How to be successful in Exams

Page no : 4

Dhaval K.Toprani (CA-IPCC Student) (1150 Points)
Replied 11 February 2011

This surely comes across as the best post in CCI...all expert opinions together!!!

CA Ravi Sisodia (CA,CS,CMA) (32226 Points)
Replied 11 February 2011

Thanks dear Dhaval , Sunil, Khushboo, Srihari, Rahul, Simranjeet for good gestures.

CA Ravi Sisodia (CA,CS,CMA) (32226 Points)
Replied 11 February 2011

 how  can we make batter presentation.    poor presentation is the problem of many students.



Writing an exam can be nerve wracking, and sometimes you may freeze up and go blank. Sometimes people have a fear of exams and find it truly difficult. You can manage to write an exam and get the grades you want. It is smart to prepare and remain calm during an exam so you can focus on the questions and stay on track.




1).  Start by making sure you are prepared to write your exam. Study in advance so you are not crunching all your study time the night before. Give yourself time to absorb all of the materials.



2).  Take in study materials one at a time. Study each part of the topic covered in segments and do not overwhelm yourself with information from different sections.



3).  Wake up early the day of the exam. Eat a healthy breakfast and take some time to breathe deeply. The more calm you remain, the more you will stay organized and focused during your exam.

4).  Go through each answer in the appropriate amount of time. Try to avoid feeling rushed by the clock. This rushed feeling will only make you get nervous and your answers will not come out the way you want them to.



5).  Ask any questions about the test format if you are unsure about anything on the exam. The instructors won't be able to give you answers on the test, but they can tell you if you are unclear on the instructions.

BALASUBRAMANYA B Npro badge (CCI STUDENT....) (44679 Points)
Replied 11 February 2011

How to clear CA exam in one-go!—Crisis situation is the KEY!

by  Mythreya    on  11 February 2010

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How to clear CA exam in one-go!—Crisis situation is the KEY!

Greetings students!

Many dream of becoming a CA but the fact that it takes many attempts to clear this exam, deters them from this course.

But success is simple. It is not complicated at all.

However, many give the run-of-the-mill advices as in:

Work hard/Study Hard


Be courageous

Concentrate on your studies

Don’t waste time

Read one reference book

Attend coaching classes

Take care of your health—Mental and physical

Pray God and seek Luck in exams




Yes, all these advices are good. You might have heard them again and again in your life starting from your school, why this course?

However, Mythreya has for you a different take on this matter of clearing exams. I’m not going to bore you with such staid advices. You may hit the search engine in this site or on Google or the like and get tones of such advices to “chew the cud”!

I use this particular concept of POSITIVE CRISIS CREATION in my life with 100% success! I’m a living proof, so I pen these words (rather type them out for you) with great conviction as to its success.






Creating a Positive Crisis-situation

 A student must create a “crisis-situation” to clear this exam. Most of the students are either lackadaisical in their efforts, or waste tremendous amounts of time and then end up dusting their study material and reference books in the nth second; also many students are also diffident and thus evade studying.

You must create a crisis-situation for completion of this exam else, squat can happen! Now, crisis-situation does not mean you tell yourself that “I’m going to die/commit suicide if I don’t clear this attempt”

No! This is most foolish. I’m not advising you to employ such extreme ruses. This is creating a Negative crisis situation.

Crisis-situation means creating what psychologists call –“Structural tension” in the brain needed to prime it, make it alert and work for you to achieve the goal.

You really have to be gung-ho and upbeat about the whole thing from day 1 till you finish your last exam in CA Final. If you slack anywhere in-between you miss the bus.

Look around you, how many students do you find have a “crisis-situation” to clear it in the relevant attempt and study really serious. Most start with a basic assumption that it’s not going to work or that time is not sufficient or that they can write next attempt.

This crisis-situation is called Death-Ground strategy in Military parlance. It is also referred to as crossing the Rubicon. "Crossing the Rubicon" is a popular idiom meaning to pass a point of no return. This phrase is often used by journalists in newspapers. It refers to Caesar's 49 BC crossing of the river, which was considered an act of war.

A sense of urgency comes from a powerful connection to the present. Instead of dreaming of a rescue or hoping for a better future, you have to face the issue at hand. Fail and you perish.

People who involve themselves completely in the immediate problem are intimidating. Because they are focusing so intensely, they seem more powerful than they are. Their sense of urgency multiplies their strength and gives them momentum.

