Dont mess with c.a.'s

Prashant Gupta (Chartered Accountant) (33 Points)

21 June 2013  
Once a CA walks into a bank in Mumbai &
asks for a Rs. 50,000 loan. The bank asks for
Security & the guy hands over the keys &
documents of his 7-Series BMW which is
parked on the street in front of the bank.
After all necessary checks the bank agrees to
grant him the loan. The bank's President &
all officers enjoy a good "laugh" for the
CA, who used a 1 crore BMW as collateral
against a Small Loan of Rs. 50000. The car
was parked in the banks garage safely.
Two months later the guy returns & repays
Rs. 50,000 & the interest which comes to Rs.
1250.The loan officer says, Sir we are very
happy to do this transaction, but we are a
little puzzled, while you were away, we
checked you out & found that you are a
"MULTIMILLIONAIRE", then why did u bother
to borrow 50,000??
The CA replies, where else in Mumbai can I
park my car for 2 months for only Rs.1250/-
and expect it to be there when I return?? The
CA smiles & says, ―Pleasure doing Business
with you all‖
Don‘t mess with CA's