i. In terms of Para 3 of AP (Dir. Series) Circular No. 14 dated September 5, 2008 the branch has received the share certificate/s or any other document as evidence o f investment and are satisfied about the bonafide of the documents so received. ii. The duly filled in Form ODI Part II (Annual Performance Report) was submitted by the I P/ R I on ___________ day of ___________ (month) ________________________ (year). iii. All the p revious year A PRs submitted by the I P / R I have been reported in the online OID application. Signature of the Authorized Official of the AD bank Stamp/Seal Name and designation of the AD bank official Place: Date: Instruction for submission of Form ODI Part II: a) APR is to be certified by statutory auditors of the IP and submitted, through the designated AD bank every year by 13December 31 as long as the JV / WOS is in existence. b) The IP / RI shall ensure that all the previous year APR has been be submitted to the designated AD bank. c) Para I: Please mention the date in format DD/MM/YYYY. d) Please indicate the name of the foreign currency (FCY) as per SWIFT code e) Para II: Please indicate 13 digit UIN issued by RBI. f) Para III: Capital structure sho uld be in cumulative and the % stake should be a total of all the IP / RIs in the JV/ WOS g) Para IV (i) – the figure reported for loss should be mentioned in brackets. 13 Inserted on May 5, 2016. Prior to insertion, it by mistake read as “June 30th.” 123 h) Para V: Figures under “since commencement of business” should be equal to or more than the figure mentioned under current year. i) Para V (ii): Redemption of preference shares (not in the nature of compulsorily convertible preference shares (CCPS)) should also be reported. j) Para V (ix): Represents part of the profits of the JV/WOS which is retained and reinvested in the JV/WOS. k) Para VI (x) – Represents interest on loan or license fee etc. l) Para VI Step down subsidiary can be: a. Operating company b. Holding Company/ Special Purpose Vehicle c. Holding cum Operating company m) Para VI (iv): Type of investment can be wholly owned step down subsidiary (WO SDS) or Step Down Joint Venture (JV SDS). n) Level of step down Subsidiary (SDS) should be calculated treating the JV/ WOS as the parent. So an SDS under the direct JV/ WOS should be treated as first level SDS. Accordingly an SDS under the first level SDS would be treated as second level SDS. o) Retained earnings is to be calculated as per the procedure laid down by the International Monetary Fund in the latest version of their publication “Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual”. It is to be noted that the negative retained earnings is to be treated as ‘0’ (zero). p) The certificate by statutory auditor shall be required only in case of IP and not in case of RIs. q) Each page of the Part II of Form ODI (APR) should be duly signed and stamped with date, by the RI / authorized person of the IP. 124 Form ODI - PART III Reporting of Disinvestment by way of Sale or Transfer of Shares / Closure / Voluntary Liquidation /Winding Up/ Merger /Amalgamation of JV / W OS Note : All amounts should be in a single foreign currency and in actuals. Unique Identification Number allotted by the Reserve Bank S. No. Name, AD Code and Address of the AD bank: I Date of submission of and period to which last APR relates II Disinvestment route(tick) Approval Route Automatic Route III Disinvestment Type (tick) Full disinvestment Partial Disinvestment IV Date of Disinvestment V PAN No and name of the disinvesting IP / R I VI % Stake held at the time of disinvestment % stake disinvested in case of partial disinvestment VII Method of disinvestment Details to be furnished as Annex to the Form ODI Part III Tick i. Sale or transfer of shares to another IP/ Individual, Merger / Liquidation of IP Furnish the details of the entity buying the stake and also whether the entity purchasing the stake is an existing foreign partner/ Indian Partner in the JV / WOS or a foreign party / IP buying stake in the concerned JV / WOS for the first time. ii. Closure/ Voluntary Liquidation of the JV/ WOS Details of the JV/ WOS iii. Buy back by the JV/ WOS Details of the JV/ WOS iv. Merger of two or more JV/ WOS of the same IP or different IP Furnish details of merging JV/ WOS and the surviving JV/ WOS such as Name, UIN of the JV/ WOS and the name of the IP concerned of both the JV/ WOS. Also furnish details of SDS of those JV/ WOS which shall merge. v. Merger of the JV/ WOS with the Step down subsidiaries of the same IP or another I P Furnish UIN of the merging JV/ WOS, the name of the IP holding indirect stake in SDS, n ame of the SDS, Level of SDS, name and c ountry of immediate parent of SDS vi. Merger of JV/ WOS with an Independent Foreign Company not having any relation with the IP / RI Furnish the detail of the foreign company such as name and address VIII Summary of the Overseas Direct Investment (Cumulative amount) 125 i. Equity Loan Guarantees Issued Guarantee Invoked IX Date wise details of remittances/ transaction (attach separate sheet if necessary) i. Date of Remittance/ Transaction Method of Investment Category of Investment Amount X Fair Value of the total disinvestment as per the valuation report XI Whether there is write off? If yes please provide the amount of write off i. Equity Loan Others (please specify) XII Amount Repatriated on disinvestment (attach separate sheet if necessary) i. Date of Repatriation Equity Loan Others XIII Amount repatriated since reporting of the last APR