...You must locate the root of your problem. It is not the people or events around you; it is yourself and the spirit with which you face the world. In the back of your mind you keep an escape route
- a crutch, something to turn to if things go bad. Maybe it is the lure of writing next attempt, maybe the lure of writing just one Group and planning to clear easily; maybe it is some grand opportunity on the horizon in some other course/career, the endless vistas of time and opportunities that seem to be before you. Maybe it is a familiar job or a comfortable relationship or escape into spirituality (and Law of Karma), that is always there if you fail...You may see this as a blessing, but in fact, it is a curse. It divides you. Because you think you have options you never involve yourself completely enough in one thing to do it thoroughly, and you never quite get what you want. Sometimes you need to...leave yourself just one option: Succeed or go down. Make it as real as possible. Get rid of your safety net. Sometimes you have to become a little desperate to get anywhere! And this is a kind of positive selfishness and don’t side with naysayers who don’t agree with being aggressive (with yourself first) to get success.

...Over two thousand years ago, the Chinese strategist Sun Tzu...talked of a 'death ground', a place where an army is backed up against some geographical feature...and has no escape route. Without a way to retreat, Sun Tzu argued, an army fights with double or triple the spirit it would have on open terrain because death is viscerally present. Sun Tzu advocated deliberately stationing soldiers on death ground to give them the desperate edge that makes men fight like the devil. That is what Hernán Cortés did in Mexico, and it is the only sure way to create a real fire in the belly.

The world is ruled by necessity. People change their behavior only if they have to. They will feel urgency only if their lives depend on it. Death ground is a psychological phenomenon that goes well beyond the battlefield. It is any set of circumstances in which you feel enclosed and without options. There is very real pressure at your back and you cannot retreat. Time is running out. Failure, a form of psychic death, is staring you in the face. You must act, or suffer the consequences.

The trick is to use this effect deliberately from time to time, to practice it on yourself as a kind of wake up call.

Do what it takes to create a crisis-situation. Announce to near and dear ones that you are planning to clear your CA this attempt, write on your walls some inspirational message (anything is fine here and need not always be the standard “I’m getting a rank in CA” or” I’m clearing the CA exam this attempt”).Do not think of consequences of what might happen when people see you fail in the exam. You can delegate that thinking later if you fail. First concentrate on creating this crisis (without getting emotionally attached, of course), then work your course in a planned strategic manner like a battle (an Army general will not start with the words, “Soldiers and comrades, let us analyze the possibility of you dying in the battle…” He says, “Go fight for your country! Do or die trying!”…This is the clarion call for the soldier not some soft-talk about consequences and negative possibilities.)

People who succeed have created a death-ground strategy either knowingly or for most cases unknowingly. In fact, many keep this as a secret lest people laugh at them. Also, most don’t know how to explain this to others. It is one thing that Sachin plays good cricket but it is entirely another thing for him to explain how he actually goes about hitting the shots technically, how he positions the ball in his mind, etc.

And yes like all rules this too might have an exception inasmuch as a student having no death-ground strategy, yet clearing the exam merely by luck or by a chance of positive events. However, if you lack pluck, you are going to heavily depend on luck and sometimes you will be in for rude surprises.

So, work out a positive crisis situation for yourself, dear students. And for those who don’t agree to this psychological concept, I have no arguments with them! Choice is yours.

Every other darned thing about success comes next.

Your wellwisher,




Student (CA and CS student) (315 Points)
Replied 12 February 2011

Thanks for sharing this insightful collection of valuable tips from mentors and friends...BOOKMARKED

CA Ravi Sisodia (CA,CS,CMA) (32226 Points)
Replied 12 February 2011


Originally posted by : Ammogh
Thanks for sharing this insightful collection of valuable tips from mentors and friends...BOOKMARKED

 Thanks for your gesture

CA Ravi Sisodia (CA,CS,CMA) (32226 Points)
Replied 12 February 2011


Originally posted by : Dhaval K.Toprani

This surely comes across as the best post in CCI...all expert opinions together!!!


Thanks for appreciation.

CA Ravi Sisodia (CA,CS,CMA) (32226 Points)
Replied 12 February 2011


Originally posted by : RADHEKRISHNA0001


 Welcome dear Radhekrishna.

CA Ravi Sisodia (CA,CS,CMA) (32226 Points)
Replied 12 February 2011

Originally posted by : Sunil Ahir

Thank you..Sir

Excellent Collection of Superb Work.



 welcome comment, thanks......

