The National Company Law Tribunal and National Company Law Appellate Tribunal under Sections 408 and 410 respectively of the Companies Act, 2013 #pdf
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2779 GI/2016 (1) jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 1339] ubZ fnYyh] cq/okj] twu 1] 2016@T;s"B 11] 1938 No. 1339] NEW DELHI, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 2016/ JYAISTHA 11, 1938 कारपोरेट कायE मं￿ालय अिधसूचना नई ￿hली, 1 जून, 2016 का.आ. 1932(अ).— कv ￿ीय सरकार, कं पनी अिधिनयम, 2013 (2013 का 18) क￿￿ा रा 408 ￿￿￿रा ￿दk शि￿य￿ का ￿योग करते _ए रा￿￿य कं पनी िविध अिधकरण का ऐस ी शि￿य￿ का ￿योग और कृ \य￿ का िनवEहन करने के िलए, जो उ￿ अिधिनयम ￿￿￿रा या उसके अधीन उसे ￿दk क￿￿￿ ाती है या क￿￿￿ाएं, का 1 जून, 2016 से गठन करती है। [फा. सं. ए-45011/14/2016- ￿शा. IV] ￿ीतम ￿ह, अपर सिचव MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 1st June, 2016 S.O. 1932(E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by section 408 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013), the Central Government hereby constitutes the National Company Law Tribunal to exercise and discharge the powers and functions as are, or may b e, conferred on it by or under the said Act with effect from the 1 st day of June, 2016. [F. No. A-45011/14/2016-Ad. IV] PRITAM SINGH, Addl. Secy. 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] अिधसूचना नई ￿hली, 1 जून, 2016 का.आ. 1933(अ).— कv ￿ीय सरकार, कं पनी अिधिनयम, 2013 (2013 का 18) क￿￿ा रा 410 ￿￿￿रा ￿द\ त शिM तय￿ का ￿योग करते _ए रा￿￿य कं पनी िविध अिधकरण के आदेश￿ के िवg￿ अपील￿ क￿￿￿ुनवाई के िलए, 1 जून, 2016 से रा￿￿य कं पनी िविध अपील अिधकरण का गठन कर ती है । [फा. सं. ए-45011/14/2016- ￿शा. IV] ￿ीतम ￿ह, अपर सिचव NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 1st June, 2016 S.O. 1933(E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by section 410 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013), the Central Government hereby constit utes the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal for hearing appeals against the orders of the Natio nal Company Law Tribunal with effect from the 1 st day of June, 2016. [F. No. A-45011/14/2016-Ad. IV] PRITAM SINGH, Addl. Secy. Uploaded by the Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.


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