except the disinvestment proceeds I Equity Loan Others (Please Specify) It is certified that (Strike out whichever is not applicable) (a) the sale is effected through a stock exchange where the shares of the overseas JV / WOS are listed; (b) if the shares are not listed on the stock exchange, and the shares are disinvested by a private arrangement, the share price is not less than the value certified by a Chartered Accountant /Certified Public Accountant as the fair value of the shares based on the latest audited f inancial statements of the JV / WOS ; (c) The IP / RI does not have any outstanding dues by way of dividend, technical know-how fees, 126 royalty, consultancy, commission or other entitlements, and/or export proceeds from the JV / WOS; (d) The overseas concern has been in operation for at least one full year and the share certificate/s or any other document as an evidence of investment and APR for all the years has been submitted to the designated AD bank / Reserve Bank; (e) The Indian Party is not under investigation by CBI/ED/SEBI/IRDA or any other regulatory authority in India. (f) All the remittances/ transactions have been reported to Reserve Bank and it reconciles with the remittances / transaction details reported to the Reserve Bank. (g) All the guarantees issued on behalf of the JV/ WOS and its SDS are either novated to another entity or the guarantee is closed. (h) In case the SDS has become the direct JV/ WOS as result of disinvestment of the JV/ WOS then it is certified that Form ODI Part I with respect to all such SDS is submitted to Reserve Bank for allotment of UIN. Place: Place: Date: Date: (Signature and seal of authorised official of the IP / RI) (Signature and seal of authorised official of the Bank) Name: Name: Designation: Designation: Tel. No.: Tel. No.: FAX No. FAX No. 127 Instructions to submit the From ODI Part I II: (a) A new system has been introduced for reporting of the disinvestment / closure/ winding up / voluntary liquidation of the over seas JV / WOS under the general permission (Part I II of Form ODI). In case the disinvestment / closure / winding up / voluntary liquidation is under the Automatic Route, in terms of Regulation 16 of Notification No FEMA 120/RB -2004 dated July 7, 2004 as amended from time to time read with the A. P. (Dir Series) Circular No. 29 dated March 27, 2006 and the A.P. (Dir Series) Circular No. 73 dated June 29, 2011, a report should be submitted in the online OID application within 30 days of the disinvestment by the designated AD bank, in Part I II of Form ODI. (b) Form ODI Part III is to be submitted by the IP/ RI to the designated AD bank which in turn shall be reported the same in the online OID application through their nodal office. (c) In all other cases of disinvestment , as per the current procedure, an application along with the necessary supporting documents should be submitted to the Reserve Bank for prior approval. In case the proposal is approved, the AD bank should submit the report on disinvestment in Form ODI Par t III in physical copy to the Reserve Bank so that the UIN can be cancelled/ closed. d) All amounts should be in actuals and in a single foreign currency. e) All dates should be in the format DD/MM/YYYY. 128 Annex II Reporting of the Overseas Investment by Venture Capital Fund (VCF) / Alternate Investment Fund (AIF) I. Particulars of the Indian company / RI who has promoted/ invested in VCF/ AIF (Attach Separate sheet if there are multiple Indian Company/ Resident Individuals) i. Name of the Indian Company/ RI ii. PAN No iii. Group to which the Company belongs iv. Activity code of the Indian Company (1987 NIC code at 3-digit level) v. Address of the Indian Company/ RI vi. City vii. State viii. PIN code ix. Name of the contact person x. Designation of the contact person xi. Telephone No. xii. Mobile No. of the contact person xiii. Fax No. xiv. e-mail id II. Particulars of the Indian Company/ RI who manages the VCF/ AIF i. Name of the Indian Company/ RI ii. PAN No iii. Group to which the Company belongs iv. Activity code of the Indian Company (1987 NIC code at 3-digit level) v. Address of the Indian Company / RI vi. City vii. State viii. PIN code ix. Name of the contact person x. Designation of the contact person xi. Telephone No. xii. Mobile No. of the contact person xiii. Fax No. xiv. e-mail id III. Particulars of the VCF/ AIF i. Name of the VCF ii. Date of the SEBI Approval iii. Limit of the Overseas investment granted by SEBI (Amount in actuals in FCY) iv. Date of Remittance for investment v. Amount (in actual USD or equivalent USD) vi. Investment Towards Equity Equity linked instrument Other permissible instrument (furnish the details of instrument) vii. Country of Investment 129 Annex III Form for monthly reporting of Portfolio Investment and Overseas Investment by Mutual Fund (As per Regulation 6B and 6C of FEMA Notification No 120/RB-2004 dated July 07, 2004 as amended from time to time) AD bank name and code - Name and address of the AD bank branch - Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year A. Overseas Investments by Listed Indian Companies (Figures in USD million) No. of Investors Amount I. Net Amount of Investment held abroad (Opening Balance) II. Investments made during the month (Outflow) III. Disinvestments made during the month (Inflow) IV. Net Amount of Investments held abroad (Closing Balance) B. Overseas Investment by Mutual Funds Mutual Fund Name * Mutual Fund Location * Investment Details (Figures in USD million) ADR/GDR Debt Instruments Equity ETF (Securities) Mutual Funds Total I. Net Amount of Investment held abroad (Opening Balance) II. Investments made during the month (Outflow) III. Disinvestments made during the month (Inflow) IV. Net Amount of Investments held abroad (Closing Balance) Signature of the Authorized Official of the AD bank Stamp/Seal Name and designation of the official Place: Date: 130 Annex IV ESOP Reporting Statement of shares allotted to Indian employees/ Directors under ESOP Schemes for the year ended March ______________ (to be submitted on the letterhead of the Indian Company / Office / Branch through their AD bank) We, ……………………………………….... (Indian Company / Office / Branch), hereby declare that: a) M/s. ……………………………………………..