Calculation of capital gain tax on sale of shares

Sanket (individual) (25 Points)

09 March 2014  

I need a guidance on following scenario.

I have bought 100 shares of company 'X' in December 2013 at the rate of Rs. 100 .

I bough 100 more shares of company 'X' in Januraty 2014 at the rate of Rs. 110

I sold 100 shares of Company 'X' in February 2014 at the rate of Rs. 125. I am still holding on 100 shares of Company 'X'. For calculating short term tax, can I consider sale of shares aginst 100 shares bought in Januray 2014 at the rate if Rs. 110 or I must consider the sale against 100 shares bought in December 2013 at the rate of Rs.100?  Or Is it upto investor to consider sale of shares against any lot of availabe shares?