Judgements by Aisha

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This is a summary of a legal case where the petitioner is seeking to quash a seizure order issued by the respondent under Section 67 of the UPGST Act.

Posted in GST |   383 Views

Maintainability of appeal before Tribunal

  Aisha    06 March 2008 at 11:00

Posted in Income Tax |   89 Views

Posted in Career |   68 Views

Advance Ruling - Transfer of shares between two non-resident entities abroad

Posted in Income Tax  4 comments |   59 Views

Transfer pricing ruling

  Aisha    06 November 2007 at 18:34

The Income-Tax Appellate Tribunal has held that transfer pricing is not an exact science in which mathematical certainty is possible and some approximations cannot be ruled out. The case relates to transfer pricing of captive software development ser

Posted in Income Tax |   28 Views

Service tax on rent

  Aisha    28 October 2007 at 02:37

Injunction against service tax on rent of commercial buildings

Posted in Service Tax |   46 Views