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Ravishankar K (Accountant) (461 Points)
Replied 14 February 2012

Even though i agree with your views but then middle class will think WHY ME? Politicians do fraud in crores,  traffic police openly takes bribes no one bothers to stop or question them, all they do is harm the innocent and honest people, also now people are sure that the taxpayers money is going to be used by some MLA polititician at some pub, car expenses, entertainment etc, so why should we fund their entertainment, sincerity and honestly should come from top, see the condition of our govt offices, roads, public facilities in such pathetic condition, where do our all tax money go, in the pot of politiicians. 


so if i fake a rent slip what harm can it do. And I also would like to blame the government the rules are such having so many loopholes, now if 3 room mates are living and earning well but paying 6000/- total rent so each persons share is 2000/- only but each person gives rent receipt for 6000/- similarly many working couples follow this method and submit fake rent receipts, medical bills, travel bills etc. And in maximum cases they take advice from Accounts / HR people as only these people are aware of rules, so literally many accounts / HR persons actually help the staff by calculating and giving ideal rent per month amount so as to get maximum HRA exemption. Hence even if a person is paying 6000 rent actual he is advised by friends, accounts persons to submit receipt of 10000 so that his exemption amount is more and he is required to pay less or no tax.

software engg (software engg) (28 Points)
Replied 15 February 2012

everyone try to point out a software engineer,  no one understand how much he struggled.

from childhood, he was under pressure by parents to secure good marks. to clear engg entrance, he has to struggle more than 16 hrs a day.  finally when he get job, he will be pressured by boss and even by client mentally.  everytime his eyes will be red.  goes early to office, come back very late. 

will he earn life long? no guarantee, after 10 yrs, his eyes will spoil or he will be out of work due to temperorly disablement.

during recession, he will be out of job, again day night study is reqd to clear interview.

every moment he has to update his skills.

whereever he go, everyone want to screw him, right from autodrivers, fruit / jucie shop, traffic police, mechanics, to all people, including restaurant owners. everyone want to loot them including custom officials.  they had a myth that software people earn alot.

bullsh*t.  when he dont have job, no one will help.

a pan shop earns more than 1 lac a month.  an ordinary barber in chennai earns more than 1 lac.

a fruit shop owner earns more than 1 lac.  a person who owns flats earns more than 1 lac on rent.

a small hotel fellow earns more than 1 lac.

during past 6 yrs, gold price trippled, but software engg salary remains same.  now recession, competition.

govt employees got good 6th pay.

no one will understand, india is surviving with the tax paid by software professionals.  they may evade 2-3 k, but  no one want to point bl**dy politicians, and other small business people  who wont even pay single rupee as tax.  infact they dont even have pan card.

uneducated are earning more than educated. 


Kaushik Dedhiya (Associate CWA CA Final)   (133 Points)
Replied 15 February 2012

Dear Vinay & Dear Software Engg

                      Even i am not supproting the Tax Evasion in such a manner, but my only concern is that if we want to curb such menace first of all we will have to start from the root i.e. Top management level. Otherwise its total injustice, as everyone know how top level evades and spends crores of rupees in the name of Business promotion.. For e.g. suppose you are account manager and you stopped accepting Rent Receipt from Middle Class employees who hardly save anything from their salary, and on other hand your CEO asks you to pay hotel bill in which he stayed for some vacations you will have to pay that thousands of rupees where you dont have any authority to ask him..So what middle class will think???just be in their shoes??? I know eye to eye will make whole world blind, But on moral grounds also isn't it better to curb this corruption from root level rather then just cutting branch of trees????

Kaushik Dedhiya (Associate CWA CA Final)   (133 Points)
Replied 15 February 2012

Dear Vinay & Dear Software Engg

                      Even i am not supproting the Tax Evasion in such a manner, but my only concern is that if we want to curb such menace first of all we will have to start from the root i.e. Top management level. Otherwise its total injustice, as everyone know how top level evades and spends crores of rupees in the name of Business promotion.. For e.g. suppose you are account manager and you stopped accepting Rent Receipt from Middle Class employees who hardly save anything from their salary, and on other hand your CEO asks you to pay hotel bill in which he stayed for some vacations you will have to pay that thousands of rupees where you dont have any authority to ask him..So what middle class will think???just be in their shoes??? I know eye to eye will make whole world blind, But on moral grounds also isn't it better to curb this corruption from root level rather then just cutting branch of trees????

