When will ICAI release case laws applicable for Nov 2011 xam

Sushant Lohani (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT) (1051 Points)

08 June 2011  

Isn't it the case that for november 2011 ca final exams ,the case laws applicable for DT and IDT are till april 30,2011?

While in case of may2011 exams, it was till october 30,2010.

Till date,ICAI has released case laws for DT and IDT  for May2011 and Nov2011 both at once? But as may2011 examinees are also involved, we can say that the compilation released are till October 30,2010.


What about the case laws of the next 6 months till april 30,2011?

When i contacted via esahayata;that for both may2011/nov2011;the case laws are the same.

How is that possible?