Ignore your college. take hollidays for as maximum months you can. dont think about bcom exams in march/april. going to college for even one hour will destroy your full day. so it should be completely off. just start studying for may exams with full speed right now. because 6 months are very less for first group of ipcc. because there are 4 practical subjects. start coaching and finish it as soon as possible. also cover syllabus at home along with coaching classes. than after finishing classes go for self study.
giving one group is very good decesion.
follow the below shedule to preparation
accounts: do one author's book and study material. solve all practicals with your own hand twice. means after completing syllabus do it again. in second time you can skip simple questions.
same for cost and FM
for tax: read a chapter and than do its practical. than again read it fully. and do practical again. than learn all. because tax need to be done 5 times.
in tax and accounts you can easily score 70+ if you have prepared well. in remaining two getting high marks is difficult.
cost: ashish kalra
FM: rajesh makkar
tax: girish ahuja, you can additionaly do paduka if you need more practice