Now Prepare New MVAT Sales & Purchase Annexure Easily. No need to modify your data, just export your Sales/Sales Return/ Credit Note Register and Purchase/Purchase Return/Debite Note Register into Excel or ASCII (Text) format. This utility directly import your data then select given lable from drop down list to your data column and your Sales/Purchase annexure as per requirement of department will be ready. This utility itself create Return Template. User can Salve Delar information so next time no need to enter it again. user can Dealer wisesave multiple path also, so return template will be save on that path. Return Type and trasaction code will be be asign automatically and accurately. to download demo version click on link given below. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-rITlbXVt1XV1FSUFpuLTFmWEk/view?usp=sharing #docx
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