Registering a new ca proprietorship

Roshan Thomas (C.E.O ) (356 Points)

15 March 2012  

I was filling form 18 for registering a CA proprietorship

I came across this question which I couldnt understand -

"Whether the proprietor is a proprietor/partner or paid assistant with any other firm of chartered accountant in practice in India and whether any of them are engaged in a full time or part-time occupation elsewhere"

My first query is - How is it possible for anyone to be a paid assistant and fully employed elsewhere at the same time ??

Secondly query is

In my case I satisfy the first part of the question - I am a paid assistant in a CA firm but not in full time occupation elsewhere - should I answer the question in affirmative ?? or since "AND" is used I should answer in affirmitive only when I satisfy both the conditions of the question

Basically my doubt is what is the purpose of this question ??

Third query is 

Since I am a paid assitant now - after registering a proprietorship in my name will I cease to be a paid assistant automatically in the institutes records or are there any other formalities ?? ( because I will leave my employment after starting my office)