BALASUBRAMANYA B Npro badge (CCI STUDENT....) (44679 Points)
Replied 12 February 2011

Burn the three bridgesbouncing back to success from CA Failure!

There are many strategies to clear CA but once a failure comes it sort of depresses even the most confident, the most brilliant student. It is as if someone has branded him or her as Useless. This is a mere perception and for most part of it, the student himself/herself seeks such misery, loves such misery and keeps misery as a company.

Misery loves company...


Misery according to me is a tool. Yes, that is what this Mythreya says unto you:

Use misery as a tool!

Sorrow is a tool for sorting your thoughts out, to make you wiser. Without this boon of temporary failure, you will become a loser in life in not being able to taste what failure is and keep you humble.

Please read my earlier article (What to do when you fail a number of attempts-- https://www.caclubindia.com/articles/what-to-do-when-you-fail-an-attempt-or-a-number-of-attempts--4655.asp) on the subject (or join my community to read all my articles,updates and important forum postings in one place: https://www.caclubindia.com/community/crack-ca-exams-in-minimum-no-of-attempts-mythreya-2192.asp).

So what the hell can I do after I flunked (or left) this attempt? I feel sick inside and am putting up a great show for others convincing them that next attempt I would ace it all and get a super-rank.but deep inside I feel like even clearing seems a big ordeal...these thoughts keep revolving in one's psyche...

Mythreyas prescripttion: Matchstick (metaphorical) and a matchbox (metaphorical again)

These are the simple secrets which no one will tell you even if you pay a million bucks.For these are experential truths.So smart-up and read carefully what Im gonna say now...

Strike the match-stick onto the matchbox and burn these three bridges below and then success is assured. Trust me it looks simplistic but it works.Read this article with my other earlier articles,each carry lot of tips and advices for you all.

I have helped many a friend of mine by this simple lighting the matchstick and burning the three bridges to get CA success.

I use the term Matchstick and matchbox because they are the easiest means to set a thing on fire.You can alternatively produce fire by rubbing two Flintstones or using a magnifying glassliterally many ways to start a fire.

Matchstick is an idea and matchbox is your mind. When you keep mulling the idea which I say(as in burning the three bridges) suddenly a fire sprouts forth just akin to you hitting the matchstick onto the matchbox.

First Bridge to be burnt:

Burning the bridge of past standards:

There is a bridge which connects you to past standards. Anytime you sincerely want a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards. History chronicles the inspiring examples of people like Leonardo Da Vinci, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and many others who took the magnificiently powerful step of raising their standards mentally.

Write down all the things that you dont like about yourself or your life or even as specific about your preparation (the way you are preparing).Things you no longer want to tolerate.

Then write down the opposite listthings you wanna become.that which you aspire. Demand yourself of this.

The same power which was available to the great people mentioned above is available to you by even this simple step.if you have the courage to claim it, i.e

Changing an organization, company, country, world, etcbegins with the simple singular step of changing yourself.

You need not change the worldbut you can change YOURSELF and create a new life for yourself and this begins by lighting the first matchstick in your mind-match-box and then lighting up the bridge which connects you to your old standards.

Create a new standard to adhere by in terms of preparation, coverage of syllabus, etc.

Seek inspiring ideals. Students who have cleared with a rank, students who cleared the exam with amazing stories,etc. Dont approach them with stupid jealousies which many morons possess, for successful people(Jealousy is a direct indicator of how much worth you have for yourself inside you) are people who get inspired not jealous! Many get easily jealous of such successful people and try to find fault with them Aaaw! He (or she) was luckyplain lucky.ICAI has conspired against me else I would have cleared and he (or she) would have failedICAI correction is really erratic else how  can he/she clear the examthis is stupid!by all such comments (even if made in the mind) fools no one except yourself.ultimately the person who is stupid is the person who makes such comments.

Cauterize these jealousies for they connect you to your old standards of living (mentally).Be open and be appreciative.

CA is not merely a course for dusting books, reading and clearing the exams. It gives life-experiences. Failure is one such life-experience but the greater experience is the learning curve after failure and how you cope with it and rise like the proverbial Phoenix from the ashes.

Like Obama maybe I should say: YES YOU CAN!

Burning the bridge of Self-limiting beliefs:

Burning the bridge to past standards of thinking and mental-living is one thing but burning self-limiting beliefs is yet another thing. Both are related somewhat but there lies a difference.

