Lic's superannuation commuted value and tax

Rajalakshmi S (Others) (24 Points)

29 July 2015  

Dear Sir,

I served with a MNC 20 years and awaiting superannuation benefits from LIC.  As per company's policy I can claim 1/3 as commuted value on retirement.  On 2/3 balance I would receive pension.  My question is:

1.  Is 1/3 commuted value is taxable?

2.  Is my pension amount taxable.  As per LIC, I would be receiving Rs.3800/- per month as pension.

3.  I would be receiving a EPF pension of appx.1500/- per month.

4.  Will my nominee get the 2/3 balance amount from LIC on my death?

I greatly appreciate and thank you for your replies.

best regards rajalakshmi