Plastic bag dangers

CA Sanjay Bag (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT) (3340 Points)

25 February 2013  

Plastic Bag Dangers


According to the Plastics Industry Trade Association -about 100 billion of plastic bags are sold each year around the world. They can come in the form of sandwich bags, bread wrappers, dry-cleaning bags and most commonly, grocery bags. Plastic bags are not biodegradable. They clog waterways, spoil the landscape, and end up in landfills where they may take 1,000 years or more to break down into ever smaller particles that continue to pollute the soil and water. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, or CSPC, receives about 25 reports each year that a child, usually under the age of 1, suffocated from a plastic bag. Most commonly, these are dry-cleaning bags, but some are garbage bags a child crawled into, or even a plastic bag covering a mattress that the child was sleeping on. It can happen any time a plastic bag blocks a child's nose or mouth, preventing the child from breathing.

Plastic bags also pose a serious danger to birds and marine mammals that often mistake them for food. Thousands die each year after swallowing or choking on discarded plastic bags.






Consider a Personal Ban on Plastic Bags


Some businesses have stopped offering their customers plastic bags, and many communities are either considering a ban on plastic bags or have already implemented one.


Recycle your plastic bag


Try to use your plastic bags by recycling these.