A student might now have higher standards but then if he or she believes that he or she cannot do it or live upto the old standardswhat happens? Squat happens!

You have already sabotaged yourself the moment you think that you cannot meet them.

In all probability you wont even try!

Youll be lacking that sense of certainty which allows you to tap the deepest capacity thats within you even as you read these lines typed by me.

I type with all sincerity from the bottom of my heart that you should win! Please start now!

Our beliefs are like unquestioned commands, telling us how things are, whats possible, whats impossible, what we can do and can not do!

Yes! You can!

How much do you think Gandhi would have accomplished had he not believed with every fiber of his being in the power of non-violent opposition? It was the congruence of his beliefs which gave him access to his inner resources and enabled him to meet challenges which would have swayed a less committed man. Many would have loathed or guffawed at the idea Are you crazy? You wanna fight British non-violently? They will beat you black n blue.take care hahaha!

However, Gandhi was unfazed. This is because his empowered belief system made him believe that he could work his destiny and entwine it with that of India.

Empowering your belief systems in all ways possible is the second step and for this you need to burn the bridge of past beliefs (negative ones).

Yes You Can!

Finally comes the third step of burning your past strategy:

Einstein put the definition of insanity as Trying the same thing again and again yet expecting different results to come by!

Sometimes, trying the same thing albeit with a gap of time, helps... I dont deny this. Maybe this time a question did not come from the chapters you have read but next time it might be all from the chapters you have learnt.

So, one must use Einsteins definition with caution and temperance.

In order to keep your new raised standards and newly committed beliefs, you need to work out a new strategy.

This is the third step and when you have worked out the first two steps, then this step automatically comes to many students.

However, I still delineate this as a step.

The best strategy to change a strategy is to find a role-model who closely resembles you in your background and mental makeup and who has gotten the success. Learn how the person does it,what his/her core beliefs are, what was his knowledge-approach, etc.

Be open, be humble, be appreciative of the guys wisdom. Then adapt what he or she has mentioned to your life-situation and carefully chalk out a new strategy for yourself.

If you dont strategize for success then you plan to fail automatically as if by default, unless some happenstance comes in-between to create a serendipitous circumstance for you to get success.Dont believe in such illusory serendipity.

Will you be able to strategize anew then?


Will you be able to follow these simple burning procedures I have given above?


Let us Indians unite like this and burn all such greater bridges which tie our country with failures. This is my ultimate dream. We, Indians CAN do it.

Make a start today, however, with something as simple as a CA Failure and


Best wishes,


BALASUBRAMANYA B Npro badge (CCI STUDENT....) (44679 Points)
Replied 12 February 2011

What to do when you fail an attempt or a number of attempts?

The popular advices for this question are:

·         Sit and analyze where you have gone wrong

·         Revise more

·         Try a different strategy

·         Buy a better reference book

·         Attend different Coaching classes

The student does all or some of this and again fails! And again he or she is thrown into confusion. What the hell is happening in my life? He or She promptly enters into depression (some even think of suicide), his or her self-esteem takes a beating. Anything can take a beating but never your self-esteem. It is the real wealth and the only wealth you have. All concepts and precepts of religion and morality, success and failure, love and hatred is formed from this. Don’t lose this self-esteem at any cost. We Indians had (and still have to some extent) a tendency to lose our self-esteem at the first given chance. We wait for leaders, inspirers, Gandhis to come and lead us but little do we do an inner-think about ourselves and where we stand.

So let me dissect each of these popular advices to pieces.

“Sit and analyze where you have gone wrong”---It’s easy to say this by people who have cleared the exam or who are not in your shoes. You plain would not do such a thing. Your mind resists the idea of you having to do a post-mortem of the paper which you failed. Mind seeks pleasure always and an undisciplined mind seeks easy pleasure as it cannot stand denial of self-gratification. So sitting and analyzing and being self-judgmental requires a strong mind. If you have a really strong mind (don’t fool yourself, stand before the mirror and look whether you can face yourself) then you can go ahead with the post-mortem work.

“Revise more”—Yes, this is some what of a better advice. But this revision also has a strategy (Read my article on how to revise for success).Also, it is a bore to revise the same portions once enthusiastically read attempt after attempt. The student enters a kind of daze and yawns at the boredom of it all.

“Try a different strategy”—this is what I call a “Non-advice” advice. This looks like a good advice on the face of it but has no meaning. The person who is proffering this advice must be specific. What the heck is the meaning of “different strategy”? It is as good as saying to a person who says he/she is hungry, “Go eat food”. Doesn’t he/she know that?

