Exam tips query / doubt

Shreena (IPC student) (40 Points)

16 March 2015  
Hi everyone I would really appreciate if anyone could help me clear my doubt about some exam tips I have heard. 1. While answering a theory paper , it is beneficial to answer in point form, however if we answer in paragraph for few questions, can a student underline the important parts or words in the paragraph with pencil to attract the examiners attention? Will this help me sucure more marks or is it not allowed? 2. I had heard a tip that we should attempt the question ( from 1-7 ) which we know the best first, to help us to get good marks so that examiner is impressed at first shot. So if I know question 4 the best, can I attempt it first on my answer sheet or should I attempt question 1-7 in order? I am an ipcc student, attempting my group 2 in may 2015 attempt. Your help would be really appreciated. Thanks