Leave office on time

CA Navin Jain (MANAGER (FINANCE & ACCOUNTS))   (11768 Points)

23 November 2011  



1.Work is never a ending process. You never finish the works.

2. Interest of a client is not more important than your family.

3. If you fail in life your boss or client will not be the person to offer a helping hand but your family and friends will do.

4. Life does not mean to coming to office, going home and sleeping. There is more to a life. You need time to socialize, entertainment, exercise and relaxation. Donot make your life meaningless.

5. A person who sits in office still late is not a hardworking person. He is a fool who does not know how to manage works within the stipulated time. Besides, he is a loser in the life who does not have personal and social life.

6. You did not study hard and struggle in life to be a machine and live a meaningless life.

7. If your boss forces you to work late. Just forward him this mail. He will try to make his life meaningful too.

Leaving office on time = more productivity + good social life + good family relationship

Leaving office late = less productivity + no social life + no family life