Isca :- the beginning.

*RENU SINGH * (✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )   (21627 Points)

26 July 2013  

System :- An orderly arrangement  of a set of interrelated and interdependent elements is known as system. System can be distinguished on 4 basis :-

  1. Elements           
    1. Abstract :- its just a conceptual system which exists but in non-physical manner. For example, a person and and his believe in God .
    2. Physical :- A system that can exists and constructed from tangible elements for example  School system, where equipment, teachers, personnel function together for an objective to provide education to students. Hence considered as a system.
  2. Interactive behavior :-
    1. Open system: - A system which is open to the environment and always change accordingly, is called open system. For example: - the marketing department which considers its feedback about its product sold into the market, as an input. And makes it strategy accordingly.
    2. Closed system :- A system which doesn’t interact with the environment at all. Say the hardware of a computer, once its programmed it works according to its programming not according to the environment.


The main area of difference is called Entropy here, which means decay in the system quality. Such quality is known as positive entropy. But open system works on the base of negative entropy which means they need to be updated, upgraded according to the environment otherwise they will be out of the market. And the need of such negative entropy is also needed in close system but not at such a high speed unlike open system.

  1. Human intervention :-
    1. Manual System
    2. Automated system :- even though no system is 100% automated, it requires manual intervention too, but in negligible manner.
  2. Working/Output basis :-
    1. Deterministic system: - which works according to a determined manner, according to some methodology and procedure is known as deterministic system.
    2. Probabilistic system :-  where possibility is made e.g. the future demand of a product, which you can’t evaluate exactly but can determine it probably with a higher/lesser rate of error.


Some terms:-


System Boundary: - An environment within which the system works and within which the system exists is known as a system boundary i.e. A car. It’s engine, seats, glass, name plate includes in the system boundary.


System Environment: - the external word within which the system works is called system environment. For Car, a road can also be termed as an system environment.

Subsystem: - A system is divided into parts for better functioning. And a part of system is known as Subsystem. In short, the smallest part can also be known as subsystem.


Supra system: - An system can be fractionated into many parts on basis of some reasons. And the combination of a reason is called as A Supra system.

Say marketing department can be further segregated into manufacturing, research and development, customer feedback. So in a big picture, we can say an organization is a system, market department is a supra system. And its parts are further termed as sub systems.





Sorry  friends had to post this topic yesterday, but due to some reasons couldn't finish it yesterday. Anyways today's topic would be sole selling agent....and those who prepare till 10 PM, can take part into discussion by msging me on facebook