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What to do-unemployed ca

Page no : 6

Dhiren Doshi (CA, AVP- Finance ) (260 Points)
Replied 31 May 2012

Ask to Mr kabra what happened to ICAI, suddenly passing rate got increased. it is fear of ICAI losing its power. CLB coming with new policy against ICAI.

Nothing happens suddenly... it is all prepplanned and seriously executed  by ICAI

ICAI is going to lose its domain except audit work. hence doing rubbish to earn huge and make degree garbage.


CA phanikumar chebolu (B.com CMA (CS professional))   (556 Points)
Replied 31 May 2012

Dear Dhiren Doshi......

"Super like to ur msg" yes

"Thank you very much for your valuable advices..."  completely agree with you...

"there few unfair things in ur msg, hard to digest... but the fact is fact... that is how the market is outside...."

I dont want to duplicate ur msg once again, so.. each and evry fact are true in ur msg..


Thank you so much once again for guiding us...


Originally posted by : Dhiren Doshi


Tell  baby amol kabra to shut his mouth..


putting Practical view:

Intially i was in practice, shifted to industry. but could not get good job for competitive market rate

I joined for lesser 25000/-(in hand; 40000 gross) in one listed group(very famous marwari group) . but quality of work was not at all good as CA qualification

I came to know that castism and strong family reference is very imprortant for higher package as fresher.  I myself seen one fresher having strong reference was not able to operate excel properly . Bcom graduate used to teach him for baby steps.... bustard........


I left that job. HR is not for equal opportunity, it is just on paper and website....... they are dallas of corporate...hire people for lesser to the extend the possible else they donot know anything except senior managment chatna work

I laughed and got first harsh experience of life ,and forgot..

Hence what I did, through networking with my friends working in HR depts, I got fake experience certificate of 3 years and paid good amount to him.

My first job was of finance manager for 10 lacs package

. I used to spend around 25000/- pm for my coworker and bosses....learnt everthing. and then I shifted shortly for higher package. side by side I have good practice base.taken care by wife


 IOB : is good govt job.  u have 100 options to find good job. I will not tell how will get it. intially u will be on bond... may be u hv to pay 1 lacs for bond. i donot know but i have heard somewhere.

It is very difficult to get job becasue companies HR dept prefer internal referral programs.

HR and Management never disclose type of vacancy . Mostly companies want CA for casual, special difficult task. which is not possible for graduates.

For expert advisory , audit work they appoint CA on  professional contract basis. No internal employment.

once get streamlined, they donot need much CA... mostly 4 CA in accts department for all position considering listed limited companies.



else what u do... donot disclose to HR that u r ca ,, join at lower level... make friendship with one HR guy and take fake experienc certificate from them for good amount.. They are always ready to give u...but  be smart in making friendship with them.

Tell to interviewer after one yr, and make setting with HR guy . he will give good reference and confirm higher salary. u will easily get good job.

So take risk make friendship with everybody whosoever he be..... start exploring...

Now please Donot  ask in which company i work..

It is only practical.

But there is no job satisfaction in industry .... try in banking industry.

DOnot cry .. try acting.... else u will be at same place,,, CA is just a hype.. u need to be and dirty to go ahead.. be open for all consequnces with smile.....

else watch some sallu akki movies to change  urself from serious ca image to funky image.

take or donot take.



@ Dhiren Doshi,

Why dont u stick to the discussion itself!

Who has given you the right to personally comment on Mr.Amol Gopal Kabra.

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Dhiren Doshi (CA, AVP- Finance ) (260 Points)
Replied 31 May 2012

I know i am very harsh but what i say everybody likes.



Tony G (Vice President but looking for a different meaning to life)   (251 Points)
Replied 01 June 2012

Originally posted by : Amol Gopal Kabra (CA,CS,DISA)

Just to clear the mis-understandings about my thinking which you people are getting.


1. Marketing of Freshers - ICAI is organising campus interviews is a very good example of ICAI's efforts towards freshers.