Buying a better reference book or attending a coaching class is not a sure-shot remedy either. Many a reference book has been referred and many a failure has been encountered(and vice-versa also but the failed student always focuses on failure more and is ever-critical and bitter after his/her failure).The same is the case with Coaching centers.


So what do you do?

You have two options---

Option 1: Quit this whole farce called CA and lead a peaceful life elsewhere doing some other thing.

Option 2: Give the next attempt.

I’m not mentioning a 3rd more dangerous option: Suicide here as it is meaningless.

A sane student/human would go for the second option unless he or she feels that a mistake has really been committed by entering this course. In this context, it would not be out of place to mention that one must analyze one’s aptitude, intelligence level, enthusiasm, etc before taking up CA. And not blindly enter into this course and then later on spend good number years in Articleship and then finally leave this course in disillusionment. Can ICAI or your principal give back your youthful years?

Option 2 must be taken recourse after all this.



What most often weighs you down and brings you misery is the past, in the form of unnecessary attachments, repetitions of tired formulas, and the memory of old victories and defeats. You must consciously wage war against the past and force yourself to react in the present moment. Be ruthless on yourself; do not repeat the same tired methods. Sometimes you must force yourself to strike out in new directions, even if they involve risk. What you may lose in comfort and security, you will gain in surprise, making it harder for your inner failings to tell you what to do. Wage guerilla war on your mind, allowing no static lines of defense, no exposed citadels - make everything fluid and mobile.

If you want cut off friendships which are a burden on your time, change your residence, Change your reference books, Change your coaching centre, change whatever darned thing or things you need to change but CHANGE you must. I will not spoon-feed you here on what you need to do to keep yourself fluid and mobile. I’m just going to throw some hints and then you will be able to catch the whiff of it all. I’m showing a branch and the moon shines between the branch but I don’t show the moon(as it is not possible),I just show the branches and suddenly you have an eureka moment(which is special for you) and you say, “YES! I have found my moon” This is all a true teacher can do. This is all a true teacher should do. Unfortunately we have lot of spoon feeders and they make us weak.

This is an attitude of mind which you must develop to counteract failures. Being fluid is an art.


Learn to emotionally detach from the failure. Say to yourself some student has failed,its not me(even though you keep your marksheet before you!) and then start dissecting like a bio-lab dissector the failure. At the back of you mind, you had a cringing feeling you would not make it in costing yet kept a smiling face before friends cheating everyone, till the D-Day when the results came and you flopped in Costing and then joined the chorus of students who bashed ICAI for the poor results. You had some temporary relief. No doubt!.. but then the gnawing feeling is not over. You cannot cheat yourself, you did a great job cheating everyone around you but you fail before yourself.

So, you pounce on Costing during this calm stage, not as yourself but as analyzing some other student who had failed. It’s always easy to point out mistakes of someone else than to be truthful with oneself and face the music. You have to fool your mind (and mind is easily malleable and ductile! You can bend it to your will, you can fool it easily).You do the post-mortem work now. Anyone who starts with the postmortem work directly without proper mental preparation will not get proper results.And people who claim that they have the mental prowess to analyze their results unbiased are again fooling themselves.No one can really be totally unbiased unless they have a mental dissonance purposely created like this.

If your name is Anirban and you failed last attempt.You take your marksheet and say to yourself, "Why did Anirban1 fail? This is Anirban 2 asking this."Say this actually to your mind.This is not something stupid,this has scientific basis on the concept called cognitive dissonance created by Muller and they use precisely this technique to cure terminal failures in life.

This is at the end of these 2 stages—Fluidity first, then at the end of Calmness.To get the calmness you may meditate,or take a break or go for a vacation completely forgetting all this failure and CA or do something which totally distracts the mind from it temporarily(dont go and drink in the local pub to drown your sorrows in the booze! That is stupid!Its not gonna work!)

That’s about it! This method will make you slowly conquer ground and beat the failure and transmute it alchemically to success.Believe me,it works and has worked for soem of my friends.I helped them with it.

Always great things in life are either free or simple to attain. Everything else you know what to do. Buy new reference books, go to new coaching classes, etc these run-of-the-mill options which people dole out in general to those who fail, you can choose judiciously only after you have carefully destroyed your old weak self which made the mistakes in the first place. You now feel like a new student who starts afresh like a Phoenix which rises from ashes.

