Hra exemption calculation backtracking

Premjit (Others) (25 Points)

17 December 2013  


 I have received a notice under SECTION 142(1) for 2011-12 and the Income Tax Inspector asked to provide clarification on my HRA exemption. I don't remember how much rent I paid for 2011-12. Since I need to show how the I arrived at the HRA calcuation can anyone please telll me what would be the rent amount I paid. My pay details were as below:

Basic Salary p/m : 20696

Conveyance: 800

HRA: 8279


Taxable Allow: 18258

PF: 2484

Prof tax: 200

Income tax 2097

Parking charge: 450


According to form 16 my Gross Salary was: 402424

HRA exemption: 63625

Conv exeption: 6256.


Please show me the calcuation on how much rent 1 paid.


