Reversal of vat credit

S.HARIHARAN (Sr.Executive ) (55 Points)

19 November 2013  

Dear All

We have the latest vat credit amended wherein we need to reverse  vat credit the rule  is  provided below. Can anybody  guide me the logic/formula to be adopted and what is the %  is to be reversed.

1. Amendment of Section 19- Whenever CST sale is made under Section 8(1) of the CST Act, 1956, the proviso to Section 19(2)(v) as amended seeks to restrict the [ITC] input tax credit by providing that credit shall be allowed in excess of 3%. This means that if local purchases attract 5% or 14.5% VAT and the output is sold on CST basis falling under Section 8(1) of the CST Act, the reversal would be to the extent of 3%.