Kaushik Dedhiya (Associate CWA CA Final)   (133 Points)
Replied 15 February 2012

Dear Vinay & Dear Software Engg

                      Even i am not supproting the Tax Evasion in such a manner, but my only concern is that if we want to curb such menace first of all we will have to start from the root i.e. Top management level. Otherwise its total injustice, as everyone know how top level evades and spends crores of rupees in the name of Business promotion.. For e.g. suppose you are account manager and you stopped accepting Rent Receipt from Middle Class employees who hardly save anything from their salary, and on other hand your CEO asks you to pay hotel bill in which he stayed for some vacations you will have to pay that thousands of rupees where you dont have any authority to ask him..So what middle class will think???just be in their shoes??? I know eye to eye will make whole world blind, But on moral grounds also isn't it better to curb this corruption from root level rather then just cutting branch of trees????

vinay (accounting) (165 Points)
Replied 18 February 2012

Sincere attempt has been made to justify that faking rental receipt or rental agreement is not an offence in this contemporary world. I candidly say that, I oversee there are basic flaws in this justification. Supposingly, lets say you are ditched by your friend in the business and later your friend justifies that he ditched in smaller proportion as compared to others, if were they in his shoes. Do you accept his justification? So it is not about proportion, it is completely whether you evade(strictly offence) tax or not. Attributable to honesy and integrity of one's individual personality irrespective where he lives. First of all, this topic was not discussion on the corrupt actions and inactions of politicians. Iam bit unhappy with my freind Ravishankar K for reason that he represents the Accounts Dept and he justifies and advises faking bills for tax exemption. Its like fence eating the crop. I give my understanding of unjust here:

  1. Why should corrupt politicians actions and inactions motivate you faking bills. Why do you want to associate yourself with those stinkers.
  2. Software engineer says he works day and night and has undergone too much difficulty in career life.  Does this entitle someone to fake receipts. You would need better honored treatment and yourself feel honored rather than treating yourself with these fake bills. Look at the personnel of Scientists and Defence, there working levels are too high and carry high stress, should that mean they are entitled for faking things and they should resort to such. If the defence resort to corruption for personal gain, only god should the country.
  3. You proudly claim that Indian is living on income tax paid by software professionals. When India is able to live on the tax amount that you pay, why are you not able to live on higher Income levels. Tax never exceeds your income by more than max of 30%. Why to make your livelihood out of tax evasion which is just 2-3K as you say.
  4. As you are suggesting, if the whole tax paying assesses involves in faking activity may be rent or otherwise, justifying to compare themselves to corrupt politicians earnings, I have no doubt that India will top Corruption rank list to #1 because whole india would be involved in corruption. I positively hope your justification should not be inducement to current generation.
  5. Today we have so much discussion, that whether faking rental bill is an offence or not. If at this level, there is so much discussion, it is no surprise that at the higher level, there was beyond enough discussion and finally effective Lokpal Bill did not pass through.
  6. When it comes to corrupt politicians, it is time for us stop talking stinking politics and politicians and convert our thoughts to actions by voting the right candidate. If we were to vote the right candidate, we have to have cleaner hands. Curbing corruption is one method frm top level and parallely at the seed level.
  7. It is for a person, that merely having Cognitive intelligence will not make him human being. He also has to have 1) Moral Intelligence 2) Social Intelligence 3) Emotional Intelligence and 4) Spiritual intelligence. All these were told long back in Vedas. Due to invasion it had curtailed. Even if you don’t gain spiritual and emotional intelligence, don’t lose ground of your moral and social intelligence. Honesty and integrity is the core value and attire of professionalism and not just what you wear and appear to others.

Thanks for your time.


Ramamurthy (associate) (21 Points)
Replied 23 February 2012


What action could my Employer take, if they find out that I have submitted Fake HRA Bills.

vinay (accounting) (165 Points)
Replied 24 February 2012


Delhi High Court has laid down that the employer can sack such employee.


Intel also fired employees for faking LTA bills. This Organisation has blend of commerce with morality.


It does not mean just because there is a penalty or losing job, one should avoid faking rent receipts. It is elementary that it is voluntary and always best you donot get offended . Now that you are acknowledging that you submitted fake receipts, you can request back your rent receipts submitted to your company and undergo the genuine tax which you are actually liable for. Yes it may be bit higher tax, but that evaded tax savings is actually black money of yours if you fake rental receipt. A Raja is known for corruption today and he should not be motivation for salaried class to fake rental receipt or otherwise.

Thank you.

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