aashi chopra (115 Points)

18 December 2021  

In India, there are a lot of students who choose the course of Chartered Accountancy and wish to crack the exams. The reasons are not unknown and the list is surely huge.


To mention a few of them, it is amongst the highest paying and reputed professions. Apart from being the most-sought one, it also promises a fulfilling career. And hence, being attracted to it is common.


When it comes to studying for it, managing your stress and taking control is one of the toughest challenges. To get this straight, just like time never remains the same, likewise, you cannot expect yourself to be high on motivation, always.


There would be many times that you would suck at putting yourself into action. But, getting back to achieving your goals, you cannot afford to waste time at all. And hence, you would require some techniques to ace your learning.


Read ahead to know some of the study tips which you shall be following to accelerate your learning journey.


Once you take control of your mind, you tend to manage your routine more effectively and efficiently. When you consider preparing for exams, building a sense of control is very important but when your mind isn’t in sync with you, things would never seem sorted and it would not lead to anything but only lower your productivity levels.



Setting clear objectives for yourself is very important. Once you define your goals and pen down all the targets that you’ve to achieve, it becomes easier for you to plan things and work accordingly. Not to forget, without a proper plan, you cannot expect the tables to turn and win everything.



Making your learning environment distractions free is another important that you all shall be taken into consideration. When you sit to study, make sure that you don’t keep the things around that might attract you because it would only let you lose focus hence, decreasing your productivity levels.



The smart technique says:

S- Specific goals

M- Measure progress

A- Attainable

R- Realistic

T- Time management

It means that you shall be taking care of the time management techniques, be specific while setting goals, be able to measure progress, make an attainable target and set a realistic schedule.



Make sure that you compete, not only with others but also, with your own. Once you take a closer view of how you perform and measure your progress, you tend to plan and perform better.



Always make sure to reward yourself. Whenever you achieve even the smallest of your targets or goals, treat yourself with the best possible thing. This way you will stay motivated and your performance graph will continue to rise.



One of the most important things to do is manage your stress. Understand that whenever you perform under pressure, achieving things would be tougher than ever and hence it is important to take charge of your mindset and be able to keep everything in control.



Whenever you do even the smallest tasks, make sure that you take feedback based on your performance, it would help you to analyze your performance and make a plan thereafter which is more effective.



You cannot always be sitting in lethargy and expect destiny to knock on your doors. To get something big, you have to maintain that hunger in yourself for your goals. Until you are crazy about your dreams, you are nowhere. So, make sure you grab even the smallest opportunities.



To stay motivated at all times is surely one of the most difficult things to do. But you shall be able to fuel yourself and push yourself to take action because, without that, you won’t be able to reach your desired destination.


Read ahead to get your shot of motivation!


It is rightly said that growth and comfort can never co-exist which is why it is extremely important to push yourself out of your comfort zones or the bubbles that you have created around yourselves that does nothing other than stop you from moving ahead.


You might come across a lot of challenges but you have to believe that without facing them, you cannot grow. Don’t just keep a desire but be hungry to achieve your goals. Do whatever is required to pace and be in tune with yourself.