Letter to hindu was the book that helps indian to gain freed




Leo Tolstoy wrote a book in 1908 called “Letter to a Hindu” in which he argued that the only way for India to gain independence from Britain was through non-violent resistance. He argued that only through the principle of love the Indian people could free themselves from colonial British rule. He thought that by spreading love among the people that people in protests and strikes would be able to overcome a violent revolution. These ideas proved to be successful in 1947 in the culmination of the Indian Independence Movement. And what’s most interesting about Leo Tolstoy is that his points of views had a great influence on Mohandas Gandhi’s views about non-violent resistance! So you could say that hippies and all those people who call themselves “Lovers, not fighters” are all influenced by Leo Tolstoy’s writings and thoughts. So remember! Make love happen, not war!