Incorrect tan in tds

sunilkumar (engineer) (116 Points)

03 December 2011  

Dear friends,


I need advice for the following problem in TDS


I am a group A officer of Govt of India,VSSC. My employer has given me a TDS certificate for       Rs. 81988 under section 203 of IT act for salaries for period from 1-4-2008 to 31-3-2009 on 14-5-2009  by quoting an incorrect employer TAN no TVDVI00171D. I had filed return on 28-7-2009. The correct TAN No is TVDI00171D. But this defect was not noticed by me when I received a notice under sec 143(1) of IT Act on 23-12-2010 for a tax demand of Rs 102242  (Rs 81988+20254interest) with a remark “TDS CLAIM NOT GRANTED AS YOUR TAX DEDUCTOR HAS NOT UPLOADED TDS DETAILS IN NSDL”. So I gave a copy of original TDS certificate to local IT office at Trivandrum to set right this issue and the officer told me that it will settle in due course. Now I found that  tax refund of Rs19940 due to me for financial year 2010-11 was adjusted by IT dept CPC towards the earlier tax interest of20254 said above  and a nil refund has been ordered. When I checked my 26AS statement there is no entry for TDS for this period.


Now only I noticed this incorrect TAN in my TDS certificate. Now what I should do  further to settle this issue? I understand that Government deductors are using book entry for crediting to government account and not by 26AS

Thanks in advance