………. (foreign company) has issued ………… shares to our empl oyees / Directors under ESOP Scheme during the year as under: (i) No. of shares allotted : (ii) Number of employees / Directors who accepted shares : (iii) Amount of outward remittance (in FCY and equivalent INR, both) : b) The effective holding (direct or indirect) of the foreign company M/s. ………………………………………………\ ..…………… in the Indian company, as on March 31, ………(Year), is ………% and c) The information furnished above is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. Signature of the Authorised Official : Name : Designation : Date : To, The Chief General Manager Reserve Bank of India Foreign Exchange Department Overseas Investment Division Central Office, Amar Bldg., 5 th Floor Sir P.M. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 131 ESOP Reporting Statement of shares repurchased by the issuing foreign company from Indian employees/ Directors under ESOP Schemes for the year ended March 31, …………. (Year) (to be submitted on the letterhead of the Indian Company / Office / Branch through their AD bank) We, ……………………………………….... (Indian Company / Office / Branch), hereby declare that: a) M/s. ……………………………………………… (foreign company) has repurchased ……….. shares, issued to our employees / Director under ESOP Scheme, during the year as under: (i) Number of shares allotted : (ii) Number of employees/directors who sold shares : (iii) Amount Inward remittance (in FCY and equivalent INR, both) : b) The effective holding (direct or indirect) of the foreign company M/s. ………………………………………………\ ..…………… in the Indian company, as on March 31, ………(Year), is ………% and c) The information furnished above is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. Signature of the Authorised Official : Name : Designation : Date : _________________________________________________________________ To, The Chief General Manager Reserve Bank of India Foreign Exchange Department Overseas Investment Division, Central Office, Amar Bldg., 5 th Floor Sir P.M. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 132 Annex V Request Form for creation of user id in the Overseas Investment Application Description of request  Tick Kindly paste a recent passport size photograph of the applicant 1) Addition of user id 2) Modification of assigned role/ user type / details of the user id 3) Deactivation of the user id Details of the User Name of the user PF No. / Employee No. Name and address of the AD b ank Name of the department/d ivision/section Designation of the user User Type (tick) AD Maker AD Checker AD Approver Corporate mail id Signature of the Applicant Signature / Approval of Head of Department Name Approved Roles Justification / Remarks Signature To be filled by the OID System Administrator Change request number User id creation date Role/s assigned Justification Name Signature 133 Part IX: Trade 1) Exports a. EDF Form (Annex I) : Export Declaration Form (EDF) is used to declare export of goods from Non- EDI ports. b. Softex form (Annex II) : All software exporters are required to file single as well as bulk SOFTEX form in excel format to the competent authority for certification. c. Advance Payments against Exports: AD Category- I banks can also allow exporters having a minimum of three years’ satisfactory track record to receive long term export advance up to a maximum tenor of 10 years to be utilized for execution of long term supply contracts for export of goods subject to conditions specified. Receipt of such advance of USD 100 million or more should be immediately intimated to the Trade Division, Foreign Exchange Department, Central Office, Reserve Bank of India. d. AD Category – I banks are advised to ef ficiently follow up with the concerned exporters in order to ensure that export performance (shipments in case of export of goods) is completed within the stipulated time period. It is further reiterated that AD category – I banks should exercise proper due diligence and ensure compliance with KYC and AML guidelines so that only bonafide export advances flow into India. Doubtful cases as also instances of chronic defaulters may be referred to Directorate of Enforcement (DoE) for further investigation. A quar terly statement indicating details of such cases may be forwarded to the concerned Regional Offices of RBI within 21 days from the end of each quarter. (Annex III) e. 14Omitted f. Taking into account the recommendation made by the Technical Committee on Facil ities and Services to the Exporters (Chairman: Shri G. Padmanabhan), AD banks were permitted to factor the export receivables on a non- recourse basis, so as to enable the exporters to improve their cash flow and meet their working capital requirements subj ect to conditions as under: After factoring, the Export Factor may close