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About me

  Member Since : 24 August 2008  (Delhi )

I like to live life in fifth gear.....still looking for the transition to the sixth...then to seventh..and up...for i believe winning is a choice and i have made my choice..so to me winning is not everything..IT IS THE ONLY THING...my attitude is often tken as arrogance by ppl..so now i try to be genuinely nice to ppl..but cant take hypocricy and excuses...well i dont know what i need from life for i feel only children know what they want..but sure i want more than my share.much more than u n i can imagine....if nothing can be done i can do it better...helping ppl realize their potential is new mania with me

and i have one eternal dream...i want to be in history books to start with and eventually a mythological character..because i believe history when distorted and exxagerated becomes mythology...if u have something to full fill this dream of mine...it is worth living for...it is worth dying for...dis is my craziest dream and in some moment of hysteria i made it public..is someone up there listening..this kid wants to be immortal..he talks of it often...for he believes its his...

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