Take it easy on the prediction of the final idt paper

Nimit (Accounts & Tax Executive)   (46 Points)

25 November 2012  

A very good afternoon to all my fellow members of the CAClubindia Forum. Now i have been reading a lot of posts wherin, qualified or students, are giving their opinion on how the Final IDT paper will be, that is to be scheduled in various parts in Mumbai on the 27th of this month.

Being in a democratic country, i can understand that we all have a right to voice our opinion, but why in gods name do you guys want to scare the hell out of the students. I myself am going to attempt the paper the day after tomorrow, but seriously, instead of reading a few words of encouragement or something around it, all i am getting to read is "The paper on the 18th was sooo easy" or "The paper on the 27th will be difficult as hell" and even with respect to the pending results "the market is not good, so dont expect a good passing percentage".

Is this how, as professionals, we are supposed to support each other, by being cynical??? or are we supposed to be optimistic with respect to our replies?? I am a realist myself, but as always there is a time and a place to be so.

I may be wrong or may be right, but in this current situation that we CA Final Students are, as per my personal opinion, be supportive to your fellow professional collegues.

Thanks once again and i hope this thread doesnt upset anyone, because that definitely is not my intention. 