the export bills and 14 The submission of fortnightly and quarterly reports to RBI on balances of DDA accounts and opening/ closing of DDA accounts has since been done away with vide AP (DIR Series) circular No. 54 dated March 23, 2016 and FEM (Foreign Currency Accounts by a person Resident in India) Regulations, 2015 with effect from January 21, 2016 134 report the same in the Export Data Processing and Monitoring System (EDPMS) of the Reserve Bank of India. ( https://www.edpms.rbi.org.in ) g. Follow- up of Overdue Bills: With operationalization of EDPMS on March 01, 2014, realization of all export transaction for shipping documents after February 28, 2014 should be reported in EDPMS and old outstanding shipping bills prior t o March 01, 2014 should continue to be reported in XOS till completion of the cycle. ( https://www.edpms.rbi.org.in ) h. AD banks should report write off of export bills through EDPMS to the Reserve Bank . ( https://www.edpms.rbi.org.in ) i. EFC (Application for opening foreign currency account with a bank in India or abroad by exporters) ( Annex V) j. To facilitate e- commerce, it has been decided to permit AD Category -l banks to of fer the facility of receipt/payment of/for export proceeds/imports by entering into standing arrangements with the OPGSPs. AD Category -I banks desirous of entering into such an arrangement/s should report the details of each such arrangement as and when entered into to the Foreign Exchange Department, Central Office, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai. E 135 Part IX: Annex I Export Declaration Form 2. General Information: Customs Security No.: Form No: Nature of Cargo: [ ] Government [ ] Non-Government Shipping Bill No. & Date: Mode of Transport: [ ] Air [ ] Land [ ] Sea [ ] Post/Couriers [ ] others Category of Exporter: [ ] Custom (DTA units) [ ] SEZ [ ] Status holder exporters [ ] 100% EOU [ ] Warehouse export [ ] others (Specify)....... RBI approval no. & date, if any: IE Code: AD code: Exporters Name & Address: AD Name & Address: Consignee’s Name & Address: Mode of Realisation : [ ] L/C [ ] BG [ ] Others (advance payment, etc. including transfer/remittance to bank account maintained overseas ) Port of Loading / Source Port in case of SEZ : Third Party name & Address ( In case of third Party Payments for Exports) Country of Destination: Port of Discharge: Name of the Indian bank and AD code, in case of LC/BG Whether payment to be Received through ACU? [ ] Yes [ ] No Let Export order (LEO) Date: General Commodity Description: State of Origin of Goods: Total FOB value in words (INR): Custom Assessable value (INR)*: 3. Invoice –Wise details of Export Value ( If more than one invoice for a particular shipping bill , the block 2 will repeat as many times of invoices) Invoice No. Invoice date. Invoice Currency: Invoice Amount: Nature of Contract: [ ] FOB [ ] CIF [ ] C&F [ ] CI [ ] Others Particulars Currency Amount in FC Exchange Rate Amount (INR) FOB Value Freight Insurance Commission Discount Other Deduction Packing Charges Net Realisable value 136 EXPORT DECLARATION FORM 4. Applicable for Export under FPO/Couriers Stamp & Signature of Authorised Dealer 5. Declaration by the Exporters (All types of exports) I /We hereby declare that I/we @am/are the seller/consignor of the goods in respect of which this declaration is made and that the particulars given above are true and that the val ue to be received from the buyer/third party represents the export value contracted and declared above. I/We undertake that I/we will deliver to the authorised dealer bank named above the foreign exchange representing the full value of the goods exported as above on or before........................ (i.e. within the period of realisation stipulated by RBI from time to time ) in the manner specified in the Regulations made under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. I/We @ am/are not in the Cautio n List of the Reserve Bank of India. Date: (Signature of Exporter) 6. Space for use of the competent authority (i.e. Custom/SEZ) on behalf of Ministry concerned: Certified, on the basis of above declaration by the Custom/SEZ unit, that the Goods described above and the export value declared by the exporter in this form is as per the corresponding invoice/gist of invoices submitted and declared by the Unit . Date: (Signature of Designated/Authorised officials of Custom /SEZ ) @ Strike out whichever is not applicable. * Uni t declared Value in case of exports affected from SEZs 137 Part IX: Annex II Format of Softex Forms submitted in bulk for royalty receipt Summary Sheet Section A Name and address of Exporter IEC Code. Letter of Permission (LOP) No.(STP/EHTP/SEZ/EPZ/100% EOU/DTA Unit) Date of LOP issued Name of Authorised Datacom Service Provider STPI/SEZ centre Name and address of Authorised Dealer/Bank Authorized Dealer Code Section - B List of Invoices for offshore export value through datacom link Details of invoices for Royalty on software Packages/ products exported during the Period raised from _____________ to _____________ Sl N o SOF TEX No Name of Client Add ress of Clie nt Cou ntry Curr ency Invoi ce Num ber Invoice Date (DD/MM /YYYY) Unique Internal Project code/Co ntract/ Agreem ent/PO Date Offs hore Exp ort valu e in Inovi ce curr ency Type of sof tw are Expo rted Details of Software Packages / Products exported Mo de of real isat ion of Ro yalt y val ue Cal cul atio n of Ro yalt y am oun t GR/SDF /PP/SOF TEX /EDF Form No. on which exports were declared Dat e of Exp ort Royalty agreement details % age and amou nt of royalt y Period of Royalty agreem ent SECTION - C DECLARATION BY EXPORTER I/ We@ hereby declare that I/we@ am/are@ the seller of the software in respect of which this declaration is made and that the particulars given above are true and that the value to be received from the buyer represents the export value contracted and declared above. I/ We@ also declare that the software has been developed and exported by using Authorised and legitimate datacom link and certified that the software described above was actually transmitted. I/ We@ undertake that I/ w e@ will deliver to the authorised dealer bank named above the foreign exchange representing the full value of the software exported as above on or before........................ (i.e. within the period of realisation stip ulated by RBI from time to time) in the manner specified in the Regulations made under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. I/ We @ am/ are not in the Caution List of the Reserve Bank of India. Place: Date: (Signature of Exporter) Name: Designation Space for use of the competent authority in STPI/EPZ/SEZ Certified, on the basis of above declaration by the SEZ/ STPI unit, that the software described above and the export value declared by the exporter in this form is as per the corresponding invoice/gist of invoices submitted and declared by the Unit . Place: Date: (Signature of the Designated/ Authorised Official of STPI/EPZ/SEZ ) Name: Designation @ Strike out whichever is not applicable 138 Format of Softex Forms submitted in bulk Summary Sheet Section A Name and address of Exporter IEC Code. Letter of Permission (LOP) No.(STP/EHTP/SEZ/EPZ/100% EOU/DTA Unit) Date of LOP issued Name of Authorised Datacom Service Provider STPI/SEZ centre Name and address of Authorised Dealer/Bank Authorized Dealer Code Section - B List of Invoices for offshore export value through datacom link Period of invoices raised from _____________ to _____________ Sl N o SOF TEX No Name of Client Add ress of Clie nt Cou ntry Internal Project Code/ Contract/ Agreement No & date Type of S/W Export e d Mode of realisati on Invoi ce Num ber Invoi ce Date (DD/ MM/ YY) Currenc y Analysis of Export Value Val ue of soft war e Exp ort (A) Trans missi on Charg e (B) Commis sion ( C) De duc tion (D) Net Re alis abl e val ue [ A+ B)- (C+ D)] SECTION - C DECLARATION BY EXPORTER I/ We@ hereby declare that I/we@ am/are@ the seller of the software in respect of which this declaration is made and that the particulars given above are true and that the value to be received from the buyer represents the export value contracted and declared above. I/ We@ also declare that the software has been developed and exported by using Authorised and legitimate d atacom link and certified that the software described above was actually transmitted. I/ We@ undertake that I/ we@ will deliver to the authorised dealer bank named above the foreign exchange representing the full value of the software exported as above on or before........................ (i.e. within the period of realisation stip ulated by RBI from time to time) in the manner specified in the Regulations made under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. I/ We @ am/ are not in the Caution List of t he Reserve Bank of India. Place: Date: (Signature of Exporter) Name: Designation Space for use of the competent authority in STPI/EPZ/SEZ Certified, on the basis of above declaration by the SEZ/ STPI unit, that the software described above and the export value declared by the exporter in this form is as per the corresponding invoice/gist of invoices submitted and declared by the Unit . Place: Date: (Signature of the Designated/ Authorised Official of STPI/EPZ/SEZ ) Name: Designation @ Strike out whichever is not applicable 139 Part IX: Annex III Quarterly Statement showing details of overdue Export Advances (Statement for the quarter ended ……… , 20… ) Name and Address of the Bank: Sl. No AD Code (Part‐I code) AD reference No. Name & Address of the Exporter Name & Address of the Forei gn buyer Details of Advance Received Amount outstanding (in case of part exports) Reasons for non‐ export If reference made to DoE Date Currency Amount Date Reasons 140 Part IX: Annex IV15Omitted 15 The submission of fortnightly report to RBI on balances of DDA accounts DDA accounts has since been done away with vide AP (DIR Series) circular No. 54 dated March 23, 2016 and FEM (Foreign Currency Accounts by a person Resident in India) Regulations, 2015 with effect from January 21, 2016 141 Part IX: Annex I V Form EFC (Application for opening foreign currency account with a bank in India or abroad by exporters) Instructions: 1. The application should be completed in duplicate and submitted through the designated branch of a bank authorized to deal in foreign exchange in India with which the foreign currency account is to be maintained/which will monitor the account, to the Office of Reserve Bank under whose jurisdiction the exporter is located. 2. Before forwarding the application to Reserve Bank, authorised dealers should properly scrutinize it to ensure that it is complete in all respects. Documentation: 3. Exporter’s declaration duly certified by his auditors, indicating export bills realized during the preceding 3 years and the export bills outstanding beyond the due date. 4. Auditor’s certificate giving country-wise break-up of imports made during the preceding 3 years. 5. Certified copies of a letter from overseas bank indicating terms & conditions of the loan/overdraft/line of credit facilities offered. 