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Yesterday's paper (law ipcc) didn't go well guys :'(

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Best of luck Neha Ji

John Paul George (Qualified CA) (48 Points)
Replied 08 May 2013

Dear Neha,

I am a qualified CA and i have gone thru the highs and lows of CA xams all along my journey............. Law is one paper where i hav endured the most toughest examination both at pcc and final level..........But to my surprise i passed both exams...........remember that law is nt a core paper for CA and people failing in law wud be much much less than say accts,costing or auditing........In my PCC may 2010 xam the qns were almost like tis qn paper which i saw 2day (i.e sumwat unfamiliar qns).............I had attempted only for 70 marks out of which 15 marks were wrong............and out of the almost correct 55 i got 46 !!!! Always remember that wen non core papers like law or IT become bit tough(atleast in student reviews) the marking wud be liberal and u wud definitely get the marks tat u calculated (in my case it ws xact !!!!)...........Dnt be tensed, concentrate on more tougher papers and letz see wat happens........   

CA Suraj Lakhotia (IndigoLearn) (4898 Points)
Replied 08 May 2013

A suggestion to all candidates -

Do not let your performance of one single paper affect performance in other papers. Keep all papers independent of other papers. You are not an examiner to evaluate what you have written. Till the time results are out dont be discouraged. 

The checking might be liberal or there might be moderation of marks. You may feel that you have ruined the paper and it might turn out otherwise in the results.

It is also better not to keep discussing about the paper already attempted. Invest this precious time in preparation of remaining papers of the group. 


All the best. 


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