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Cost and Works Accountants Bill should be dropped: BJP



New Delhi, Dec 19 (PTI) BJP today unofficially conveyed to the government that certain terms used in Cost and Works Accountants (Amendment) Bill, 2011 - which was passed amid the din in Lok Sabha - were in violation of the agreed norms and should be dropped.

Corporate Affairs Minister M Veerappa Moily moved the Bill to amend Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 for consideration and passage. It was passed in the din in Lok Sabha along with three other Bills, denying the members an opportunity to debate the details of the legislation.

Later, some BJP members from the Lower House met Moily and pointed out that the Bill used the term "management" in a few clauses, which was not acceptable.

"In Clause 4, section 5 of the Bill, in place of AICA (Association of Institute of Cost Accountants), the Bill says ACMA (Association of Cost and Management Accountants).
Similarly, instead of FICA (Fellow of Institute of Cost Accountants) the Bill says FCMA (Fellow of Cost and Management Accountants)," a BJP MP said.

Except for Bangladesh and Singapore, no other country uses the term "management" as part of nomenclature for Cost and Work Accountants, chartered accountants, et al.

Clause 8 of the Bill states "Institute of Cost Accountants of India" as both the amended and the original terms. The Bill was aimed at removing Works from the original Bill which said, "Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India".

Sources said the government is likely to take the plea in Parliament that these were "drafting errors" and shall be corrected. They said the government officials also maintained that the term management was being used as it was a request from the professionals concerned.

Opposition can press for fresh passage of the Bill with the necessary changes, they said.

The Rajya Sabha has already passed the Bill with these anomalies.


 1 Replies

Sanket ( ACA, ACMA, CS) (Self-Employed) (72 Points)
Replied 24 December 2011


This suggest that ICAI is lobbying through BJP. Otherwise why should a party who has lokpal and other significant bill to work, worry about name change so much.

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