
CA Final Student






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About me

  Member Since : 23 August 2008  (Ulhasnagar )

Vikas kamra"The Articled Assistant"


     what can i say about me its like writting a autobio about myself and it is....

     According to me i am a person who's schedule is very tight, but i am no able to make it tight because of late waking and reaching office..that's only the negative thing in mee... but people say that i am lazy in all my activities at starting i ingorned it but now it's overhead and i want to change myself, and according to mee i am trying to change but trying to wake up early and studying...

     Our sir always trying to motivate us to studing atleast 4-5 hours at days, this intention is if i will say to them like this they will atleast try to study for atleast 1-2 hrs a day...He know all the this about Us, but we know a little bit of him but many this about his Nature with students....

     Now come my Boss, he is a cool guy, a friendly type nature, intelligence and a born CA.

     I love to make friends that's why i login orkut atleast 10-15 times in a day, but its making me addition to it.... and really i want to leave ittt.......but it has given me more and more friends at classses....

many things to tell but now have to go!!!!!


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