Clarity comes forth from simplicity, so un-clutter your life and be fluid and yet retain an unemotional calmness. CA exam is something man-made, so don’t get too worked up or emotional about it.

Then follow what your mind says as true and beneficial. Don’t be cowered by peer-pressure here. Always while in postmortem work take the counsel of one good/genuine friend who is interested in your welfare. Don’t let emotions cover your judgment in this as friends are the first people who will be jealous about your progress, rare is a good friend! And if you have a good friend, you are blessed.

Keep yourself inspired always. Let your room emanate the fragrance of self-confidence. Stick messages of confidence. Keep books of self-help in your vicinity, even if you don’t read them all, their vibrations help.

Keep yourself uncluttered and organized,bold and confident,rise like a thousand lions and elephants in strength.Dont cower down and die a daily death of a coward, live once and die once bravely!

Finally, after all this post-mortem work is done and you have identified problem areas: You immediately focus on resolving those areas. Don’t postpone this.

Then follow the advices I have given in my earlier(and future) articles, regarding revision, positive crisis situation (which should now be bereft of the burden of past failures),strategies to adopt for various subjects,etc. In my profile home page you will find a link to all my articles and postings in forum. Have a look at them all.Best is yet to come!

God Bless Ya!


Rajan Galhotra (auditor) (123 Points)
Replied 12 February 2011

Originally posted by : Dhaval K.Toprani

This surely comes across as the best post in CCI...all expert opinions together!!!

CA Ravi Sisodia (CA,CS,CMA) (32226 Points)
Replied 12 February 2011


[ Scorecard : 5252] 




Dear all,

Very happy to score all India 4th Rank and i owe a lot to CCI. So i have started a series of articles to help PCC/IPCC students in all subjects.This is the 1st of the lot.

.I thought of starting it with my favourite subject TAXATION. Bit of horror for some students but its a source of pleasure for me and i am immensly greatful to my teacher C.A Binay Bharti for this. I scored a cool 87 in Taxation and here is what i made out-



1.Notes are a strict requirement . Make a separate notebook and write down various section numbers along with its provision. It will be a boon for you at the time of revision coz you wont need to get back to the book at all.

2. It would be preferable if you can memorise the section numbers.No matter what people say but the truth is it boosts your score.But quote a section number only and only if you are 200% sure about it.Wrong section number can prove fatal to your answer.

3.Better not go for digging into too many questions at this level. Solve the scanner, institute's module and selected questions from a reference book (use Girish Ahuja or V.K Singhania's book).This will be more than enough.Scanner is a must.

4.Keep on revising the sections.Tax is a very slippery subect.Can slip from your mind as well as your marksheet anytime.So needs regular revision.Develop an interest , u will find the journey beautiful.

5.Use only institute's material for Indirect Tax part.Learn the theory word by word and just paste it in your answer sheets.Its very easy and scoring at the same time.

Answer sheet-


1.Start with theory answers.Hope your handwritings are legible .(Handwriting need not be beautiful but decent).You might get confused in practical part if you start with it coz of nervousness.So start with some theory till your nerves settle coz its a boiling hot exam environment. Try to present the answer point wise.

2.Stretching and Shrinking-Many times in theory answers we  dont have much to write but try and learn the trick to adjusting the answer according to the marks allotted. Suppose a question is for 4 marks having just a 2 line answer.The evaluator also knows this fact but even if you write only those two lines the  he might give you juyst 2 or 2.5 marks.So learn how to stretch and shrink an answer giving no scope to the evaluator.


1.Solve it neatly.Working notes must be clear - as clear as possible.No need of decoration but cleanliness is always preferred.

2.Try and solve 100 marks paper. The evaluator is in a completely different mindset when he sees a 100% solved answer sheet.Possibility of failing is almost washed away.


The practical questions designed by ICAI have high probability to make us fall into into trap. Its tricky and even the best of the best dont get 100% correct solution on most ocassions.

In Practical answers--if you have time then mention the provision along with the section number in working notes.It will work wonders. Even if your solution si 50% wrong your provisions can fetch you 90% marks.It works and it works wonders.Coz the teacher is assured that the students has the knowledge.

I did it in each of my answers.I was so scared of it working but we all have the result in front of us.So give it your best shot.Good luck.



CA Ravi Sisodia (CA,CS,CMA) (32226 Points)
Replied 12 February 2011


Originally posted by : Ammogh
Thanks for sharing this insightful collection of valuable tips from mentors and friends...BOOKMARKED


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