Dont u understand?


01 January 2011  

Don't you understand?

No one ever promised it was going to be pure and beautiful,
untouched by anger, greed and defamation

No one said you would awake every morning
and love the way life looked.

No one said the girl next door wouldn't break your heart
or the boy down the street wouldn't make you cry.
You know, cry inside, that place where little girls hide their tears.

No one said the memories would go away forever,
or that the fear of further pain would drift away completely.

No one ever said life was fair,
because bad things happen to good people,
and good things happen for bad people.

No one ever said that you would no longer feel
the warm tears drip down your cold cheek when it hurt.
You know. That hurt in your belly
that can never be described to another,
but always understood by another

No one ever said that you would be or could be perfect.

No one ever said that you wouldn't have to abandon your ideas
of what's right and wrong to survive in a world
that we assumed was created for us.

No one ever said that we were entitled to share in and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us daily,
a beauty known to us as the world in which we live.

No one ever told us they would always appreciate what we do,
and the obstacles we had to over come to get to where we are.

It seems that 'NO One' has done a lot of nothing for us in life.

So close your eyes if only for a moment,
take a deep breath, now let it out.

Now you r ready all you have to do is place your love, respect and faith in
'Someone' and allow 'No one' to drift away.

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