Have you ever wondered who loves you most?


Have you ever wondered who loves you most?
 A professor gave his class (50%  male and 50% female) two questions. 
Question 1: 

 There is a man who loved this beautiful woman.
But one day, she was disfigured in a freak accident, will he still love her? 

Question 2:
There is a woman who loved this wealthy man.
But one day, he lost all his money due to financial crisis.  Will she still love him? 
The answers by the class:

1. 30% Yes; 40% May be; 30%  No .  

2. 20% Yes ; 30% May be; 50% No .  

Then he asked, "Have you all thought about the relationship the man and woman had in the two questions? Did you all assume it was a romantic relationship between a man and a woman?" 
"Yes....are they not?" the class replied. 
The professor said, "Answer the questions again - this time, assuming the relationship is between a father and a daughter for question 1
 and for question 2, a relationship between a  mother and a son." This time, the answers were:  
1. 100% Yes  
2. 100% Yes