Good notes for CA IPCC and PCC studntes..Dont miss


23 March 2011  

Accounts segments I P C C/PCC


1.Branch accounts Theory and problems

2. Accounting notes

3.Accounting notes 2

4.Advanced accounting notes

5.Advanced accounts notes 2


Audit segment I P C C and P C C      


1. Good Audit notes

2.Good SA notes

3. Super SA summary

4.Audit revision material

5.Company Audit 1

6.Company audit crash course notes

7.Company audit important point notes

8.Company audit 2 Crash course notes

9.AAS fast track notes


Business and company law

1.Business law notes

2.Provisions related with charges


4.Provisions related with Dividend

5.Transfer and transmission of shares

6.Payments of Bonus Act notes

7.Indemnity and guarantee notes

8. Contract for agency

9. Important question and answers

10.Solution for law ethics and communication

11. Company law Power point presentation


Business ethics and communication Segment

1.Business Ethics Rare notes

2.Business ethics rate note 2

3.Business ethics Rare note 3

4.Barriers of communication

5.Business communication good notes

6.Business communication good notes2


Costing segment


1.Sanjay Agarwal notes

2.Sanjay agarwal 2

3.Best costing notes

4.Costing and FM formulae cost account Theory

6.Alok sir Costing


Strategic financial management

1 SM notes 1

2.SM chapter wise notes

3.Alok sir SM notes 

4.Value analysis  engineering

5.SM full notes

6.Good notes of SM


Income tax, VAT and Service tax

1. Good Income tax notes

2. Good VAT note

3.P C C service tax notes


Info tech segment

1.Flow charts

2.Difference Between questions

3.InfoTech Short notes


5.Introduction of computers

6.Internet and emerging technology

7.Computer network and security

8.Data storage and Retrieval

9.Input output devices