2. About students cleared in Nov 2011 - In my contact I have some 25-30 CA's who appeared and cleared in Nov 2011. Almost all of them have got their employment and a couple of them have started practice. there may be 1 or 2 who have not joined anywhere, but it is not due to non-availability of job but their sector specific choices where job is not available now. Its already 4 months now from the results and if anyone is not getting job, then he / she should seriously think about this. 4 months period is much sufficient for getting a job.


3. Regarding so called "Free Servants" - If any CA is asking to do personal works to articles, then it is the duty of articled clerk to deny doing such work. There is a mechanism at ICAI where members have been punished for such things. If you dont know about this, then it is you problem. Just refer to the cases undertaken by the disciplinary committee on such situations and the punishments given to members. The students should be aware that there is an association of students in every region of ICAI. For WIRC it is WICASA - i.e. Western India CA Students Association. Further, ICAI is not God to visualise everything done by such members. It is the duty of the student to report such incidents of personal work and cheap work to ICAI.


4. Campus Statistics, A biggest joke - If you cant assess the success of campus, then please check it once again. The stats does not depend upon Number of Students placed to number of students applied ratio. Here the number of places available in the campus and the placements should be verified. If there is no vacancy in any company or there are limited vacancies in the companies, then do you think ICAI should force companies to increase Vacancies? It is just like a player blaming Olympics Association for not winning any medal in the tournamet. If it is a race, you chould be capable enough to win it on you own capabilities. ICAI's job is to bring you to campus.


6. Regarding Council members - I dont have any thing to do with their fignting for posts. But till they are taking care about the members, students and profession, then I am fine. There is no place in the world where there is no politics. But after politics, if their is results I am least concerned with politics. Somebody also mentioned that I am getting any help personally from any CCM.

I need not offer any explanation but still to clear misunderstandings. I am a CA in practice. I have many contacts right from MNC's to local big companies. But I dont want to use their influence to increase my practice. if i use my influence, i can have revenue of Millions of Rupees per year. But I always have in mind these two things - Integrity and Dignity. I dont want to take work and earn by contacts alone. If any body feels me capable of work, i'll very much accept. But i like to live with dignity. So taking undue help from any CCM does not suit my principles.



 Again you have only given some reply just to satisfy your ego and not at all in any way relevant to what problem each and every one is discussing here.

1. ICAIs efforts towards freshers _ You say ICAI conducting campus and market their freshers very well and a good step towards freshers. Well if ICAIs steps are good for freshers, then why the hell do freshers and in such huge quantum come here and complain? Has it suddenly dawned to you that freshers have no other better work here other than to crib and criticise?


2. You have talked about only 25 to 30 CAs who have cleared in Nov 11 and applied for Job and got placed. Mr. Kabra If you look from the macro viewpoint, around 10000 freshers applied for ICAI’s campus and out of which only 9% were selected and given jobs in Campus.


3.Regarding your reply to cheap labour, very well. When you and I were doing articleship, has Institute banned transfers and any thing like that? We had an option of transfer if we land with an idiotic boss by accident. Do current CA students have the same option? Regarding so called students committees like SICASA or WICASA, boss they are under the control of top brass of ICAI and do you think they have a suitable redressal forum for students’ woes. Regarding cases where ICAI punished members for extracting personal works from articled assistants, can you show me the links of such cases of any such happenings with ICAI so that if anything of that sort happens in the future, students will be benefitted to a great extent. Regarding your comment on ICAI not a God, everyone knows that ICAI is a man made institute only. God is great because he listens to the woes of his devotees and helps them overcome it. How does a man attain greatness? When he listens to the woes of his fellow persons and helps them by his words or deeds?  To what extent is ICAI showing an open ear to students woes? I know a hell a lot of cases where complaints were filed by students against their FCA to ICAI and how it ended against the students and erring members going scott free.


4.Regarding Campus statistics – You have said the statistics is not based on no of students placed to applied ratio. This reply shows your ignorance and clearly I can see that you had not taken the pains to visit the link posted by me. Check once again https://www.cmii.icai.org/#  preferably with a binoculars. Hope it will work :P. ICAIs job donot ends with conducting campus alone. Its job is to sell its products (fresh CAs) to its customers (firms and companies) effectively.

