How to win hearts & be a Good Human; 10 Easy Tips

Gauav Aggarwal (ACA) (374 Points)

01 July 2010  


If one lives naturally and grounded what not one can achieve. Here are those ten (10) tips which may help anybody substantially to win others heart and to be a good human.

1. Make your heart bigger: make your heart bigger in your thinking, by speaking and by your act. Try to overlook little-little faults of others. Understand that you are a soul that has come on this earth to enjoy, love and experience.

2. Show compassion to others: don’t look others weaknesses but show compassion and guide them, suggest the alternates and leave them on their path.

3. Think good feel good and do well: understand that everyone is part of the God. Think good feel good and do well for them – when you will do this, you will feel great satisfaction and contentment within your heart. You will become very positive and powerful.

4. Feel that God does everything through you and you just witness:when you will follow this you will give all your works in God’s hand and will be out of tensions and problems, and whatever you will do with this actual feeling – it will be more constructive and positive.

5. Live a Bindaas (tension free) life: when you work then only work, when you play then just play… and when you laugh then just laugh. Whatever you do, do it with complete freshness of mood.

6. Treat everyone equally: nobody is bad, people are just unaware. The person who looks good to you today might become bad tomorrow, or the person looks bad to you today can become good tomorrow. Raise yourself above polarity and treat equally.

7. Live with soul consciousness: understand that your body, your relations, your friends and your things belong to your body and – don’t belong to you, you are above everything. This is just your mind and body, which feel happy or suffer.

8. Increase the level of your mental purity: mental purity comes when you think positive and constructive. For this you can meet with positive people, can read positive books, scripttture and can see good movie also.

9. Ask “who am I?” to yourself: this simple question will lead you to all the secrets and mysteries of life, it will lead you to scriptttures and spiritual gurus. It will assist you to know who you are actually.

10. Feel God is with you: don’t ask for proof, just feel God is always with you – inside you and outside you. When you start living with God’s energy, you will also get God’s love, guidance and support.


By Sandeep Gupta