How to Reach the Top

Ankit (Student) (605 Points)

08 July 2011  


Finding Success - How to Reach the Top


Have you ever asked yourself a question, "What is success really about?". Most people think of success when referring to business and financial wealth. But we all see people, whether it is on television or magazines, who are unbelievably wealthy and are still miserable. They have everything that anybody could ever dream of, as far as physical things, but their family life and spiritual life are in a bad shape and happiness for these people is just a dream.


We all agree, money is important, but we often look at it as it is only one measure of success. You aren't truly successful until success penetrates your entire life.


We believe success is not a destination; it is a journey. It's the process of becoming the person that you were meant to be - the person you really want to be. It is a journey to fulfill your destiny.


Just wanted to remind you that your success is up to you. No one can walk in your shoes on your journey. It is only YOU who has all the tools that are needed to succeed on your journey. So, take that responsibility and make it happen!


As you know, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Imagine a staircase, and in order to get to the top you have to take each step - one a time. There will be times when it's not easy, you might face obstacles, speed bumps and potholes on your journey to success. You will have the choice to go over, under, around or through the troubles on your path; or you can look at them through the eyes of fear and not take the next step.


As Zig Ziglar once said: "I believe fear (which is faith in reverse) is a major reason for not using our talents. Many people just decide to play it safe and not do anything at all. They have the fear of failure, so they believe that by doing nothing they can't fail because they never tried. In reality, failing to try could be their biggest mistake." So, go ahead and take that first step.


Let's discuss five important elements that you have to have on your journey to success.


1. Discover Who You Are

2. Be an Inspiration To Others

3. Set a Goal

4. Develop and Maintain Positive Attitude

5. Be willing to work


1. Discover Who You Are


The first step is to create a healthy picture of yourself and of what you think you deserve. You have to in-vision and see yourself as the successful person you are choosing to be. Whether it is a businessman who just got a very profitable deal, or an actor who just signed a contract for a main role in well know TV series. As soon as you learn to see yourself as a success, you will begin to talk, dress, walk and act like a success.


2. Be an Inspiration To Others


Look for the good in every person and in every situation. This second step is all about realizing the potential in others around you. It is no longer about you. When you start looking for and finding the good in others, right away you will begin to treat them better. It is an inspiration to people when someone really believes in them, and as a result they go much further than they ever thought they could.


3. Set a Goal


Do you have a goal for what you want in life? Setting a goal helps to move forward to the next step, which is, developing an action plan. Make sure your goal is reasonable, you must be able to achieve it in a specific time frame. But please don't be afraid to challenge yourself.


4. Develop and Maintain Positive Attitude


The right attitude toward your goals, work and life is critical. You can't always predict the obstacles that you'll face on your journey to success. But when something goes wrong it is necessary for you to stay calm and just start over where you left off. The right mental attitude helps you stay focused on your goal and the direction where you're headed.


5. Be willing to work


Life doesn't work on credit. You must first put something into life before you can expect to get something out of it. Don't forget that success takes work, patience and persistence.


The most important element is your commitment. Be committed to your dream. If you have the passion and a winners' attitude you'll get there in no time!