5. Regarding Council Members – Despite their fighting, they are helping members, students and profession. I think here you have exaggerated a lot. What have the council members done to take care of the students or for the future of profession? Frequently changing course curriculum as per their whims and fancies, frequently hiking registration and exam fees, all red tapist woes like placing a restriction on taking transfer, taking additional course of study, etc. are for the welfare of students eh??  Ya they are helping members(members in practice to be more precise) and since you are one of the person (member in practice) who is going to be benefitted by ICAI’s decision, your views are totally biased here also and doesn’t show real picture.Regarding you taking work with integrity and dignity, I dunno about what you really do, hence i am not commenting about it.


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Tony G (Vice President but looking for a different meaning to life)   (251 Points)
Replied 01 June 2012

Originally posted by : Dhiren Doshi

Tell me where ? i   will stick ha haa

Mr kabra really behave like sardar . it is evident from his boring speech not backed by reality of life.

May be he has strong financial support... such people talk like PM

Dear Dhiren Doshi Sir, Kindly dont taunt Mr. Amol by referring some ethnic and cultural race (by calling him sardar, bania or any thing). Taunt him if he behaved wrongly or with arrogance and ignorance. It will make him to rectify his mistakes. We have to be a good person first before we being a good professional

ravi (unemployed) (185 Points)
Replied 01 June 2012

except amol kabra n 2 others like rajesha n ca sakshi,,i find all of the above comments are made by succumbing to their emotions like fear,ego,anger(negative emotions)...

the discussion which was supposed to be on the ways to find employement for unemployed c.a's went out of the way n many ppl,esp with c.a qualifications diaplyin publicly their foolishness by commenting irrationally,illogically tarnishing the image of c.a degree n c.a regualtor...

i wonder wat examples u guys are setting for our unger generation by posting such comments....

all other things being constant,the quality of the comments u guys posted itself shows ur worth n the way u mangae urself..how can u use words like 'sardar' or hit out at some one personally....

every system rolls out some defectives...

there are politicains who did some work to glorify the profession image n tarnish its image..like wise..doctors or engineers or in ny field...ny field has set of professionals who glorified the image of the profession n tarnished the image of the profession with their work...

its up to u,on which side u stand....

campus placement is one of the n number of activities icai does...its not their only job...

if only 10percent got selected,then wats icai fault in it...u shud have ability to be in tht 10% irrespective of the circumstances...if u cant,then u shud try other sources....job sites,references etc etc...

icai wont create jobs,they help to find u jobs....

i know,it hurts wen u dont find right job after putting those efforts...but by commenting so rubbishly only degrades ur image ....a guy who blindly cant respect his profession,which gives his identity n basic bread n butter,can never ever b a true gentleman...

day by day,the qulity of debate in this site is decreasing...most of the times the debate turns into argument ,n hitting out at persons with out supporting facts...its easy in internet domain,as it provides u anonimity,but plz dont use tht advantage to tarnish the image of the profession....

there are roughly 190000 c.a's ..

politicians,celebrities,businessmen,corporate houses,traders ..individuals.....after doctor,i find only c.a,whose requirement is multi fold...president to beggar require doctor ...president to commonman,if not beggar.. require c.a....

its up to u how u manage ur life...

these are the times which test the man in u...these are the situations which separates men n boys....

not finding job may reduce ur image lil,,but commenting negatively on c.a degree n icai makes u look like a true fool...

wen i was a kid,after exam i used to say paper tough aaya tha...wen i bcame lil matured i used to say...i wrote to my best...thts the tranformation time brings in u...its nothing but only ur ability how u face the situations n come out strategically...wat wud hav happened if icai passed only 1000 students as there are only 1000 vacnacies in campus..the rest eligible guys wud b at unjust...they pass u.. if u meet their requirement in exam....u get job if u meet company's requirement....there's gap between icai's req n company's req..after passin out,u shud work to meet company's requirement...better late thn never,guys who ar unhappy abt their present jobs or not finding jobs,shud first introspect themselves..

please show maturity in the comments n debate on the issue,,dont take it towards personal arguments...forget abt c.a degree ,professionalism etc etc,..atleast donot behave like an idiot..



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