Hindi day-sept 14

Saurabh Maheshwari (B.com,ACA) (5923 Points)

14 September 2013  

Happy Hind divas....our pride language 

September 14 is celebrated as Hindi Day and was adopted as the official language of Constituent assembly in 1949 on this day. The Constitution of India adopted Hindi in Devanagri Script as the official language of the union under Article (343) in 1950.

Hindi being a live language is gaining popularity and on the way to become a global language. 

Hindi is considered as a link language in the country as it unites the citizens of various states, who speak in this language when they meet up, as by default everyone is presumed to know and at least understand Hindi language. History has been a testimony of the vast usage of Hindi during the Indian independence where the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi addresses the countrymen in this language. Not only has this language gone far and wide in many countries, many countries and people from these countries are aware of the language and few world leaders have spoken few words from the language when addressing the people of India.