Statutory bank branch audit for 2014-15

N M Jain (Principal) (24 Points)

31 March 2015  

It's 3rd consecutive year when I am not getting any PSB branch statutory audit for 2014-15 till 31.3.15. Last alloted and done audit  was for 2011-12. Mine is proprietorship firm duly empanelled this year under catagory-IV by  ICAI. It can neither be case of cooling-off period which is of 2 years only and that too in selected 33 big cities to which I do not belong.

My specific queries from expert colleagues are :

1. Whether Catagory-IV propritorship firms without paid CA has been barred from audit allotment altogether.

2. Whether 2 years cooling-off period is applicable for all cities,i.e. even other than 33 specified cities.

3. Can Cooling-off period  be extended beyond 2 years.

4. What is the source of information about allotment of statutory audit of PSB branches.

5. Whether as members of ICAI we can expect from them taking up interest of small proprietorship CA firms with RBI and get justice.

I shall be thankful if someone can enlighten upon above matters.

Thanks and regards.