6. Certified copies of Reserve Bank’s approval in respect of foreign currency loans raised giving their maturity patterns. 1. Name and address of the Exporter 2. Importer‐exporter￿s code number 3. Name and address of the bank/ branch with which foreign currency account is proposed to be maintained. 4. In case the account is to be maintained with a bank out‐side India, name and address of the branch of a bank in India which will monitor the transactions put through the foreign currency accounts. 5. Details of exports made and proceeds realized during the period the preceding 3 years and outstanding at the end of the period. Financial Year Total exports made (Rs.) Amount realised (Rs.) Outstandi ng at the end of the period (Rs.) 6. Details of imports made Calendar Year Country Amount (Rs.) during the preceding 3 years, country‐wise. Financial Year Country Amount (Rs.) 7. In case the account is proposed to be opened with a bank abroad, indicate the details of arrangements 142 made for availing of loans/ overdrafts/lines of credit from the bank with which the account will be maintained. 8. Quarterwise projections of export receipts to be credited to the account and payments in foreign exchange (itemwise) to be made from the account under various heads, during the next year. 9. Whether the applicant’s name has been/was placed on exporters’ caution list at any time. 10. Details of foreign currency loan raised by 11. Any other information that the applicant may like to provide in support of this application. Place: …………………………………… __________________________ Date: ……………………………….. (Signature of Applicant/ Authorised Official) Name: ...................................................... Designation: ................................................. (Space for Au thorised Dealer’s comments) Comments of the branch of the bank in India with which the account is proposed to be maintained or which will monitor the operations on account maintained with a bank abroad, as the case may be. Place: …………………………………… __________________________ Date: ……………………………….. (Signature of Applicant/ Authorised Official) Name: ………………………………………….. Designation: ...... ............................ Name and Address of Authorised Dealer: ....................... Stamp Stamp 143 2) Imports (a) AD Category - I banks are required to submit a statement on half -yearly basis as at the end of June & December of every year, in form BEF furnishing details of import transactions, exceeding USD 100,000 in respect of which importers have defaulted in submission of appropriate document evidencing import within 6 months from the date of remittance using the online eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) system on a Bank -wide basis (https://secweb. rbi.org.in/orfsxbrl/ ) and monitoring & follow up is done by respective Regional Offices of RBI. The Statement should be submitted within 15 days from the close of the half -year to which the statement relates (b) Head Offices/ International Banking Divisions of AD Category - I banks are required to submit the following statements under XBRL system: ( i) Statement on half yearly basis (end March/ end September), showing the quantity and value of gold imported by the nominated banks/ agencies/ EOUs/ SEZs in G em & Jewellery Sector, mode of payment -wise. (Annex V I) . ( ii) Statement on monthly basis showing the quantity and value of gold imports by the nominated agencies (other than the nominated banks)/ EOUs/ SEZs in Gem & Jewellery sector during the month under report as well as the cumulative position as at the end of the said month beginning from the 1st month of the Financial Year. (Annex VI I) . Both the statements shall be submitted, even if there is 'Nil' position, by the 10th of the following month / half year, to which it relates. (c) AD bank should ensure one- to-one matching in case of each Merchanting Trade transaction and report defaults if any, in any leg by the traders to the concerned Regional Office of RBI, on half yearly basis in the format as given in Annex VIII , within 15 days from the close of each half year, i.e. June and December (d) The AD Category – I bank has to obtain a copy of invoice and airway bill from the OPGSP containing the name and address of the beneficiary as evidence of import and report the transaction in R -Return(to respective regional Office of RBI on a fortnightly basis within 7 days of the end of the fortnight) under the foreign currency payment head for NOSTRO (https://www.rbi.org.in/upload/notification/pdfs/52215.pdf) & VOSTRO (https://www.rbi.org.in/upload/notification/pdfs/52216.pdf) 144 Part IX Annex VI Statement on Import of Gold for the half year ended Name of the Bank: Mode of Quantity of Gold Value of Gold imported payment imported (in kgs) Nominated EOU/ USD million Rs million banks/ SEZ Nominated EOU/SEZ Nominated EOU/SEZ Agencies Banks / Banks/ Agencies Agencies (i) Delivery against payment basis (ii) Suppliers Credit basis (iii) Consignment basis (iv) Unfixed Price basis Note: Full details of individual transactions may be provided in cases where the aggregate value of import exceeds USD 50 million in respect of a single importer 145 Part I X: Annex VII Name of the AD bank: ...................................................................................... Data for import of the gold by non- bank nominated /other agencies for the month of ………… during the FY …………. Sr. Name of the For the current Up to the current Remarks, No. nominated