Life, success, failure etc etc etc

DEVIL-Liv every moment of life (ca final) (1735 Points)

26 January 2013  


life, failure, success

We all want to be winners.  We all want to succeed.  So why then do so many of us struggle indefinitely and come up short?  It has something to do with how we think, what we focus on, and how we live each moment.

Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding in life at all the wrong things.

Choosing  a path that fits US.  Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it.  Challenge yourself to ask with each and every step, each focus point that consumes your energy: “Does this thing I’m doing right now serve me and those I care about in the next few minutes, few months, and few years?”

It is a mindset within Us.  If We consider success to be something outside of Us, that’s where it will always remain – somewhere else.  So in our thoughts, our words, our actions and our expectations, be the living embodiment of success, and whatever we touch will have the potential to be successful too.

Life would be so different if WE stopped allowing other people to dilute or poison our perception with their words and opinions.  Happiness is derived from the way WE see our own life; it depends on our thoughts, not on what WE have or what We do not have, or what other people think about what We have.  

Everyone experiences unhappy times on occasion, but there is a big difference between experiencing a temporary  period  of sadness and living a habitually unhappy life.  That’s what chronically unhappy people do.

The greatest discovery we  will ever make is that we  can change your life by simply changing our attitude.  Optimism is the most essential human trait, because it allows us to evolve our ideas and improve every situation we encounter.

So we should not  take things for granted.  Rather we should  Be positive and realize how fortunate we are.  Not every day will be perfect, but if we pay attention we’ll realize that 99.9% of the time we’re having either a good day or a great day.

“Big opportunities come to those who make the most of little opportunities.  Little opportunities are present in each moment and in every situation.”

“Most people come into your life temporarily simply to teach you something.  They come and they go and they make a difference.  And it’s okay that they’re not in your life anymore.”

Sometimes it will feel weird when we realize we spent so much time with someone we are no longer connected to, but that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.  We  are exactly where we’re supposed to be.  We all are.”

The mindset of our past being indicative of our future is Nonsense.




"The title" is a riddle...and many will say..the title and the content of the article have no links...but... there is a link.... every line is a link...

life itself is a riddle....sometimes we are able to slove the riddles and sometimes not...


some great Piictures giving some grreat messages.....

best one five star to the below shown picture..

upcoming picture gives  soln to many questions which life posts..

and the most imp picture...of the article....and the last one too...


if anyone found any line of the article wrong.... than it is just a article and can be modified...

these are all thoughts... they can be modified if they are wrong...

& keep updating ourselves is a very imp part....



thank you



simple thing we should look upon....