Ca vs cma/cwa - did i make a wrong choice?

Rhea (Student CA Final ) (633 Points)

01 September 2012  
Well hi. I have just gotten through both groups of IPCC and have started my articleship from a mid-sized firm.You'd say everything seems normal,but I'm really questioning my career related decisions right now.When I took up CA,I was just another confused and not-so-well-informed 17 year old.I got 92% in 12th std which wasn't enough for a top 5 college,so I decided not to join one.I did know about both CA and CWA(didn't have much idea of their job profiles though) but I just randomly chose CA cause it has always been more popular and more of a 'brand'.What a stupid reason,I know.Now that I have started to gain more knowledge about everything,I have realised that I don't really want to work with CA firms(and I never wanted to go for practice).I would like to work in the industry,but I also know that CMAs and MBA Fin. (full-time and from reputed institutes,ofcourse) are usually given way more preference in the industry,right?I can do MBA but not full time,and I don't think I can do CWA after CA cause it requires one to undergo training of 3 years and it's just as demanding as CA,if not more.I feel really confused and lost.Yeah,I know that it's totally possible to have a good career in industry after CA,esp if you opt for industrial training,and that I should just focus on what I'm doing right now,but I just want re-evaluate my decisions once.I did make a horrible choice,right?