Emperor Asoka' s Edicts

CA.Sidhartha S Pillai (Chartered Accountant) (531 Points)

21 August 2013  

"On the roads...trees have been planted for the enjoyment of animals and men. I have had ponds dug and shelters erected along the roads. Everywhere I have had wells dug."

"It is good to be obedient to one's mother and father, friends, and relatives. It is good not only to spend little, but to own the minimum of property."

"My officers have been appointed for the welfare [safety] and happiness of the...people. I have given them... authority in judgment and punishment. But it is desirable that there should be uniformity [sameness] in judicial [trial] procedure and punishment."

"This world and the other [the world after death] are hard to gain without great love of Righteousness [correct behavior], great self-examination, great obedience, great effort."

"If the unconquered peoples on my border ask what is my will, they should understand this: I desire that they should trust me and should have only happiness in their dealings with me."

"This... has been engraved so that the officials of the city should always see to it that no one is ever imprisoned or tortured without good cause. To ensure this I shall send out every five years on a tour of inspection officers who are not fierce or harsh."

"There is no gift comparable to the gift of Dharma [righteousness, or correct behavior], and this is: good behavior towards slaves and servants, obedience to parents, generosity towards friends, acquaintances, and relatives... and abstention [staying away] from killing living beings."

"Everywhere, I, Ashoka, King Priyadarsi, Beloved of the Gods, have arranged for two kinds of medical treatment: medical treatment for men and medical treatment for animals."

"Men who are sentenced to death are to be given three days' respite [waiting period before being put to death]. Thus their relations may plead for their lives, or [the] men may make donations or undertake a fast [not eat] for a better rebirth in the next life."