Some Logic Puzzels

Bahubali (Accounts Executive CWA Inter)   (452 Points)

29 March 2011  

Some Logical puzzels, can u slove this

1.       A Man carries his son into the hospital because his son has a nail in his foot. The Surgeon then walks in and says "I cannot operate on this boy … he is my son".

What is going on here?


2.      Two fathers took their sons for fishing.

Each man and son caught one fish, but when they returned to camp there were only 3 fish. How could this be?

(None of the fish were eaten, lost, or thrown back.)



3.   A man is caught on the King's property. He is brought before the King to be punished.

The King says, "You must give me a statement. If it is true, you will be eaten by the lions. If it is false, you will be trampled by the wild buffalo."

But in the end, the King has to let the man go.

What was the man's statement?


4 .In the middle of an otherwise empty field there lies a man wearing a pack.

He is dead.

There are no other clues visible.

How did he die?




Ans  1 .The Surgeon is the boy's Mother.

Ans 2 .There were only three people. The son, his father, and his grandfather.

Ans 3 . "I will be trampled by the wild buffalo."

If you think about it carefully: the King can't say that it is true, because if it is then the man should be eaten by the lions. But if he is eaten by the lions, then his statement would be false, and so should have been trampled by buffalo.

So the King can't tell if it is a lie or truth, so decides to just let him go

Ans 4. .His parachute failed to open