Fixed assets - physical verification and accounting

Namish Gupta (CA Practice ) (42 Points)

23 March 2014  

Our firm is conducting Fixed assets Physical verification in one manufacturing company (XYZ Ltd). During verification, we find many Fixed assets which are not accounted in books but which should have been accounted in previous years only. There are 2 reasons for this. 1) Some assets are constructed within company in previous years, like stores material steel and small spare parts issued and charged to consumable but ultimate fixed asset not accounted in earlier years.  What should be treatment. Asset came in existene many years back like 6-7 years. 2) Earlier, xyz ltd sold some fixed assets to ABC Ltd in a deal 10 years ago. That time that ABC Ltd forgot some assets in XYZ Plant location only. Now these assets are property of XYZ Limited only. We would like to know what should be done for these assets found in physical verification but not accounted in books