Importance of failure

pushpak (Associate) (93 Points)

03 January 2012  


As I am buying a car of my own soon, I have started noticing cars quite a lot these days which I guess is normal with anyone. One would look
at each car passing by, remember the points why I decided not to buy this one and gets satisfied when someone agrees with you on those points. It’s like developing the passion for the cars all over again as I used to have in my childhood. While noticing car one also notice the dents or a scratches on it. They are inevitable, the more you drive and in the more crowded street, the more are the chances of getting them. Sometimes it’s our mistake and sometimes the other persons (people who drive will agree with me that its almost someone else
mistakes ;) ). If your car met with this inevitable consequence people will sympathize with you, tell you the ways to remove it or overcome it and move ahead. The people are always humane to you and as a matter of fact the bigger the dent more the humanity. It’s the part and parcel of the driving experience.



But today I couldn’t help but notice how this relates to our daily life. The more we move in our life more are the dents/scratch or failure as we say, we face. The failures are inevitable part of any journey towards the success like the dents are the journey towards the experience of driving. But strangely the attitude of the people changes dramatically when we talk about these dents of our life, they tend to be less humane and in some case even ridicule you. Instead of learning experience these are considered as stigma and one is force to stop the journey and take a different course. I failed to understand why the same people who were so humane for the minor loss of the car, an item of only few lakhs, are so different when the worth of the human life is a lot more than that? Is it that people can easily visualize few lakhs but not multi crores or even more a human life is worth? If people could understand, from such a simple example of life, that dents are only learning experiences and should not be taken as a demotivating force for the achievement of their goals. May be if they start understanding this we could see more people following their hearts instead of worrying about failing. May be we could see The India we dream of coming to reality rather than remaining in the papers and many other things turning to reality instead of remaining mere “May be”.