How to sell a property which is registered in 2 names but actually belongs to 3 person

Naren (Vice President) (31 Points)

24 December 2015  
Details: I have a property in Mumbai which is registered in my name and my brother's name. Actually this property belongs to both of us as well as my sister. Now we are planning to sell this property. We would like to know: 1) If my sister's name can be added in society before the sale? If yes, will my sister get income tax benefit since the original date of purchase? 2) If no, can we register the sale in 2 brother's name and then execute a family deed to transfer 1/3rd share to my sister? Will it be okay to offer for tax 1/3rd share in each of our income tax returns? 3) Any other better way to sell and divide among three of us? Thanks & Regards, Naren