month month for the FY if any agencies Quantity Value Quantity Value in in Kg in USD in Kg USD I. Import of Gold by non-bank nominated agencies 1 2 3 4 5 Sub-total II. Import of gold by EOUs in Gems & Jewellery Sector 1 2 3 Sub-total III. Import of gold by SEZs in Gems & Jewellery Sector 1 2 3 Sub- total Grand Total 146 Part IX: Annex VIII Statement on default in Merchanting Trade Transactions (MTT) for the half year ended 30 th June/31st December 20…. Name and Address of the Bank: Sr. No AD Code (Part-I code) AD referenc e No. Name & Address of the Merchanting Trader Name & Address of the Foreign buyer Name & Address of the foreign Supplier Commencement Date Completion date Export Leg (equivalent to US Dollar) Import Leg (equivalent to US Dollar) Foreign Exchange Outlay, if any (No. of days) Amount Realized Amount outstanding Amount paid Amount outstanding 147 Part X: G uarantees The reporting requirements in case of guarantees are listed below: 1) Invocation of Bank Guarantee/ Standby Letter of Credit for import of service: In terms of A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No. 13 dated November 17, 2006 read with A.P. (DIR Series) circular No. 11 dated October 5, 2009, in case of invocation of the guarantee issued for import of services, the Authorised Dealer is required to submit to the Chief General Manager -in -Charge, Foreign Exchange Department, Foreign Investments Division (EPD), Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai - 400001 a report on the circumstances leading to the invocation of the guarantee relating to import of services. 2) Statement for reporting of non- resident guarantees issued and invoked in respect of fund and non- fund based facilities between two persons resident in India (Annex I) : A non -resident can guarantee fund and non- fund based facilities availed by one resident from anot her. A reporting format has been prescribed to capture such guarantees issued and invoked. Authorized Dealer Category -I banks are required to furnish such details by all its branches, in a consolidated statement, during the quarter, as per the format in Annex to the Chief General Manager, Foreign Exchange Department, ECB Division, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office Building, 11th floor, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001 (and in MS -Excel file through email) so as to reach the Department not later than 10 th day of the following month. 148 Part X: Annex I (Annex to A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 20 dated August 29, 2012) Name of the AD: Contact Person Telephone Fax Part I - Details of guarantee availed of from non-resident entities for fund and non-fund based activities for the quarter ended___________ sl. no Name of borrow er Major activity of the borrower Name of the guarantor Status of the guarantor (bank/financial institution / foreign equity holder etc.) Name of the resident lender availing non- resident guarantee Amount in INR Approx equival ent in USD Type of facility (fund/non fund based) Guarantee Commission, if any Part II- Details of Guarantee Invoked availed of from non-resident entities as per FEMA Notification No. 29 for the quarter ended___________ sl. no Name of borrow er Major activity of the borrow er Name of the guara ntor Status of the guarantor (bank/fin ancial institute/ foreign equity holder etc.) Name of the residen t lender Am ount in INR Approx equival ent in USD Type of facility (fund/n on fund based) Reason for invocati on Details of discharge of liability (payment out of rupee balances held in India or by remitting the funds to India or by debit to FCNR/NRE account) Repay ment details Place Date Signature of the Authorised Dealer 149 Part X: Compounding: The compounding of contraventions under Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999 is a voluntary process by which an applicant can seek compounding of an admitted contravention of any provision of FEMA, 1999 under Section 13(1) of the FEMA, 1999. The Forms prescribed are given below : 1) The format of the application (Annex-I). 2) The details of irregularities whether relating to Foreign Direct Investment, Ex ternal Commercial Borrowings, Overseas Direct Investment and Branch Office/ Liaison Office, as applicable (Annex-II). 3) U ndertaking that the applicant is not under investigation of any agency such as DOE, CBI, etc. in order to complete the compounding process wi thin the time frame (Annex- III) 4) M andate and details of their bank account ( Annex IV): In case the application has to be returned for any reason, the application fees of Rs.5000/ - received along with the application fees is also returned. To expedite the refund of compounding fees in such cases, it has been decided to credit the same to the applicant’s account through NEFT requiring the obtaining of a mandate. 