Straight from the heart..!!

Harsh Gupta (Student CA CPT ) (52 Points)

11 April 2013  


This is Harsh Gupta, 2nd year Article Trainee from a big 4 in Bangalore. Today I would like to share with you a poem I had written exclusively for my mom on her birthday, to confess things which I never did. 



Only for you mumma...!!!


Now I remember, what you said mumma,
Now I understand why you said.
You asked me not to fall in love mumma,
But I just stepped ahead.
Today, is the new dawning mumma,
2012 has finally come alight
Everyone including you is so happy and excited mumma
But I am still trapped in my memory lane and fight.
2007 was the year mumma,
Your son had just turned 16,
He had appeared for his matriculation mumma
And the girl was only 13.
You remember, we had gone to native mumma
She was also there,
There was something in her eyes mumma
Which drew my attention and care
I know I was just 16 mumma
But still I loved her from my heart
I didn’t know what I was doing mumma
I apologise you for listening to my heart
One call a week was the frequency mumma
Your son was happy with it
I used to run home from school mumma
Just for that little little bit
I always tried to nurture it mumma
Even when I was in school
I want to hug you and tell you mumma,
I never knew that someday I would be called a fool.
It grew over the years mumma,
I always hid it from you
Believe me, believe me, please believe me mumma
I never thought I would tell it like this to you
Remember the year 2009 mumma,
Your son had finally stepped into the 90%+ territory,
I always ask god one question mumma,
Why was that my only only victory
The time had come, I had to go to delhi mumma,
I was both happy and sad
I was delighted to be meeting my love mumma
But the people there were very very bad.
I didn’t go there uninvited mumma
They called and asked me to be at their site
What wrong had I done to them mumma
That I was treated worse than a parasite
Even I have got a mumma and papa
But they wouldn’t say anything
Don’t you miss my innocent heart maa-paa
Which they killed with their painful stings
I didn’t notice that my jeans was torn mumma
I didn’t know the name of different brands
I was abused and my wallet was thrown mumma
Just because I didn’t have a red coloured grande
The girl was also there mumma,
When your son was insulted and thrown
Is it just the clothes and money which matter mumma
Those who don’t have it…..are they blown..???
I was totally broken mumma
It was all slashed and thrashed
By now I had come back to Nagpur mumma
And didn’t notice the loads of happiness which flaashed
The school notice board had my pictures mumma
After all, the school topper I was,
I was asked to address the aspirants mumma
But all this was succeded with a long long pause
You remember how my principal treated me mumma
The busiest person inviting me for a chat
6 months down the line, and the same principal
Didn’t even bother to reply to my mails mumma
Just because falling down, my career laid flat.
Chartered Accountancy was never my dream mumma
I joined because everyone said so
I hardly could understand a word mumma
I wanted to quit, but something didn’t allow me to go
I flunked an attempt and missed an year mumma
Nothing was falling by my side
I still remember how I used to cry all night mumma
I really love you for being my best guide
24th September 2010 was the day mumma
Dad was going to get burgers at night
I was sleeping and you woke me up mumma
Just to inform me of one more plight
Why was dad in such a hurry mumma
Just because he wanted to lock a good business deal
The bike slipped off, dad tossed and fell on his knee mumma
The pain was enough to make him forget all his zeal
My hats off to papa’s spirit mumma
Surgery in the morning, and he resumed his business by noon
He was joking and playing with all of us mumma
Totally unaware of the catastrophe which was coming soon
I still wonder what went wrong mumma
Whether it was the doctor’s lapse
I remember you crying and telling me mumma
That you nearly felt, My DAD would COLLAPSE
The 2nd innings was all the more terrible mumma
I know it was his business which was on harm
Remember, granny coming to hospital mumma
And dad crying in his mother’s arms
It was 4th December, New delhi mumma
I had been to represent dad in a marriage
I was coming back home, was entering the railway station mumma
Had just got down from the carriage
I fell down and fractured my ankle mumma
Trust me….the pain was unbearable
Same evening, I went for a movie mumma
Despite knowing that it might get deplorable
I walked in the mall, without limping mumma
Just because the girl was also there
I didn’t want her to feel embarrassed mumma
So didn’t use a stick, I dared to bare.
(To be continued)
Harsh Gupta