Few things you can include in your routine to improve your english

Shruti Sharma (12 Points)

19 November 2018  

Each individual who is learning English desire to command over a strong vocabulary and perfect fluency, however, to achieve that they need to put their efforts in a considerable way. Moreover, there is no one perfect way to learn English, there are ideas you can use that will make this process a lot easier.

So, if you genuinely want to master this language you need to include these few things in your daily routines to feel the change in your English in no time.

1. First of all, feel free to make mistakes while learning. You can only correct your mistakes only when you let yourself commit them.

2. Try surrounding yourself with English native speakers as that environment can help you learn passively.

3. Take time for your English practice every day. 15-20 minutes practice each day is better than long hour practices on alternate days. You can prefer some English practice app also for the same purpose.

4. Schedule your practice routine according to your body clock. If you’re not a morning person, study in the afternoon.