Make ur life Beautiful by using....

Soniya (accountant) (93 Points)

23 January 2011  

One can make their life Beautiful by such way :-


1- Don't Compare :-               

   Never compare yourself with others, if u wanna to be  "HAPPY" so just look those  people  who is lower then  you. 



2- Leave EGO :-

Don't use EGO in your life , it not only HURTS YOUR CLOSE PEOPLE but also CREATE a distance between you & them .


3- Decision Priority :- 

First Decide  which is more IMPORTANT for you in your life.


4- Search Happiness  :-

Each moment have happiness just need to find out it. It's all depend on your point of view that you find it in POSITIVE angle or NEGATIVE . No one & none moment are WRONG. Some one Says: -

can ?kM+h Hkh fnu esa nks ckj lgh le; crkrh gSa

5- Don't Complain :-

leave the attitude which make you a person who always Complain, Try to  be Satisfied .Don't spent your life to stand complain counter , you can't find any thing in there.


Life is too small so Enjoy it not only to be HAPPY but also make people Happy ..........


Be Happy & Keep Smiling ....