150 Part XI : Annex I Format of Application Form (See Rule 4 or 5) (To be filled in duplicat e and shall be accompanied by certified copy of the Memorandum issued) 1. Name of the applicant (in BLOCK LETTERS) 2. Full address of the applicant (including Phone and Fax Number and email id) 3. Whether the applicant is resident in India or resident outs ide India [Please refer to Section 2(v) of the Act] 4. Name of the Adjudicating Authority before whom the case is pending 5. Nature of the contravention [according to sub- section (1) of Section 13] 6. Brief facts of the case 7. Details of fee for applicati on of compounding 8. Any other information relevant to the case I/We declare that the particulars given above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and that I/We am/are willing to accept any direction/order of the Compounding Authority in connection with compounding of my/our case. Dated : Name (Signature of the Applicant) 151 Part XI : Annex II FDI Details to be furnished along with application for compounding of contravention relating to Foreign Direct Investment in India • Name of the applicant • Date of incorporation • Income- tax PAN • Nature of activities under taken (Please give NIC code – 1987 / 2008) • Brief particulars about the foreign investor • Details of foreign inward remittances received by Applicant Company from date of incorpor ation till date Table A Sl.No. Name of Remitter Total Amount (INR) Date of Receipt Reported to RBI on* Delay if any Total * date of reporting to RBI and not AD Table B Name of Investor Date of allotment of shares Number of shares allotted Amount for which shares allotted Date of reporting to RBI* Delay if any Total * date of reporting to RBI and not AD Table C Sl. No. Name of Remitter Total Amount (INR) Date of Receipt Excess share application money Date of refund of share application money Amount in forex RBI approval letter and date Total 152 Table D Authorised Capital Sl. No. Date Authorised Capital With effect from Date of Board meeting Date of filing with ROC A= B+C Please give supporting documents Table A - Copies of FIRC with date stamp of receipt at RBI Table B - Copies of FCGPR with date stamp of receipt at RBI Table C – letter seeking refund/ allotment of shares - approv al letter from RBI A2 form • Copies of Balance Sheet during the period of receipt of share application money • and allotment of shares • Nature of contravention and reasons for the contravention ECB Details to be furnished along with application for compoundi ng of contravention relating to External Commercial Borrowing • Name of the applicant • Date of incorporation • Income- tax PAN • Nature of activities under taken (Please give NIC code – 1987) • Brief particulars about the foreign lender • Is the applicant an eligible borrower? • Is the lender eligible lender? • Is the lender an equity holder? • What is the level of his holding at the time of loan agreement? • Details of ECB • Date of Loan agreement • Amount in Foreign Currency and Indian Rupee • Rate of interest • Period of loan • Repay ment particulars Date of draw down Amount in Foreign Currency Amount in INR 153 • Details of draw down • Details of LRN Number - application and receipt • Details of ECB 2 returns submitted; Period of return: Date of submission • Details of Utilization of ECB in Foreign Currency and Indian Rupee • Nature of contravention and reasons for the contravention • All supporting documents may be submitted ODI Details to be furnished along with application for compounding of contravention relating to Overseas Investment • Name of the applicant • Date of incorporation • Income- tax PAN • Nature of activities under taken (Please give NIC code – 1987) • Name of Overseas entity • Date of incorporation of overseas entity • Nature of activities under taken by overseas entity • Nature of entity - WOS/JV • Details of remittance sent - Date of remittance; Amount in FCY and in INR • Details of other financial Commitment • Details of UIN applied and received • Date of receipt of share certificate • Approval of other regulators if required • Details of APRs submitted: For the period ended; date of submission • Nature of contravention and reasons for the contravention • All supporting documents may be submitted Branch Office / Liaison Office Details to be furnished along with application for compounding of contravention relati ng to Branch/Liaison Office in India • Name of the applicant • Date of incorporation • Income- tax PAN • Nature of activities under taken (Please give NIC code – 1987) • Date of approval for opening of Liaison Office/ Branch Office • Validity period of the approval • Inc ome and expenditure of the LO/BO • Dates of submission of Annual activity Certificates • Nature of contravention and reasons for the contravention • All supporting documents may be submitted 154 Part XI : Annex III UNDERTAKING (On the letterhead of the applicant) *I/We _________________ (Name of the applicant) hereby confirm/declare that I/we am/are not under investigation of any agency such as Directorate of Enforcement, CBI etc. OR *I/We _________________ (Name of the applicant) hereby confirm/declare that I/we a m/are or was/were under investigation of any agency such as Directorate of Enforcement, CBI etc. and the details are given in the Annex ( * Strike out one) Signature of the authorised signatory 155 Part XI : Annex IV ELECTRONIC CLEARING SERVICE (ECS) MANDATE FORM 1. Name of the Party (Beneficiary) - 2. PAN 3. Particulars of the Bank Account - A. Name of the Bank - B. Name of the Branch - Address: Telephone No: C. Type of Account - SAVINGS / CURRENT D. Account No. - (as appearing on the cheque book issued by the Bank) E. The 9 Digit MICR Code Number - (as appearing on the cheque book issued by the Bank) F. IFSC Code - (as appearing on the cheque book i ssued by the Bank) 4. Checklist for Attachments: Photocopy of PAN Card Photocopy of a cancelled blank cheque 5. I/We hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I/We would not hold the user institution responsible. Signature of the Authorised Signatory (Name of the Authorised Signatory) Official Stamp Date: Place:


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