PCC-J09 topper calls for articlesip to be 2years

jose.p (CA in service) (1676 Points)

02 September 2009  

What i am telling now is from the  article that a dear online friend from Ahmedabad has forwarded me.Here's the source.


In the articleship the topper Rahul M, from Rajasthan(studying in Ahmedabad and articleship) has said,"Currently, the articleship lasts three-and-a-half years. I feel two years are more than enough".   Another topper (scared of speaking more openly has said in an indirectly[  He has said,"articleship was demanding “but gives students an edge in the professional set up".

Embarassed when asked by reporters about the topper's opininion, CA Sanjay Shah gave an awkward answer,"The value of CA course has been maintained by rigorous articleship and strict checking"